Zhang Yong helped Liu He, who vomited blood from time to time, to the black king's back again. Then he looked at the enemy who was more fierce than before. His face was not afraid at all, but more firm.

"Brother, today's World War I, regardless of our life or death, should be worthy of our name in history! If I had to meet my elder brother, I was afraid that I would have starved to death in the wilderness? Go first, little brother

After that, he took the rest of the golden sword camp with less than 3000 people and rode up to the front.

"Fourth brother Cough... "

Liu He suffered from colic in his abdomen and purple lips. He tried to stop Zhang Yong, but he was powerless. However, the pain in his heart was much more serious than that in his body.

He looked at the increasingly tragic situation before him, then pulled the reins and ran towards the camp behind him.

"Quick, give me the antidote!"

Liu he grabbed the military doctor who had treated him before.

"My Lord! The more the toxicity is suppressed, the more serious it will be when it breaks out again! My Lord, please go back to the camp and have a rest. Otherwise, when the toxicity breaks out again, your life will be... "

Liu He looked impatient: "don't say more, give it to me!"

"My Lord, you..."

The military doctor looked at Liu He, whose mouth was stained with blood. He was heartache and helpless. Finally, he took out several pills.

Before he handed it out, Liu he grabbed it and put it into his mouth.

"Good medicine!"

With a touch of blood on his mouth, he stepped onto the black king again and rushed to Zhang Yong for help.

Almost every general in the Anmin army has been wounded in many places.

A Xianbei general entangled Gao Shun for dozens of rounds. After all, Gao Shun's strength and physical strength were slightly inferior. He was slashed in the abdomen by the general, and his blood flowed like a flood.

"Ha ha, die!"

The general grinned grimly and held up his knife to chop it.

"General, be careful!"

One by one, sound and shadow rushed over and blocked in front of Gao Shun.


The big knife cuts the man directly, and a stream of blood blows on Gao Shun's face.

"Chu hung!"

Gao Shun saw the man's face, especially the striking scar on his face, and recognized his identity. He felt very sad.

Chu hung was directly cut in the chest by the big knife, but he did not shout out a "pain word", but his left hand suddenly seized the back of the knife.

The general tried to pull the sword out, but found that it couldn't be pulled for a moment.

"Damn Han people, die quickly!"

Chu hung suddenly laughed, his whole body blood, his face is as if soaked in blood in general, this smile, teeth exposed, so that the general only feel extremely ferocious terror.

"You die with me!"

Chu hung abruptly forced, and the big knife passed through his chest and passed through his back, which made the general of Hu get goose bumps all over.

"You You're crazy, you lunatic

Chu hung his right hand, picked up the spear, and rushed forward

"Die together!"

The spear pierced the general's chest, and the two men were strung together by two weapons and fell to the ground

"Chu hung!"

Gao Shun has always been known for his cold face, but his face is full of tears.

Among the Zijin dragon riders, Zhang Liao was besieged. At this time, dozens of Zijin dragon riders around him were completely lost. He was only left with scars everywhere.

"Hu Gou, I'll fight with you

"Ha ha, it's now!"

A Hun general saw the opportunity and shot at the gap.

"Poof..." Zhang Liao was stabbed in the shoulder, and a burst of pain made him nearly fall off his horse.

"It's not so easy to kill me Zhang Liao!"

He took hold of the gun's head, and with a sudden force, he broke the gun's head from the wooden barrel, and then cut it out with a sickle.


The Hun general couldn't dodge and was cut off his head with a knife.

"Who else?"

Zhang Liao's broadsword immediately made the Hu cavalry around him stagnant for a time.

"Don't be afraid of him. This Han Dynasty will be at the end of its tether, everyone!"

A Xianbei general yelled and attacked at the same time.

Zhang liaogang wanted to parry. A sharp pain on his shoulder made him unable to help but take a cool breath. The movement on his hand was a little slow.

As soon as those Hu cavalry saw that he was already dying, they were emboldened and rushed over.

"Wenyuan, I'll come too!"

Zhang Liao looked back, but Dai Le led his remaining hundreds of purple gold dragon riding, breaking through the obstacles to come to rescue.

"Brother Yunyu, be careful!"

A cold arrow suddenly shot from a distance, right in Dai Le's right chest, hit him off the horse's back."Brother Yunxuan..."

Zhang Liao forced back the enemy in front of him and rushed to rescue him.

"Where to go!"

Those Hu cavalry and a few small generals would not let him go, and soon surrounded him again.

Dai Le turned over and swept, cutting off the legs of two horses, and he himself was once again hit by a Hun general's axe, and his weapons were knocked off.

"The Anmin army will never be defeated..."

Dai Le, with a loud cry, knocked down a Hun general nearby, and held his neck with both hands.

"Cut him down, cough Cut him to death... "

The young general felt as if he had been strangled by a pair of iron tongs. He could not breathe for a moment and could only ask for help.

A long spear and a big knife fell on Dai Le's body. However, he did not change the smile on his face. He still held the young general's neck tightly until the other side completely died.


Zhang Liao looked at Dai Le, who was almost chopped into meat and mud. The tears in his eyes seemed to flow out at any time, but he finally restrained him.

"You and I will not die

As the encirclement became smaller and smaller, the ANP was constantly forced to shrink its formation.

I don't know who it is, and suddenly he says, "no clothes? He is in the same robe with his son. Wang Yu Xingshi, repair my spear. With the son

This sound, full of sadness, but also impassioned, attracted many officers and soldiers to sing.

"No clothes? He is in the same robe with his son. Wang Yu Xingshi, repair my spear. With the son

"No clothes? The same as the son. Wang Yu started his division and repaired my spear halberd. Work with your son

"No clothes? He wears clothes with his son. Wang Yu started his division and trained our armour soldiers. Go with your son

Groups of soldiers of the ANP, shouting these words, jumped at the enemy in front of them.

King XiuTu and Fu Luohan were looking at all these things on the periphery, and they were in full bloom.

"The Han army is about to be finished. This Han Army, which used to frighten me on the grassland, is finally over now. Ha ha!"

They looked at each other and laughed at each other, and their happiness was beyond words.

Thinking that the overall situation was settled, they went back to the huge stone and called out the Han emissary.

"Hum, now that the overall situation has been decided, I think that Liu He is really poisoned. Before that, he vomited blood again. It seems that Zunshi did not deceive us."

King XiuTu untied the rope, but he didn't mean to apologize.

Although the Han envoys were angry in their hearts, they did not dare to attack again.

"It's good that the king knows. I won't care about the misunderstanding before. As long as you and I still

At this time, Fu Luohan suddenly called out: "what's going on? Look over there!"

XiuTu Wang Wenyan also followed the direction of Fu Luohan's fingers and looked in the past, and then his smile suddenly froze.

"What's the matter! Why does the army of nadinghara cross the river now? "

They looked at the emissary angrily: "didn't he say that when the war is over, he will come and hand over the invitation and books with us, and then clean up the battlefield? You must give us an explanation of why he suddenly sent out troops now! "

Looking at the two angry men, and seeing that more than half of the army has crossed the Yellow River, this messenger is also ready to cry without tears.

"This I really don't know! Why don't you let me go and explain with Ding Zhishi? "

"Explain a fart, it is clear that you Han people deceive us, we should be killed!"

King XiuTu was furious. He took out his sword and cut the messenger with a knife.

"Damn it! It's disgusting that Ding Yuan came out to pick up a bargain at this time! "

"Well, what's the use of saying this now? Let's go out and intercept the whole army as soon as possible."

Once again they went down the boulder and out of the valley.

Liu he had also noticed the army several miles away. He did not understand where the army came from. He could not see the faces of Ding Yuan and Cui Jun from such a distance. However, seeing that they were wearing Han style armor, he thought about it and drove the black king to run over.

"Mr. governor, it's my Lord who is here!"

Cui Junxi said.

Ding Yuan said with a smile: "good! Today, we will try our best to drive these dogs out of the big men! "

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