On the morning of the second day, after eating some dry food, Liu He picked dozens of herbs of various kinds, and almost took half of the mature herbs from the two medicine nurseries.

Liu He carefully wrapped up the herbs with a few pieces of rags. The three people held them in their arms and went to the county town together.

It's more than 20 Li from Huangshui township to langdiao County, and part of it is a mountain road. The three people walk and stop along the way, sometimes telling stories by Liu He, sometimes stopping to exchange martial arts skills. Until noon, they arrived at the gate of langdiao county.

According to Liu Qian's account, the three men turned East and West, and finally found a large-scale pharmacy named huai'antang in the north of the city.

Liu Qian said that he had sold herbs dozens of times in langtiao County, and had changed seven or eight pharmacies, and this one was the most reliable.

Each of the three teenagers, with a bag of herbs in their arms, walked into Huai'an hall. A gentle middle-aged man behind the counter met him.

"I don't know if you want to fill the prescription or..."

The man thought that the three were here to fill the medicine, but when he got close, he smelled a smell of herbs, so he didn't go on talking.

Liu He put his bag on a table and arched his hand at the middle-aged man.

"Excuse me, but is manager Xu in the shop?"

This manager Xu is the one that Liu Qian came to sell herbs for several times. Before they went out, Liu Qianqian urged him to find him.

The middle-aged man was stunned at first, then bowed his hands and said, "I'm Xu. I'm the shopkeeper of this drugstore."

Liu he was very glad to see that this man was gentle and polite, and he was really similar to his father. He was relieved and quickly indicated his identity and intention.

Shopkeeper Xu's face was beaming with joy. He took a look at the cloth bag in the hands of the three people and quickly led them to the backyard of the drugstore to prevent people from having too many eyes. Then he opened the bag.

"Hiss What a lot you brought this time. I've been a drugstore manager for many years, and few of you have received so many herbs at one time. "

But the old man is the best. Of course, he knows that there is no need to worry about this kind of thing, otherwise it will only arouse the suspicion of the guests.

Shopkeeper Xu took many herbs in his palm one by one, or looked at them, smelled them or tasted them.

"Angelica sinensis, Panax notoginseng, Gastrodia elata, Chuanxiong..."

It took two quarters of an hour for manager Xu to complete the appreciation.

"Ha ha, it's not bad. These 17 kinds of medicinal materials are the same as those your father used to bring, and they are of excellent quality. Moreover, the types and quantity of this time are several times more than those brought by your father every time. He hasn't been here for months. I'm worried if you've found another pharmacy. It's rare that you have such a good supply of herbs. "

After listening to manager Xu's words, the three men were very happy. They did not find the wrong person.

"Can you ask manager Xu, how much are these herbs worth?"

This is what Liu He and others are most concerned about. No matter how beautiful it is, it's useless to make money.

Manager Xu took out the plan and allocated it for half a day.

"According to the price fixed by my father and I, the total cost of these herbs should be 94700 yuan. However, since this year, there are more bandits than in previous years, and there are also many injured and injured people. The price of herbs has increased. Even if you have 100000 yuan, what do you think? "

Liu he was very satisfied with the price. Moreover, shopkeeper Xu could take the initiative to inform them of the rise in the price of herbs. It can be seen that he was an honest man and trustworthy, so he agreed immediately.

Manager Xu looked at Liu he so cheerful, coupled with this transaction volume is not small, in the heart of Liu He also looked high.

"But 100000 yuan is not a small sum, and the shop can't make it up for the time being. Well, I sent someone to report to my employer and ordered people to collect coins from another branch in the city and two medical centers. I'd like to trouble you three. Later, I'll ask people to bring some fruits to entertain the guests. "

Liu he quickly got up to thank him.

"You are welcome, manager Xu. We have been waiting here."

After shopkeeper Xu left, soon a shop assistant brought some fruit plates.

Zhu ye came to the county many times, and Liu he had a lot of experience in his previous life. Only Zhang Yong, looking east and West, picked up the fruit cakes in the fruit tray and stared at it for a long time, but he did not dare to speak.

"That Young master, can I eat this food? "

Liu he hasn't spoken yet. Zhu ye can't look down.

"Hi, come here. I'll teach you how to eat it!"

After that, he took a peach from the fruit plate, put it directly into his mouth and bit it off. It was really fresh and juicy, and delicious. Zhang Yong was also salivating. He quickly picked up one and ate it.

"Wow, it's so delicious!"

Zhang Yong, who was born in a family, has some disasters, even if he has enough to eat. Fruit cake is a luxury. Now he has tasted delicious food for the first time, and he is so excited that he can't stop.

"Young master, you can eat it too. It's so delicious!"

"Yes, big brother, don't mention it. Anyway, it's free. If you don't eat it, you don't eat it for free."They vied to pass the fruit to Liu He. Liu He took one and ate a few mouthfuls. He found that the ancient fruit was small and tasted much worse than that of previous generations.

"I don't know whether the system will be upgraded or not. If you can cultivate fruits from previous generations, you can make a fortune by selling fruits alone."

While eating, Liu he thought about these messy things.

After waiting for half an hour, they ate all the fruit plates and cakes, and then manager Xu came back.

There are four assistants behind manager Xu. They carry a wooden box together. They look very heavy. They are so tired that they turn red. When they get close to Liu He and others, they quickly put the wooden box on the stone table. They are relieved and gasping for breath.

Shopkeeper Xu opened the wooden box and saw a string of five baht coins neatly placed inside.

"It's a hundred thousand dollars. Do you want some?"

Both Zhu ye, Zhang Yong, or Liu He are the first to see such a lot of money. They are all a bit dazed for a moment. They don't come back to their senses until manager Xu gives a warning.

"Oh, you don't have to. My father appreciates the reputation of your shop. Of course, I can trust you. Now that the deal is over, the three of us are leaving! "

Then he gives Zhu ye a look. Zhu Ye understands. With his hands, he holds up the wooden box.

When manager Xu saw this, he was shocked.

"Oh, I'm so embarrassed. I didn't expect that the three were such young heroes. The wooden box has seven or eight hundred jin at least. It is so difficult for four of us to lift it together. I don't want you to be able to lift it alone! "

In fact, Zhu Ye is not relaxed. Although his military force is far stronger than that when he was 10 years old, it is still quite difficult to lift the seven or eight hundred jin box. At this time, he is just holding on with one breath.

But this is what Liu he said in advance, so that the shop owner can pay more attention to himself. Even if he changes the manager in the future, his successor should not dare to bully him.

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