"Enough, shut up! Dare to say one more word, believe it or not, someone will cut you first

Pan Yun, with some blood in his eyes, drew out his sword and pointed to Zhao Kui.

"The grand master has great achievements in the country and great virtues in the common people. Although Zhao is not talented, he can never watch the general slip and make a big mistake! What's more, even if your brother lost his arm, the LORD had already sent out a good farmland and house, and he had given enough money and food to support him. In the future, he could marry normally. Why be so impulsive? The general should not be angry with the Lord because his younger brother was injured. Even the Lord and General Zhu ye were almost killed in the fierce battle. It's lucky that your brother can save his life. How can you... "


Pan Yun completely lost his patience. With a wave of his sword, Zhao Kui felt only a chill in his neck, and saw all his hair slowly falling down.

"If you dare to say more, you will end up with your head and your hair, and you will not go out!"

"You You rude man! I have been ordered by my Lord to take the place of the county magistrate for the time being, and I will not allow you to act foolishly! "

Zhao Kui was so angry that his face turned red. He pointed to pan Yun and glared at him. However, the other party didn't pay any attention to him.

Pan Yun looked out of the house from time to time and complained: "Damn it, how can the thief rain not stop! If the rain doesn't stop, how can I get married! You can say that if you marry a Hu woman, you must pray to heaven and earth in front of the people of both Han and Hu, so that those women will have a greater chance of pregnancy. But Xiandi's body can't stand such weather, rain and snow. It's damned! Even God bullies our brother

Pan Yun was very angry for a moment, and with a sword, he split a corner of the table in front of him.


Knowing that he couldn't be persuaded, Zhao Kui shook his sleeves and rushed out of the door to try to appease the Xianbei people.

Although most of the Xianbei people only learned some of the simplest Chinese in a short time, Zhao Kui had been herding horses for the Xianbei people for many years, and naturally knew the Xianbei language. Many of the Xianbei people knew him, especially when he was friendly to others. He often went to the camp to teach and care about them. Therefore, these Xianbei people still trust him very much.

As soon as they saw him coming out, they all surrounded him.

"My Lord, please, let my daughter go. She is only 13 years old..."

"We have always been very secure, and we have never had any sense of resistance. Please talk to the military master. Don't embarrass my daughter. Please!"

"Yes, yes, I just learned how to weave. I can weave cloth for you Han people without rest every day. I just ask you to return my daughter to me..."

The parents and families of more than a dozen girls, and a few Xianbei people who came to help them, plead with Zhao Kui.

"Everybody, get up and talk about it first. Don't worry. My Lord has repeatedly reiterated that it is absolutely forbidden to rob civilian women. This general is just on the spur of the moment. When his anger subsides, he will return your daughter to you. "

When these Xianbei people heard him say so, many of them believed it, and their faces softened.

However, it was at this time that a voice came from the Xianbei crowd.

"Nonsense, don't believe him! The Han General said that he would take our girls to serve his brother's sleep, and that if he could not give birth to a son, all these girls would be killed! "

"That's right. They always bully us and never regard us as our own. Isn't it enough for us to be bullied and humiliated by those Han people on weekdays?"

"Don't believe him. Everyone rushes in and grabs back their children. The big deal is death. We Xianbei people are not afraid of death!"

Ordinary people in Xianbei are somewhat submissive and cowardly, but they are not completely bloodless.

At this time, with the agitation of these voices, and although Liu He has always emphasized the equality between Hu and Han, it is not so easy to really achieve this goal? In Qiangyin County, the status of the Han people is obviously higher than that of the Xianbei people. On weekdays, although the Han people are frightened by the authority of the government and dare not to bully the Xianbei people openly, they have been enslaved by the Xianbei people for many years, and even the hatred that their families have been killed has made many Han people secretly difficult for the Xianbei people.

These voices aroused the resentment that had been buried in the hearts of Xianbei people for a long time. Although most people chose to continue to endure, there were still a few Xianbei men who obviously did not intend to continue to endure.

They pushed aside the crowd and rushed directly to the county government.

"Get out of the way, we're going to get our daughter back!"

"You Han people have always looked down on us. Let's go and give our daughter back to us. We'll go back to the grassland!"

A group of guards at the gate of the county government directly stopped them. The long spears were shining with cold light, which made those impulsive Xianbei men seem to recover a little calm.

"Don't do this, everybody. You believe me! My Lord has already known about this, and he will certainly do justice to you... "

"Don't listen to him. The Han people clearly united to bully us. Before that, they looked down on us. This time I heard that even the last hundred thousand troops of Xianbei were defeated by them. You see, the eyes of the Han people looking at us these days are more scornful than before!""If we go on like this, all our daughters will be taken away by them to give birth to them, and our sons will be taken away by them to work as coolies. Before long, we will all die at the hands of the Han people!"

"We Xianbei people are blessed by the gods. What a beautiful scene we were once. They all wanted to be slaves to us. How can we be so cowardly now? Let's rush in with me!"

Inspired by the same voices, a group of Xianbei men were said to be red eyed and completely forget what kind of days they lived under the rule of their own Xianbei royal family. The glory of the Xianbei people, which had nothing to do with them, seems to have become their glory at the moment!

One by one Xianbei man rushed to me recklessly!

Zhao Kui hasn't ordered how to deal with it, but a voice of indignation and excitement began to spread among the Han people who were watching the crowd nearby.

"These hooves are ungrateful! They don't think about what days they lived before and what days they are living now. They are rich in clothing and food, and each of them is much stronger than half a year ago. Who gave them these days? It's all given by the Han people! "

"It's a group of guys who have been able to live a good life with the help and alms of our Han people. Now the generals of the Anmin army who have made great achievements have asked their women to be concubines. That's their blessing. They are really shameless!"

"Hu dogs are barbarians and uneducated. They dare to attack the county government. Let's teach them how powerful we Han people are."

"Protect Lord Zhao!"

After a few words, a large group of Han people, excited and swarming out, surrounded these Xianbei people. Those Xianbei men who attacked the county government were soon beaten and kicked by a group of Han men.

"Stop it, stop it! You've made a big mistake... "

Zhao Kui was in a hurry and rushed to separate those who were fighting. However, he was only an ordinary man, and he did not have the courage of Liu He and others. How could one person's strength play a role in the hundreds of thousands of people?

Zhao Kui was trying to pull apart a pair of Han and Xianbei people, but suddenly felt a pain in his arm.

He looked down, his arm did not know when was cut a blood hole!

"They even cut and wounded Lord Zhao!"

"Lord Zhao is our benefactor. These hooligans are ungrateful. We will all go to avenge him!"

Zhao Kui's blood ignited the battlefield in an instant. Many Han people who were still hesitating to watch rushed over.

However, the Xianbei people who were kneeling at the gate of the county government were only 100 people. How could they fight against so many Han people's group fighting, let alone many women among them.

Before long, a shrill woman's cry spread all over the place.

I saw a Xianbei woman sitting on the ground, holding a Xianbei man in her arms, crying bitterly. The back of the Xianbei man's brain was constantly bleeding blood, and in a flash, the ground around him was dyed red.

"Agulu has been killed, and the Han people have killed our brothers!"

"Revenge for your brother!"

Under this, the anger of Xianbei people was completely ignited!

At this time, a burst of shouts of killing came from afar. When we looked back, it turned out that other Xianbei people from inside and outside the city also rushed to this side.

"Kill all the Chinese! Kill all the Han people

People on both sides of the city streets, finally launched a war!

Liu he managed to maintain the peace between the two ethnic groups for a period of time. It was like a thin piece of paper, which was completely pierced in an instant

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