In the previous group fights, most of them were fists and feet, so it was impossible to kill people in a short period of time.

But now we all picked up what we could find around us as weapons. After a while, many people were beaten to pieces.

At this moment, several more voices were heard from the crowd.

"I don't think that Liu He is a good man either. His generals and soldiers are so reckless that he doesn't come out to take charge of it. It's not clear that he even ordered it!"

"Yes, the Han people are more cunning than the wolves on the grassland. I can't believe them. How can this general use more than a dozen women? It must be Liu He. Other Han generals sent this man to take back my Xianbei girl and give them fun."

"That's right. Han people don't really think of us as their own people. They don't want to take advantage of us."

This one after another, broken continuous sound, impact on the hearts of all Xianbei people.

Naturally, their loyalty to Liu He and the Han people was far less than that of the Han people. After listening to these words, many people began to doubt Liu He.

"You How can you criticize my Lord so much? My lord treats you sincerely... "

Listening to these words, Zhao Kui was as anxious as an ant in a hot pot, howling repeatedly, trying to explain to Liu He.

"Well, that's good! If he really takes us as his own, he should stop his men from robbing our girls. "

"We should also give us food and winter clothes, and give us a better life than the Han people, so as to make up for the bullying that you Han people have done to us!"

"You fart! You Xianbei people have committed heinous crimes against us by burning, killing and robbing us. You even let us make up for you. You are really shameless

"Useless Han people, you are weak. You deserve to be beaten!"

"Mother, if you don't kill all your Xianbei dogs today, I won't be named Li!"


The common people of the two ethnic groups wrestled together again. Although Zhao Kui was worried, he had no way out.

At this time, a rapid sound of horse's hooves came from the south of the city.

"Stop it all!"

Everyone looked up one after another, but only a few figures came running like the wind. Before they could see the other side's appearance, the group of people closest to them suddenly felt a huge force in their hands, and pulled them away one by one who were still fighting.

"It's the Lord. The Lord and some generals are here!"

Zhao Kui saw the face of the visitor and was immediately overjoyed!

With such a cry, many people of the two ethnic groups also recognized Liu He and others.

Liu He and Guan Yu and his party immediately stood in the crowd and looked around with pride.

Liu He's stomach is surging and his head is dizzy. However, he knows that he can't fall down now. After taking several deep breaths, he can barely keep himself awake.

He was so angry that he called out with all his strength.

"Who dares to violate my ban and make trouble here! Don't go back

Liu He has high prestige in his daily life. Needless to say, he suddenly appeared and showed such anger. The people of the two ethnic groups, especially those Han people in the city, let go of their fighting opponents and retreated for a certain distance.

It seems that some of the people who are sitting up are also nervous.

"Why did he arrive so soon! This This is troublesome... "

He moved his body, as if to stand up and leave, but hesitated again and again, and finally sat down.

"Well, I'll see how you deal with it. Although pan Yun's move is reckless, there are many people in the people and the army who are responding to him. Is it so easy to resolve the hatred between the two races? If he doesn't deal with Pan Yun, it will be difficult to settle the matter today. If he does, he will only suppress it temporarily. People will feel that he is partial to the Hu people, and his resentment will be accumulated in his mind. In the future, he can only make a little use of it... "

This man has calculated all kinds of results in his mind, and he thinks that he is in a position to win today.

Liu He and others stood in the middle of the street and suppressed the whole scene in an instant. The original fight was a life and death battle, and the moment was quiet.

Pan Yun, at the gate of the county government, looks like dust.

"No, my lord arrived so soon. I'm in trouble..."

He looked back at the half done concubine ceremony, and his heart was horizontal.

"No matter what, it must be done today. Even if I am cut by a thousand knives, I will never look back!"

He took a few steps back to the county government, and then motioned to several soldiers to pull pan Xian and others away with him.

"General, the Lord is here. I can't help but see you..."

Although pan Yun was their commander-in-chief, Liu He, who was in charge of the battle, was still clearly divided.These soldiers directly left him, let go of those Xianbei girls, all ran out of the county government.

"I have seen the Lord!"

Liu He looked back and saw pan Yun and others in the county government. He was not angry at all.

"You get up first, show me pan Yun, don't let him leave half a step!"

When pan Yun hears the speech, his face is startled and grabs pan Xianhe, the nearest Xianbei girl.

"If things come to light, it's a big deal to die, but my pan family can't end it!"

Regardless of everything, he pulled two people and ran back.

"Go after them and catch them back anyway, or you won't have to come back to see me!"

"Here it is

Several soldiers saw that Liu he had such a big temper, where dare to stay more, without saying a word, they ran after him in the backyard.

Liu He with full of anger, swept around the two people.

"Who led the fight, stand up!"

No one of these people has ever seen Liu he so angry. Look at me and I look at you. They all hold their heads down and do not speak. No one is willing to stand up and admit it. One is shame, the other is fear.

Cheng Liang on one side glared at his eyes and yelled: "my elder brother, who brings the head, stands out by himself, so as not to implicate others! Our Anmin army's military orders are like a mountain. If we make mistakes, we will not be able to escape the responsibility. Don't try to avoid blaming the public. If you hide, you can do nothing! "

"Yes, it's understandable to be angry in the face of an accident. But if someone interferes with it and takes the opportunity to incite others to make trouble, hum, Guan's broadsword is not vegetarian!"

The more angry they are, the more silent the people below are. We ask ourselves. We all know that there is something wrong with Liu Taishou. It's just that the people are in a hurry for a moment, coupled with the stimulation of some people's words before, that has led to the present situation. Now that we come to accountability, we do not know who is taking the lead.

Just then, there was a voice in the crowd.

"Hey, that's nice. You are a Han official. Of course, your heart is toward the Han people. It's clearly the fault of your general, but now you come to blame us. It must be to blame your own subordinates. "

Many Xianbei people also agreed with him.

"Yes, we're just taking back our own daughter. What's wrong?"

"We are not guilty. We are all Chinese people who are unreasonable and bullying."

Cui Jun leaned to Liu He's ear and said a few words. Liu He looked at the direction of the source of the voice and nodded slightly.

"One thing is one thing. Pan Yun, for his own personal gain, forcibly robbed civilian women and violated the law and military discipline. After he is captured, he will be severely punished. However, it is also a big crime for you to fight against the ban of the Taishou without authorization! "

When this was said, many people were in a panic.

"But..." Liu He's voice changed.

"You are excusable, and some of them are deliberately provoked. Therefore, the prefect can not be investigated, but the instigators must be severely punished! If we don't find out these people today, no one can leave! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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