Zhang Yong didn't think much about him when he looked as usual.

"The 6.5 million stone grain and grass, together with the military grain originally produced every year and the taxes collected, are enough to expand our army to a larger scale than before. In particular, more than 126000 horses were captured this time, which is enough to enable our army to form an invincible and sweeping cavalry! "

As soon as Zhang Yong mentioned this, Guan Yu's face became more and more graceful.

"Oh! With so many horses and thousands of cavalry under my second brother, I'm afraid the size of the purple gold dragon is not to reach 50000. I'm good. Who are we afraid of with such a cavalry? It is more than enough to enter Luoyang! "

Cheng Liang shouts with his eyes shining.

"Third brother, don't talk nonsense Cough... "

As soon as Liu He spoke, Cheng Liang tightened his neck and kept silent.

At this time, Cui Jun said: "in theory, this is true, but it is easy to form cavalry, but it is extremely difficult to provide for them. If we really need 50000 cavalry, there is no problem for the people, but the horses will starve our army sooner or later. "

"Well, what the military adviser said is really a problem. What's your suggestion? "

"Back to the Lord, my subordinates thought that the purple gold dragon horse was still restored to 20000. Some of the rest of the horses were handed over to Mo Wende and Zhao Mingliang to be domesticated and bred on the grasslands of Wuyuan and Shuofang. The other part was divided into different batches and sold in commercial firms in exchange for money and fodder. Although our army is not short of money at the moment, it always needs to be in case. "

"As for the Han soldiers and the Jindao camp, they were expanded to 10000. However, the Northern Territory has been basically settled down. The targets of future operations are afraid to change. Naturally, the soldiers of Han Dynasty also need to be adjusted. This matter needs careful consideration by General Gao."

"God tiger riding and Thor riding have high requirements for soldiers, but they are not good at skills. Therefore, they only want to restore the original scale. And Shenji camp remains unchanged, maintaining 10000 people. "

"However, in addition, a group of soldiers must be recruited to guard the city in a relatively stable city. Now, except for the Jindao camp, the rest 20000 soldiers were taken away by Xu Huang and Xu Gongming, and the rest were scattered to defend the city. Most of them were elite soldiers. It was suggested that they should be transferred to Shuofang and Shangjun, while Dingxiang, Yanmen, Yunzhong and other places, with the exception of Yanmen pass, the rest of the soldiers were mixed into teams. "

"In this way, the total strength of our army will be about 105000 to 110000, and the consumption of equipment and food and grass will be completely within the acceptable range. Moreover, the number of young people who have been taken away will not affect the farming of the cities under our control."

Liu he held a hot water cup, covered his hands, listened to Cui Jun's suggestion and nodded frequently.

"The military master is very thoughtful, but there is nothing wrong with it. However, Heshan has a few ideas and is going to consult with you. "

"Sir, please say so."

"First of all, since this year, the commercial banks have been growing rapidly. Under the control of the city, business and tourism have flourished. Yanmen has a population of more than 400000, from less than 200000 before we came here. Moreover, refugees and small Xianbei tribes move in every day. Among the taxes to be collected this year, grain is not to be neglected. Coins alone should be no less than 100 million yuan. After the distribution of the profits of several commercial banks, we have nearly 100 million in our hands. "

"In this way, we are rich in money and food. If we sell another batch of horses, we will not only be able to build new weapons, but also accomplish something that my second brother and I have always wanted to do."

Cui Jun and others heard this, but Guan Yu was very happy.

"Brother, do you mean..."

Liu He looked at Guan Yu, and the two said in one voice: "equipped with heavy riding!"

One side of Cheng Liang's eyes brightened: "ha, the second brother's cavalry is equipped with heavy riding, that little brother my tiger also has to be treated in general."

Liu he said with a smile: "the third brother is making mischief again. The tiger is heavier, lighter and more flexible than its war horse. It needs to move from side to side and flash up and down. It's inconvenient to match armor

Cheng Liang some depressed appearance: "elder brother said so, pour also really so, alas, it is really hard life."

Cui Jun said with a smile: "the three generals need not be depressed. Master Pu, Fang and Xiao are becoming more and more skillful. Over time, they will not think of a solution. When they do, they will also be equipped with armour gear, which may be just around the corner. "

Cheng Liang just smile: "Hey, that's right."

Zhang Yong asked: "this is a heavy horse. My younger brother has also mentioned it in many military classics. If there are tens of thousands of heavy cavalry, once the charge is launched, it will be extremely powerful. If you cooperate with the bravery of the second brother, it is really an invincible weapon. It's just like this. It costs a lot to organize cavalry, and it is more picky about horses than before. Although our army has more money and food, it also has a lot of expenses. I don't know if we can afford the 20000 heavy cavalry

Now, I have discussed this matter with my army for three times. It takes about ten thousand men and me to build three heavy equipment. In addition, the daily maintenance of these equipment also needs a lot of expenses, and the care and domestication of these horses cost more money than other horses. In this way, we need to prepare at least two billion dollars for 20000 60000 heavy horses"My dear, this is to eat poor us!"

Cheng Liang has a big mouth.

"It's just a horse. In addition, the equipment of soldiers must be changed. Armor is easy, mainly weapons. I have discussed this matter with my second younger brother for many times in private. I have probably come to a conclusion. Second brother, you can tell me. "

Liu he was a little short of breath and took a sip of water in a hurry.

"Yes, big brother." Guan Yu took over the topic.

"The so-called cavalry force can be used for two purposes. The first is to attack the enemy's array with great prestige to deter the enemy's army. The second is to use flexible techniques to disrupt the enemy and carry out guerrilla operations. That's the first thing you need to be equipped to ride

"However, the full body armor of heavy cavalry is still very heavy, although the superb skills of three masters have made the armor of soldiers and horses reduce by about 30%, while the protection does not decrease but increases. In this way, if some weapons need to be moved flexibly, the combat effectiveness will be greatly affected, and the soldiers' arms will be sore soon after fighting. "

"In view of this, halberds, knives, hammers, axes, swords, etc. are not suitable for use. Only the long spear is more suitable. Lengthen the handle and head of the spear. When striking, keep the head of the spear forward. With the impact of the horses, many enemies will naturally be killed. "

At this time, Cheng Liang on one side interrupted: "ah, it's not right. No matter how long the spear is, it can only string together three or five enemy troops like barbecue. But once the spear is full of people, the soldiers must first throw the gun head backward and drag it on the ground to empty the barrel. This process is still laborious. Moreover, it is very dangerous to wait for the soldiers to be empty in front of them. "

"Ha ha, the third brother said it was a big trouble, but this problem has been solved now."

Guan Yu says with a smile that makes Cheng Liang curious.

"Oh? Tell me how to solve it. I'm not sure we can use it in the future

"The third brother is anxious. It's not difficult. It was inspired by those Huns this time. "

Hearing this, Zhang Yong suddenly said, "is it possible that Is that Hun's machete cavalry? "

Guan Yu clapped his hands and said with a smile: "the fourth brother is really smart. The Hun's machete will cut off the soldier's head when he passes by, and the machete will not stop. If he is equipped with strong equipment and heavy riding, he will rush forward for a while. At most, the soldier will change his machete from the right to the left, and let his arm rest a little. He does not need any other action, which is the best way to save physical strength. Moreover, our army's skill in making machetes is far better than that of the Huns. Once they are so well equipped, the fighting power of this cavalry is frightening enough! "

"Originally, horse script is the most suitable weapon. Its gun is extremely tough and hard to be hurt by knives and axes. Moreover, the horse script with eight armour piercing edges has the highest armor breaking ability in the world. After piercing the enemy, the horse's head is long and thin. After piercing the enemy, the horse's head can be pulled out of the enemy's body, and then it can be drawn out of the enemy's body and continue to attack. The most important thing is that if it is used in the hand of a man with strong physical strength and riding skills, it can use the strong elasticity of the gun shaft to directly bounce the enemy away, thus disrupting the formation of the enemy. It can be called the first weapon of heavy cavalry. It's just

Guan Yu said half of the time, Liu he continued: "it's just that the cost of making this horse script is very high. It takes at least 100000 to 200000 yuan to make a good horse script. The most important thing is that besides the three masters, Ma Shuo's gun shaft needs the cooperation of excellent carpenters, bamboo craftsmen and bamboo makers. The production cycle is extremely long, and it takes two years at the fastest It can be done above. Moreover, using this object as a weapon has higher requirements for the user's martial arts. Ordinary people are not competent and cannot be anxious for a moment. So I only asked the three masters to secretly prepare a small number of horse names for future use. At present, this heavy riding weapon is mainly a machete. "

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