Although they did not like the aristocratic family, they did not despise Liu He's three people, which was different from those of the powerful disciples they had met before. They just didn't understand Liu He's saying that he was a farmer in Huangshui village before.

Liu he laughed, and he practiced martial arts together to exterminate the mountain bandits. He was taken under the command of the county captain Wu. Then the three men came to the county to sell herbs and prepare to buy horses. They simply told them about it.

When talking about part of the link, Zhu ye also interrupted from time to time to make things more vivid. He heard the two people's faces constantly changing.

While they were having dinner, they listened to Liu He's story. It took them half an hour to finish. Later, Guan Yu and Cheng Liang couldn't help clapping and cheering.

After listening to Liu He's story, Guan Yu and Cheng Liang look at him in the eyes, and add some admiration.

"The three people are both intelligent and brave. At such a young age, they have already guarded the people and achieved such achievements. By comparison, we are really ashamed."

Liu he knew that the two people's hearts had already been collected by himself, especially Cheng Liang, who was expected to accept them. Liu He's heart beat faster when he thought of this.

"You don't have to be too modest. My younger brother, who was a descendant of the Han Dynasty, was lucky to have the protection of his ancestors. It is not worth mentioning. I think the martial arts skills of the two brothers are only superior to ours. Why don't you have a chance to make contributions? "

As soon as this word comes out, Guan Yu and Cheng Liang look startled.

"Liu Yingxiong is a Han clan?"

Seeing these two people's expressions, Liu He secretly admired Liu Bei's mantra. In this era, it is indeed quite attractive to ordinary people.

Without waiting for Liu He to reply, Zhang Yong said with some pride: "of course, the goods are genuine. My son is the direct descendant of Liu Jing, the eighth son of Emperor Guangwu. Over the past few years, we have repeatedly got the gift from the Royal ancestors in our dreams. We can only have more treasures, otherwise I am still farming at home now! "

Guan Yu Cheng Liang hears the speech, and quickly throws to Liu He the eye of proof.

Liu He waved his hand and said, "the family is in decline. It's not worth mentioning. It's not worth mentioning."

Listening to his tone, it is equivalent to admitting. Guan and Cheng are shocked.

"It turned out that after the royal family, I was rude! Liu Yingxiong's identity, ability and benevolence will surely make extraordinary achievements in the future, which should be the blessing of all living beings! "

Liu He looked at their sincere tone and knew that he could not be too modest.

"The two heroes are flattered. If there is a chance to govern one side, I will benefit the people and help the country. I will never fail to live up to the great gift of our ancestors. "

Several people talked about the methods of Liu He's daily martial arts practice. Guan Yu and Cheng Liang also participated in the discussion from time to time, which can be said to be quite fruitful.

When the meal was finished, the sun was gradually setting in the West. When Liu he saw that the time was almost right, he threw out the topic.

"I think the two heroes are outstanding in martial arts and loyal. They have been doing chores in this county for a long time. They are really a bit of a talent. Why not find an opportunity to join the army and serve the country? "

Guan Yu and Cheng Liang looked at each other, then sighed.

"Guan has a homicide case in his body. The government is afraid that he can't go there, and he can't stay here for a long time. I'm going to Jizhou first. If I can't, I'll go north to Youzhou to seek a life. "

This plan is in line with the original historical development line. If Liu he didn't cut Hu half the way here, Guan Yu would go to Youzhou and appear in Zhuo County, and meet Liu Bei and Zhang Fei.

Cheng Liang also has a general look. He drinks a bowl of tea and sighs.

"Well, although someone had long intended to join the army, he had worked as a pawn in Shouyang County for several months, but he didn't want to be deducted by his boss. He was angry, but instead of his theory, he was called by the dog officer to beat 20 army clubs, so he fled and came here. I have heard for a long time that Lord Wei Wu of that county is also a greedy and unjust man, so I have stopped thinking of joining the army. "

Zhu Ye is angry at this.

"It turns out that the man named Wu is not a good thing either. I only took him as a loyal man who knew the goods, and then I accepted the three of us into the army. Now it seems that he has taken advantage of my father. This soldier, it's better not to be a soldier! "

"It's not bad. It's better for us to be at home than to suffer from the dog official's cowardice."

Zhang Yong also echoed.

Liu He listened to two people's words, in the heart also has several.

Both of them have the ambition of serving the country, but they are unable to achieve it for various reasons. This is the best opportunity for them to accept.

Liu Hutton, ready to throw his own Assassin's mace.

"The loyalty of the two heroes is incomparable. It would be a pity if they were buried here. It's just that what some of you said is also reasonable. It's really not a good time to join the army. In my daily life, I can see the general situation of the world. How many people would like to listen to it

The four asked Liu He to come. The four of them know nothing about the general situation of the world. Now some people are willing to explain and enlighten them. Of course, they are happy to do so.Liu he drank a bowl of tea, moistened his voice, and then looked around. In addition to their table, there were only one bartender and a shopkeeper. There was no one else. Then he leaned forward, lowered his voice and came slowly.

"Today's emperor, eunuchs are highly valued, and they cause trouble to the court. However, the officials of various states, counties and counties are greedy and unrestrained. They have no love for the people. The local authorities are powerful and oppress the people and take their lives lightly. There are also natural disasters in successive years, and there are foreign invasion by Xiongnu and Xianbei in Bingzhou, so that the people are displaced and precarious. "

Speaking of this, the four people around him started unconsciously, especially Cheng Liang and Guan Yu.

"Now in Jizhou, there is a man named Zhang Jiao, who calls himself a great virtuous teacher. He founded the Taiping Road and treated diseases with Fushui and incantations. Under his command, there are hundreds of thousands of refugees from all walks of life. These refugees have much resentment against the imperial court, and this horn has such a force. It is said that it is preaching, but it is mostly bewitching words. I'm afraid there are other plans. "

"But now the imperial court is incompetent, the place is mediocre, and does not know this harm, then it will certainly lead to disaster. If the time is short, it will be three or five years, and if it is long, it will be six or seven years. If the poor people in the world will respond together, the Han Dynasty will be in chaos. "

Liu He's words, although the voice is very light, a few people close to listen to, but the words shock, so that the four face shock.

"Oh, young master, you have never been far away. How can you know such things so clearly?"

Zhang Yong looked at Liu He with surprise and admiration, but Liu he didn't explain. It can't be said that he came from 2000 years later. Is it recorded in the history books?

"Liu Yingxiong is really knowledgeable! When Cheng was in Jizhou, he really heard of this great virtuous teacher. He was really very powerful. "

Cheng Liang has the same expression.

Guan Yu narrowed his eyes, thought for a moment, and then asked, "brother Liu, does it mean that Zhang Jiao intends to plot the country so that the world will be in chaos?"

Liu He nodded his head and said, "yes, the common people in the world have been under pressure for a long time. If this person calls out, there will be more people who will respond. At that time, the imperial court will have to recruit troops to fight against it."

The four people were suddenly enlightened by his saying. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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