Liu he guessed what he wanted to ask.

"Brother Qingleng wants to know who made the best paper for some of the books, right?"

"That's right, brother Xianzhao

Huangfuhan seized Liu He's hands.

"Such a rare paper, even if it is used by the Imperial Palace, can not match. With these papers bound into books and transcribed and written, dozens of bamboo slips can be recorded in one book. It's really a great thing for the country and the people. It's really a great beauty for the country and the people. It's really necessary for Han to visit the great master of craftsmanship in person. "

Liu He looked at Huangfu Han with a sincere face, but his heart felt guilty.

The reason is very simple. Those dozens of books are all produced by the system, but they are not written by any master after making paper. It is impossible to tell him about it?

But this Huang Fu Han's face change, also let Liu he basically recognize this person.

However, some of the nerds who don't want to run for the sake of this bookworm, even if they don't want to run for their own sake.

It can be seen that although the character of this person is aloof and not very pleasant, he has a small mind and is not a bad person.

However, Liu he was doomed to let it fail.

"This Brother Qingleng can take the rest of the books and read them as long as you want. As for the master... "

"How about the master?" Huangfuhan grabs Liu He's hand and unconsciously uses his strength.

Although the skin of his hand was well preserved and smoother than Zhang Yu's, the more uncomfortable Liu He Kuo felt, he quickly pulled his hand back.

"That master is a rare genius in the world, and his skill is unparalleled in the world. What's more, he is indifferent to fame and wealth. He lives in seclusion in a deep mountain somewhere in Yanmen. He studies all kinds of skills all day long. Even I can hardly see it once. "

Liu He this is pure make up words, but let Huangfu cold repeatedly nod.

"It's not bad. If such a master had not such a mind, he would not have reached such a state of papermaking. It's admirable and admirable! Where does the master live in seclusion? Even if I wait at the foot of the mountain for a year and a half, I will see you again

"Er..." This Huangfu Han's persistent strength, let Liu He some unprepared.

"That The master hates being harassed by others. If you do, you will not only fail to see him, but will make him angry. Maybe when he is angry, a unique skill under study will be stranded. Isn't it great bad? "

"What brother Xianzhao said seems reasonable." Huang Fuhan looked disappointed.

"I think so. These books are enough for you to read for several months. During this period, he will find an opportunity to find out something about the master. If he wants to see you, I will inform you immediately. How about it?"

Huangfuhan was overjoyed at his speech.

"Oh, thank you so much, brother Xianzhao! Han duo has offended before. It's really a big sin. Please don't blame me! "

This guy was honest and said that he wanted to make amends, so he really gave himself a 90 degree bow, and Liu he had to pay back.

"Well, it's cold. Brother Qingleng, you'd better go back to the mansion and read a book. It's time for Liu to practice."

"Well, I'll leave."

Both sides parted ways, but Liu he had many ideas in his heart.

"Yes, why didn't I realize the power of papermaking before? If I can popularize paper books on a large scale, I can master the knowledge. At that time, all the scholars in the world will have to use them for me? All yuan's and Chen's family members have to stand aside. This is a powerful weapon to compete with aristocratic families for the right to speak in the world and the hearts of scholars. "

Huangfuhan was so noisy that Liu he realized that he had been sitting empty on Baoshan.

The vast majority of scholars in the world have taken refuge in such aristocratic families as yuan family for two reasons. One is knowledge, that is, books are in their hands. Second, the channels of becoming officials and promotion are also in their hands.

If Liu he wants to really fight all over the world in the future, the strength of this scholar must also be firmly grasped in his own hands. It is necessary not only for the army but also for the literati and scholars to fight, govern and stabilize the world. If you want to capture their hearts, you must grasp these two points in your own hands.

"Well I remember that there is a Book of "miracle works and materials" in the system. When I have accumulated enough points, I will quickly exchange them for research to see if there are records of papermaking, oh, and printing. If there's one, hey, I'm really rich. "

This idea has been lingering in Liu He's mind, making him lack of interest in this afternoon's practice.

Huang Fu Han was really a nerd. After he got those books, he buried himself in the stack of books every day. For at least more than a month, he had never seen him go out of the gate of the mansion. Liu he visited him several times in the middle of the way. But as soon as he saw that he was not coming to tell his master about the news, he immediately turned his head to continue reading and ignored himself, As time went by, Liu he was too lazy to see him again.Over the past month, everything has recovered. The people have begun to sow seeds. The fields and streets in the city have been fully busy.

The Anmin army's recruitment work has also received a very positive and enthusiastic response from the people.

Liu He and the Anmin army had a very high reputation. Since the pan Yun incident in Qiangyin County, this reputation has reached an unprecedented level. Especially for those Xianbei people who did not have much recognition of Liu He, their enthusiasm for learning Chinese was also greatly improved. Most of the Xianbei people had taken the names of the Han people, put on their costumes and abandoned their accounts Awning, moved into the house in the city.

The officials and garrison troops of Wuyuan, Shuofang, Yunzhong and Shangjun have all been in place, and many people and caravans have also rushed to the place, which has attracted more Xianbei small tribes to come and take refuge.

Especially after the opening of Hu City, just a few days ago, many Xianbei tribes came to trade with cattle, sheep, horses and all kinds of furs.

Some of the tribes, or some of them, stayed in the city after the transaction ended, or set up tents in specially designated areas outside the city, and obviously did not intend to leave.

The number of these Xianbei tribes is not large, and the total number is only 60000 or 70000. However, they also brought a large number of Han slaves, more than 40000. All of them were released to freedom in order to gain their right to live and trade in the Han nationality.

Most of them are young and middle-aged people who have survived under Xianbei's slavery. After discussion, Qian Li, Meng Jian, Shi Tao, Huo Qing and others decided to send them back to Yanmen.

First of all, a large number of people in Yanmen sold their property and returned to their hometown in Wuyuan, Shuofang, Shangjun and other places. A large number of houses and good farmland were vacated. Some of these properties were bought by other residents, and a large number were purchased by the government. At this time, they were leased to these people, so that they could take the harvest from farming or work in the future And the money you get will be paid back slowly.

Secondly, these people still have a strong fear and hatred for Xianbei. It is also a factor of instability for them to continue to live in the city where there are a large number of Xianbei people.

As a result, the number of Han people under Liu Hezhi reached 500000, and the number of Xianbei people was 167000.

As soon as Liu He's recruitment order was issued, many young and middle-aged people of Xianbei even came to join the army. Finally, after a series of screening, only 5000 people with good physique, reliable character and good command of Chinese were left to join the Anmin army.

As for the enthusiasm of the Han people, not to mention, there were more than 90000 young adults who came to apply for registration, accounting for almost half of the young Han people in six counties. However, in the end, the Anmin army only received about 40000 people. If all the 90000 were collected, not to mention the uneven quality of recruits, it would also affect the development of farming and various industries.

As a result, 45000 new recruits were recruited this time, which not only made up for the losses of the war, but also expanded the overall size of the ANP by nearly 10000 people compared with that before the war. Guan Yu and others selected the soldiers who needed to increase their troops one after another.

The rest of the recruits were assigned to Zhang Yong, who was responsible for training. After that, according to the results of the large-scale military competition of the whole army, the positions and functions of the army were changed.

By the eighth day of April, the training of the army was already in place, and most of the new equipment was in place. The new equipment of gaoshun's Han soldiers and Guan Yu's purple and gold dragon riding equipment, including heavy horse armor, had begun to be developed.

The Anmin army has grown rapidly, and its strength has surpassed that before the war. It seems that it is a certainty. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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