Soon, Liu he returned to the prefect's residence. As soon as he got to the gate, he suddenly stopped. Then he restrained his smile on his face, slowed down his pace and walked in step by step.

While walking, he complained: "who can it be? It's strange that I come from Luoyang. I don't have any old acquaintance in Luoyang. Even if Wei Cui Ting is coming, he should meet his military adviser. I am busy in military affairs. Who on earth is it? Won't this delay my time? "

The voice was introduced into the main hall. The man who was drinking tea suddenly became stiff and frowned.

Liu he stepped in and saw this man. Although he was middle-aged, his face was very clean. He had no beard. He was wearing a gorgeous robe. He was one of the ten constant attendants.

However, Liu he could not recognize it at the beginning, and could only pretend to be at a loss.

"I don't know if this gentleman is..."

Zhao Zhong didn't get up. He just raised his eyes and took a look at Liu He.

"I've heard for a long time that prefect Liu is young and promising, and I'm bound to be frivolous. When I see him today, I'm sure it's true. I dare to be so presumptuous in front of the old slave."

His voice was very sharp, and Liu He pretended to be surprised.

"Sir Is it from the palace

Zhao Zhong snorted from his nostrils: "you have some knowledge. The old slave's surname is Zhao and his name is loyal. He is a constant servant in the palace. "

Between his words, his look is very proud, a look of high above, let Liu He heart can not help some nausea.

"It's clear that they came to ask for help from me, but they are still playing tricks here. These yin-yang people are not in good health, but their mind is very lively."

Liu hid secretly make complaints about himself in his heart, but his face still made a respectful look.

"Ah, it turns out to be Zhongchang servant. Liu has lost his welcome. Please beg and forgive me!"

Zhao Zhong's face softened a little.

Liu he asked, "Liu asked himself that he had never been to Luoyang, nor had he had any contact with you. Moreover, now that his majesty has returned to heaven and the new emperor has ascended the throne, I do not know that you have not served in the palace, but you have a long way to go. Suddenly, you come here. But what can I tell you?"

Zhao Zhong seems to be a casual look, but also inclined to Liu He.

"Naturally, the old slave and Liu Taishou have never known each other. However, the old slave always knew that Liu Taishou was the pillar of the imperial court. Before the bones of the former Emperor were cold, some people planned to harm the country and harm the royal family. How could the old slave, who had received national favor for a long time, sit back and ignore it?"

"Ah, zhongchangshi said that, could it be that Is it that someone is attacking me, Liu he? "

Liu he seemed afraid and began to pace up and down the hall.

"Well, there are people in the court who have repeatedly been in trouble with me. I have known for a long time that the victory of Shuofang county last year led to the downfall of Xianbei and Xiongnu. Ding and I played in the imperial court respectively, and there has been no reply so far. I knew that there would be today, but I didn't expect What a surprise... "

Zhao Zhong was very satisfied with his response, and said with relief: "don't be alarmed. The ten constant servants, such as the old slaves, will never sit by and watch the traitors go astray. I came here just to save the governor. "

Liu He's face is full of excitement, like a drowning man, holding on to the last straw.

"If you can save the lives of Liu's family and all the brothers, but if you have a life, I will obey you."

Liu He gave Zhao Zhong a bow to the end, which seemed to be full of sincerity.

When Zhao Zhong saw this, he completely put down his airs. He just stood up and helped Liu he up with a smile on his face, even though the smile made Liu he feel disgusted.

"Well, why should the prefect do this. To tell you the truth, after the prefect broke the thief's horn, his majesty praised him highly. Originally, he wanted to take the post of captain of Sili, but he Jin and Yuan Kai and others envied the virtuous and jealous of their ability, which made the prefect exiled in the cold and bitter land in the North. After that, the Taishou made many military exploits. Among the royal families, he was a rare talent. His majesty had already entrusted him with future affairs. "

Liu he was surprised by his speech: "Oh? Do you mean that your majesty intends to leave Liu alone? This Is that serious? "

Zhao Zhong patted Liu He on the shoulder: "naturally, we are serious. We serve your majesty day and night. Are there any empty words? He Jin, Yuan Wei, Liu Yu and the prefect you were appointed to assist in the administration. They also appointed the prefect as the commander in charge of Si Li, general Zuo and Yu Hou. This is a great honor. "

Overjoyed, Liu he knelt down and kowtowed directly to the southwest.

"Minister Liu He, it is impossible to protect the former Emperor Hong En even if he dies!"

Zhao Zhong helped him up, and suddenly said with indignation: "I hate that he Jin and Yuan Kai were the only ones in the palace at that time. They even tampered with the imperial edict and kicked the prefect and the Lord Liu Yu out of the list of orphan ministers. Their hearts are really punishable!"

His face was full of resentment and regret. I don't know what kind of country he was.

Liu He is not ambiguous. His acting skills are very good. He looks like he hates his teeth and clenches his fist.

"Hateful, how dare you, two old thieves! I will kill it

Zhao Zhong looked at him and laughed at him. Then he immediately recovered his indignation."Well, more than that! They will also seize your military power, remove you and Liu Yu from office, and seal you and your brothers everywhere. They will teach you that they will never see you again! Just think about it. If you really teach them to succeed, once you lose your military power, you will not be able to be a rich man even if you want to rest in peace. "

At the end, he put his hand on his neck.

Liu he was immediately "scared" and knelt down directly.

"Please help me, great kindness, never forget it!"

Even Liu he couldn't help admiring himself for his smooth movements and superb expression and performance.

"Ouch, what is Liu Taishou doing? Please get up quickly."

Zhao Zhong held his orchid fingers in his hands and stretched out to support Liu He, which made Liu He's heart turn. He almost didn't vomit out. Fortunately, he still held back.

"The old slave came here thousands of miles away, just because he didn't want to see the country fall into the hands of treacherous officials, so he came to help the governor. The old slave has a plan. He can teach the prefect to take back the great power, and he can also make a great deal of malice

Zhao Zhong was sincere and moved Liu He.

"Zhong Chang Shi has a plan to save me. If I can succeed, from now on, Liu would like to follow the example of Zhong Chang Shi Ma!"

Zhao Zhong narrowed his eyes and felt that Liu he was young and knowledgeable. Although he led the army skillfully, he did not know the way to be an official in the imperial court at all. He was really good at cheating.

With a serious look on his face, he said: "the Taishou is in charge of 100000 troops. He has been fighting against the bandits in Taihang mountain all the year round, as well as the large armies of the Hu people, such as Xianbei and Xiongnu. The elite of this army is very few in the world. He Jin and Yuan Kai tampered with the imperial edict, which was extremely heinous. As long as the Taishou counted the charges of two people, and then launched a military Crusade, they demanded that the emperor should be established as the emperor. Our ten constant attendants contacted half of the imperial guards in the palace to meet them in the city. They would surely capture the old thief alive and determine the world in the first World War. At that time, the prefect will be the first meritorious official of the Han Dynasty, and he will be famous in history

The rise of Zhao Zhong's theory, however, Liu He has a look of doubt.

"It's just that his majesty has never set up a prince. At that time, he was the only one to accompany his majesty. It is also natural that he should be the crown prince. I'm afraid that we can't win the hearts of all the people in the world. If we start without a name, we'll have a bad war. Even if we win, we'll have endless troubles in the future. "

Zhao Zhongxiang smiles.

"What's the difficulty? Liu Taishou, wait a minute. What is this? "

He suddenly took out a roll of gold silk and silk from the cuff and handed it to Liu He in front of him.

"This is..."

Liu He took it curiously on his face and then took a look.

"This This is... "

Although the golden silk and silk are gorgeous, there are only a few words on it: carrying by heaven, Emperor Zhao. Then there was a large blank, but what really attracted Liu He's attention was a large seal on the lower left corner, which read eight words: to be ordered by heaven, to live Yongchang!

"National jade seal!"

Liu He's expression at the moment is simply shocked to the point that can't be added. Half of this is acting, the other half is from the heart. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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