Since the birth of a Liuhe, langdiao county has become increasingly prosperous, and more and more business and travel, which makes the mountain road in the east of langdiao County pass through Taihang Mountain, and the number of people who go there in recent years is also increasing.

This day, a donkey cart appeared on the mountain road. This donkey cart is very simple, that is, there is a board car behind the donkey, and a very crude ceiling is built on it, which can barely shelter the wind and rain.

A young man of coarse cloth was driving in front of him, while on the board car behind him was another young man, looking sadly at a roll of straw mat in front of him.

It is not accurate to say that it is a straw mat. There is a person or a corpse wrapped in the straw mat. The corpse was obviously dead for many days, pale and bloodless, with some black lips. It looked very gloomy under the mottled shadows of the trees on the mountain road.

The driver in front of him was not sad, but rather frightened. He looked back at the corpse from time to time and could not help shivering.

"Gong Childe, it's getting dark. We Why can't we stay in langdiao County for one night and then leave... "

The childe glared at him: "it's easy to say, let alone that we don't have much money. Even if we have enough money, we can't delay our time. My teacher, Mr. Le Yin, was implicated and killed because he had been a long history of Nao Miao. He was said to be a teacher and a father for life. As a disciple, I should take him back to his hometown of Anping in Jizhou and bury him. Although it's late autumn, it's hard to put the corpse for a long time. It's better to walk faster. "

"But But, childe, it's getting dark. We're holding such a corpse It's true that... "

The childe couldn't recognize the implication of his words, so he sighed.

"Don't worry, this is my mentor. Even if he turns into a ghost, will he harm you and me?"

He was just like that. A little servant who drove the car could say nothing. He could only bite his teeth and forcibly embolden himself and move slowly along the long mountain road.

"Gugu Gu Gu... "

The sky soon became dark. In the faint moonlight, there was no other movement except the sound of birds and insects and the wind blowing the leaves of grass. But the more so, the more frightening.

The attendant had been hanging his heart in his throat, and after a long walk, he was safe and at last, and his heart was slightly relieved.

However, at this juncture, a lot of torches lit up in the surrounding woods. Then a group of people jumped out of the trees on both sides and stopped the donkey cart.

"Ah Childe, there are ghosts, ghosts

The attendant screamed with his head in his arms.

But the young master was much more calm than he was. He looked around and patted his entourage on the shoulder.

"Don't panic. It's not a ghost. It's just a robbery."

The attendant looked through his fingers and found that they were all human beings, so he patted his chest.

"It's a human being. Hey, I'm scared. That's true."

The two men looked so happy that their noses were crooked.

"Boy, I'm afraid of ghosts, but I'm not afraid of grandfather, am I? I'll show you that I'm more fierce than ghosts! Give up all the valuable ones, or you will be chopped up and fed to the wolf! "

A fierce and strong man with a full face of Qiu Beard said fiercely with a big knife.

Seeing this, the retinue was somewhat alarmed.

"Young master, they are so many. We What shall we do... "

Childe glared: "it's really unpromising. I can't count on it at all."

He stepped out of the donkey cart himself and clasped his fist at the strong man with long beard and said: "this brave man, I'm from Anping, Jizhou. This time, he's not engaged in business, and the other is not travelling. He just wants to transport the remains of his mentor and return it to his hometown. He has no money on him. Please give me a hand."

"What a mess!"

The strong man was impatient and said, "I care what you do. In a word, if you give money, you can release it. If you don't, hum, leave your head!"

He forced himself to lift up a breath, and pulled out his sword from the donkey cart beside him, pointing to the front.

"Wait You don't want to be a fool! If I have a breath today, I will never teach you to destroy the body of my master! "

The strong man sarcastically said, "Oh, can you make a sword? Let's see how capable you are

After that, the strong man waved his hand, and a dozen mountain bandits rushed together.

"Oh, help..."

The attendant covered his head and went under the donkey's cart.

Although he was brave, he was young after all, and his sword technique was obviously just learned for a few years. His moves were very beautiful. However, he did not have any actual combat at first, and he was kicked to the ground by a group of mountain bandits in a short time.

"Tie it up for me!"

Soon, the leading movement was tied up firmly, and the attendant was pulled out from the bottom of the car and tied together."We don't have money. You can see what we like. Just take it and let me go. My teacher is very kind to me. I can't let him rest after his death. Please."

He was still begging for help, but the mountain bandits ignored him.

"What a bad teacher, a corpse, it's no use. As for the two of you, hum, they're pretty good-looking. Maybe it's worth thousands of dollars to sell it to a big family. "

Regardless of their entreaties, the strong man waved his hand.

"Burn the body to save your luck."

After listening to the move, he struggled hard.

"It's better to let go of my master!"

"Fuck you!" A mountain bandit directly kicked him over. However, despite the pain, he tried to climb towards the donkey cart.

"Hey, this boy is very filial. It's a pity that I'm not a good man, or I'll stay with you. It's good, ha ha!"

The strong man with Qiu beard laughed wildly, and dozens of mountain bandits around him all laughed with laughter. They were so angry that they were so angry that they started to crack their teeth.

Loyin's body was thrown to the ground. In the late autumn, there was not much else in the mountain forest, but hay and dead trees. The mountain bandits picked up a lot of them and piled them on his body.

The strong man with Qiu beard raised the torch and deliberately took the lead to the corpse.

"Hey, I'm going to burn it for you."

"No way..."

However, the more the mountain bandits saw him in pain, the more happy they were in their hearts. They all laughed at each other.

"Stop it! How dare you do evil in a certain house right now

A loud and angry voice suddenly came from the mountain forest, and then a large number of birds rose into the air, stirring up the originally quiet night sky.

"Who, who is talking!" The strong man with Qiu beard suddenly became alert and looked around with his knife.

In all directions, countless torches were getting closer and closer to this side, and then a tall figure was seen. He rode on the mountain road, but looked down on his face.

Seeing that the other side's formation was obviously better than his own, the strong man immediately felt guilty.

He said with a smile, "brother, are you..."

The rider did not speak, but a man beside him began to rage.

"Who are brothers with you? What kind of things are you? You dare to be brothers with my general!"

Even though he was angry in his heart, the situation was better than others, so he couldn't keep his head down.

"Well, I don't know what to call it?"

The man sneered and said, "you little mountain bandits, hum, even if I were your ancestors, I would be worthy of it."

"What, white wave army!"

These dozens of mountain bandits turned pale. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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