In the commander-in-chief camp of the Guandong army, all the princes came back from the outside one after another.

"Hey, the thief Dong couldn't help it. He didn't send any generals out of the city to challenge him any more. For four days, he just cowered in the pass and let us not come out. How can we beat him?"

Gongsun Zan slapped his sword full of blood on the desk.

Yuan Shu glanced at the princes and said, "one by one, they boasted about themselves before. At one time, they said that I affected the morale of the army. At the same time, they said that I delayed the grain supply and cutting. Now I haven't done anything. You can't attack them all."

"Well, you can say less."

Yuan Shao yelled at him impatiently, then turned to look at Cao Cao.

"What do you think, Mende, for the present?"

But Cao Cao didn't listen to him, but he kept staring at Liu He.

Yuan Shao saw that he did not reply, and called again.

"Well? Call me originally

Yuan Shao said angrily, "I ask you how our army should deploy now? We can't just keep on fighting like this. "

Cao Cao suddenly looked at Liu He.

"After only three years of wisdom and courage, Taishou Liu will almost completely eliminate the Xianbei disease that has plagued the Northern Territory for nearly 100 years. At this moment, he must have a clever plan. Cao is going to listen to his opinions."

Liu He raised his eyebrows and said in his heart, "Cao Cao has been exploring my real life intentionally or unintentionally these days. It seems that he has been staring at me. I have been dormant and silent these days. If I don't show any more, I'm afraid it's impossible to say. Anyway, the fifth younger brother's progress is smooth, and it's time to implement the next plan, so I'll push the boat along the river."

He gave the crowd a hug and a smile.

"He thought that the top priority was not how to attack, but how to defend?"

The crowd was stunned and then burst into laughter.

"Haha, defense? This is ridiculous. Is it that Dong thief dare to fight with us? If so, we will be able to gather a large army and wipe it out at one stroke. How can we defend it? "

"It is reasonable to publicize Taishou. I thought that Liu Taishou would have a high opinion, but I don't want to

Even Yuan Shao looked disappointed.

However, among the people, there are two people who look at Liu He with great interest. Naturally, they are Liu Bei and Cao Cao.

Cao Cao said: "you don't have to worry, and listen to Liu Taishou's words. It is not empty words to observe what he said."

He bowed to Liu He and asked him to continue.

"Since Meng de asked me, Nahe would say a few more words. I'm not as powerful as you. I haven't rushed to attack the city in front of me these days, but I haven't been idle. I've focused on another thing. "

Cao Cao asked, "Oh? What's the matter? "

Liu he didn't answer directly, but asked him, "did Cao Gong send someone to contact Lu Zhi and Zhu Ju?"

Cao Cao was stunned and replied, "that's nature. The two old generals hold the heavy troops of the imperial court, and have always been loyal to the Han Dynasty. Before we started our army, I made an appointment with Ben Chu to instigate them to join the alliance. With more than 100000 elite members of the imperial court, the chance of winning the battle against Dong Zhuo will be higher. Moreover, they were both in high positions and highly respected. Duke Lu, in particular, had a high reputation in the field of Confucian classics. It was also very beneficial to call on people from all over the world to seek common thieves. "

Liu he laughed and said, "what's the result?"

Cao Cao was asked for a moment of embarrassment: "I don't know why, the two old generals led the army, suddenly disappeared overnight, we sent several teams of messengers to look for it, but we have not found any trace, so naturally we have not contacted him."

As he said this, his eyes suddenly brightened.

"Is it that Can we find out where they are? "

This attracted the princes to look at Liu he one after another.

Liu He nodded: "yes, these days, Mr. Liu made many investigations and finally found out the whereabouts of the 130000 army. The place where they are stationed is not far away from us."

Yuan Shao was overjoyed when he heard the speech: "this is great. Where is the old general? Shao Dang went to see him in person. "

Cao Cao was the key to Liu He's speech.

"What does it have to do with the two old generals?" he said

"Naturally, there is a connection, because it is likely that the defenders in Hulao pass will attack our army later, but the two large armies."

Liu He's words aroused thousands of waves.

"How could it be? The two old generals have always been loyal to the country. How can they do that to help the tyrants

"Don't make alarmist remarks and fool xuanxu."

Liu Bei, who hardly spoke on one side, suddenly uttered a sentence: "what is the meaning of Liu Taishou Have the commanders of these two armies changed their hands? "

Liu He looked at him and then solemnly nodded his head.

"The magistrate of Liu County guessed well. That's right."

Everyone was surprised, but it seemed reasonable to think about it carefully.Cao Cao suddenly patted his thigh and said: "we should have thought of it. Dong bandit will send an imperial edict to the army and seize the military power of the two old generals. It's no wonder that Dong bandits are so fearless these days. They must have arranged these two armies to attack us from both sides of the north and the south. When our army was in a hurry to deal with it, more than 100000 troops from Hulao pass and even Luoyang City were killed suddenly, so that our army would surely be defeated! "

He said so, even Liu he immediately looked at him with a new look.

"This Cao Cao is really powerful. With just a few words, I can almost guess Dong Zhuo's plans so accurately. "

Yuan Shao also suddenly called out: "no wonder, not long ago, I found out that Niu Fu and Li Meng, two generals under Dong Zhuo's tent, had not appeared in the army for a long time. These two generals were Dong's trusted generals, and Niu Fu was his son-in-law. Somehow, he disappeared. He must have been sent to take over the military power of the two old generals."

After hearing the analysis of Yuan Shao and Cao Cao, all the princes were shocked.

"Oh, if so, our army will be in danger."

"We have to deal with it."

"What else can I do? In my opinion, it's better to retreat for a while, and we can discuss it later."

In such a case, some of the Allies had already been scared to retreat.

"All quiet!" Yuan Shao drinks to stop people's chaos, and then looks at Liu He.

"Since Liu Taishou has found out the place where they are stationed, I don't know where it is."

Liu he held out two fingers: "after the army of Duke Lu was taken over by the thieves of Dong, they camped in a river valley in the northwest of Yingchuan. But Zhu Gong's army was hidden in a dense mountain forest in the west of Hanoi County, on the other side of the Yellow River to the north of this place. It was less than a hundred miles away after crossing the river. "

Yuan Shao could not help but change his face: "what? It's only a day or two before we send troops to these two places. If we come here to attack, we can't defend ourselves. "

He bit his teeth and his face was firm.

"For today's plan, we must first attack the enemy first, and send troops to attack them in two places."

"Yes, what the leader said is exactly what I mean."

Liu he said: "the best policy is to attack instead of defending. As long as we eliminate or at least hold down these two armies, our army can attack Hulao pass with all our strength. But But there's a better way

Yuan Shao Yi Xi, busy asked: "Oh? I don't know what's the best way to do it? "

Liu he stretched out four fingers: "lead the snake out of the cave. Wouldn't it be better to take this opportunity to lead Dong to Hulao in person

Then, he looked at the princes and signaled that they would listen.

A group of princes suddenly surrounded into a group, Liu he whispered in their ears to say the strategy.

"Good! That's it! When he conquers Hulao pass in the future, Liu Taishou should record his first achievement. "

Yuan Shao immediately issued a military order. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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