But in one day, they came out of the valley.

"To all generals, my Lord is in this valley."

Liu Bei and others looked at the valley and suddenly looked puzzled.

"This place is very quiet and there is no sign of fierce fighting. Is Liu Taishou really here?"

Ma Teng was the first to ask questions.

"Yes, did you go the wrong way?"

Tao Qian and Kong Rong also asked.

At this time, Jiang Huan suddenly opened his mouth and said, "yes, this is indeed the place. Please see, there are hidden sentries on the mountain tops on both sides of the valley, and the voice of soldiers can be heard faintly in the valley."

They listened carefully.

"Well, yes, indeed, general Wude is careful. Is it that I am late, and the battle is over? "

Liu Bei thought for a moment, and suddenly his face became loose.

"Ha ha, you don't have to be suspicious. If you want to come to the Governor Liu, you must have some arrangements. I'll find out when I go in."

"Well, well, let's go."

Several people ran toward the mouth of the valley. When they arrived at the mouth of the valley, they suddenly saw a group of cavalry coming out of the valley.

The first one, a red gold armor helmet, golden, majestic.

"Ha ha, I'm very sorry for your coming here."

A few people look carefully, this person is not Liu He, who can it be?

Now they were completely confused. Only Liu Bei's eyes turned, and then he gave a knowing smile.

"Big brother, what's Liu he doing?"

Zhang Fei's loud voice was only slightly restrained in front of Liu Bei and Jiang Huan.

Liu Bei said with a smile: "it seems that Liu Taishou is far more forward-looking than we expected. This trip is right."

When the two sides met, Liu he repeatedly apologized.

"Liu Taishou, what's the matter with you? It's confusing us."

Kong Rong asked.

Liu He looked at the four princes, and especially stayed on Liu Bei's face for a while.

"This is Liu Mou's plan. Yuan Shao and other generations are bent on seeking personal gains, but not with them. Therefore, I hope you will not blame them for taking refuge here."

But Kong Rong and others got angry.

"Aren't you fooling around? The fierce battle in Hulao pass is in full swing, so you can avoid it yourself. Why did you ask for help and deceive me to come here? "

Ma Teng asked with some displeasure.

"Don't worry, brother Shou Cheng. Please go into the camp and speak first. I will explain the Central Plains committee one by one."

Ma Teng gave him a bad look, and then explained to the deputy general behind him.

"Wait outside the valley. If things change, attack the valley immediately."

What he said was so serious that he didn't mean to joke at all.

Liu he said with a smile, "brother Shou Cheng is really jealous of evil. OK, please leave the army outside the valley. If you have any illegal plans against you, you can come and attack."

Kong Rong and Tao Qian looked at each other, sighed, and gave the same explanation to the vice generals behind them.

"Lord Xuande, don't you have to go and explain it?"

Liu Bei arched his hand and said, "it's only four thousand troops to prepare for the alliance. After the war, there are only two thousand left. After the war, he borrowed three thousand elite soldiers from Bogui, and only five thousand men and horses. There is nothing to be explained. Just let the three younger brothers stay and take care of them."

Liu He nodded.

"In that case, please."

When night fell, Liu he entertained Kong Rong and others in the barracks. He drank delicious food and wine. It was late in the night that he dispersed and returned to the camp.

Liu He has already told several people of his plan one by one from Zhao Zhong, but in some words, he has replaced them with some more magnificent words.

Several people admired Liu Hutton, and repeatedly toasted him. The nearly 40000 troops outside the valley were temporarily handed over to commander in chief Liu He.

At this time, Liu he wrote a few words in his handsome tent, and then went outside the camp tent.

"Yunrang, you and gongze met Dong Zhuo at the beginning, and he has much trust in you. Now you will set out immediately and send this letter to Luoyang. You must hand it to Dong Zhuo. "

A figure took the letter and disappeared in the dark in an instant.

Liu He looked at the camp of Liu Bei, Ma Teng, Tao Qian and Kong Rong outside, and his eyes were shining with light.

"When asking for help from the allies, they didn't expect any reinforcements. What they did was to see which people were interested in the imperial court or me, so that they could be used by the allies, so that they would not be harmed by the implementation of the plan at that time. I didn't expect to catch Liu Bei. "

Liu He's eyes drifted to the camp where Liu Bei's three brothers were.

He also knew what Liu Bei wanted to say, but he did not take the initiative to ask.

"During the dinner party, Liu Bei stopped talking several times. It seems that he is now in a dilemma. Whether he is dedicated to public affairs, helping me to revive the foundation of the Han Dynasty, or to build his own achievements, he may be in a dilemma. However, if he can come to the league this time, he has already expressed his attitude. If I have the opportunity, I will promote him. However, looking at Jiang Huan behind him several times, he seemed more anxious than Liu Bei. Hey, let him think about it slowly. I don't need the three of him. Whether Liu Bei is a benevolent gentleman or a hypocritical one, hum, I'll tell you later. Even if you're a hypocrite, I'm not afraid you'll set off any storm in my hand. "He looked up at the sky above his head, and saw the stars twinkle and beautiful.

"This big net has been woven for such a long time. It's time to close the net. It's just a pity that Ding Yuan didn't expect me to stop for thousands of times. After all, he still couldn't escape this fate. Fortunately, the plan has progressed smoothly to the last moment. It doesn't matter if he is recruited by Dong Zhuo. In the end, it's not cheap for me? As for Lv Bu

Liu He broke off a branch of a pine tree nearby, and saw a small hole in the branch that was eaten by insects.

"Hum, a little caterpillar, how dare you? I see how you can read my palm. If the great event is to be accomplished, we have to get rid of one person first. Otherwise, he will be on guard against me day and night around Dong Zhuo, and I can't be sure that my plan will not be damaged... "

He threw the branch to the ground, stepped on it, and then turned back to his tent.

In the palace, Dong Zhuo looked at Liu He's letter, his face was first suspicious, then angry, and finally happy, the flesh on his face was smiling to a pile.

"Hahaha, Xianzhao's work is really successful."

He suddenly stood up: "I gave the order that the army should gather and wait for the day tomorrow night. At the end of the xianzhaohai period, he and the other two armies would attack each other. At that time, Yuan Shao and other younger generations would inevitably have a great disorder in the army. When he got to Zishi, more than 100000 troops in the city and Hulao pass would go out together to capture Yuan Shao, Cao Cao Cao and other thieves alive, and cut thousands of cuts to relieve my hatred!"

"The grand master can't!"

Dong Zhuo was in the mood when a voice suddenly called out, which made him very unhappy.

"Well? Wenyou, why do you obstruct me

Li Ru was very unhappy when he saw Dong Zhuo's face. In recent months, Dong Zhuo's trust in himself was not as good as before. However, after all, he was on the same ship with him, and he could not give up.

"Grand master, I think it's very strange. There may be fraud in it!"

Dong Zhuo heard this, his face began to appear a pair of anger, but it seems to deliberately suppress the appearance.

When Li Ru saw his expression like this, he suddenly felt puzzled. According to his expectation, Dong Zhuo was very impatient and immediately interrupted himself.

"What's the matter? Why don't you go on, I'm all ears. "

Dong Zhuo did not know why, in this speech, unexpectedly with a little chill.

Li Ru bit his teeth and decided to go on.

"Tell the grand master that this is the cooperation of Liu He and the two generals Niu and Li. Now only one of them has written, but no letter from Niu and Li. Isn't it suspicious?"

Dong Zhuo suddenly snorted and sat down on his couch.

"What do you think is the reason? Did the second general betray me

Listening to Dong Zhuo's words, Li Ru felt uncomfortable, but had to say it.

"Two generals will follow the grand master for half of his life, and general Niu is also the virtuous son-in-law of the grand master. Will there be any betrayal? The Confucian thought that Liu he was the only one who was responsible for all the reasons

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