
Yuan Shao angrily rebuked him and said, "Liu He, you are clever and deceiving us. You secretly seized the military power of Lu Zhi and Zhu Ji's two armies, but in return, they said that the battle was fierce, and there was less than 20000 left in the army. After that, he secretly crossed the old warehouse and attacked Luoyang by himself. He clearly wanted to be the second Dong thief! How can you be worthy of your Liu's ancestors

Liu He is not surprised at all, Yuan Shao's attitude is completely in his expectation.

"This is not true at first. Although Liu had been cheated, it was only a matter of urgency. It was inevitable that the plan would be disclosed. Now that Mengjin port, Hangu pass, Hulao pass and Luoyang City have been recovered, we should meet with your majesty and stabilize the people in the city. Then we will return to our jurisdiction and fulfill our duties. What is the reason why the public and other counter revolutionaries continue to build up troops to attack? Who in the end is obsessed with the desire for profit, who is trying to plot against it


Yuan Shao looked at Liu He with a bad face and was very angry in his heart.

"Alliance leader, what he said seems reasonable..."

The governor of Yuzhou said.

Yuan Shao glared at him, ignored and continued to shout at Liu He.

"It is necessary for us to follow you into the city, but we must lead our army to go with you, otherwise we can know that you will not harm us secretly?"

Liu he sighed, shook his head, and looked very heartbroken.

"Alas, the emperor is young and frightened. His majesty trusted me and ordered me to garrison troops inside and outside Luoyang City. However, he ordered that the Kwantung Army should not be allowed to enter the Hulao pass for half a step. Even if I believe you, I can't disobey the holy order."

"Pooh Yuan Shu stood up and spat at Liu He directly.

"Don't be so eloquent. I yuan's family was killed all over the country. How can you take all the credit for killing Dong Zhuo? If you are wise enough to get out of the pass quickly, you can plead guilty before you are bound to the princes, or you may be spared your life. Otherwise, the army will step down the tiger prison pass and kill all the men in your family, and the women will serve as an army... "


Ye Xiang was furious after Liu He, and aimed at Yuan Shu, he shot out with an arrow.

Even though the two sides were more than a hundred paces apart and it was so dark at night, ye Xiang's arrow still hit Yuan Shu's left shoulder and passed through his shoulder blade. Moreover, the arrow was so powerful that it directly took him off the horse and fell to the ground.

"Ah It's very painful. I'm also... "

Yuan Shu was rolling all over the ground. When he was so seriously injured, he soon fainted in pain.

Yuan Shao's face changed greatly, and he was rushed to be taken down to recuperate. Although he had been at odds with his half brother since he was a child, now the yuan clan has been destroyed, leaving him and Yuan Shu alone, as well as Yuan Yi, who is also one of the princes of the alliance. Even if he does not like each other any more, he will have to keep a heart for the time being in front of outsiders.

"Liu He Xiaoer, sneak attack, our allies and he do not share the same fate, kill!"

As soon as he called out, the army rushed up again. Even if there were still a few people who were suspicious, they had to be dragged down.

Ye Xiang was frightened by the result.

"At the end of the day, the general was very angry and broke the master's plan. Please punish him."

Liu He smiles and helps him up.

"Hehe, what's wrong with Yuanqing? Whether they are fighting or not, they are all in my plan. All right, clean up the army as soon as possible, and we will turn from attack to defense! "

Guan Yu and other generals were surprised.

"That's great. I don't like these bastards for a long time. It's better for me to rush out and fight for them."

Cheng Liang rushed down the tower with interest.

Yuan Shao in the rear, red eye command of the army, a fierce attack on Hulao pass.

"This pass has been attacked for many days, and it has already been broken. Sooner or later, Liu He's child dares to deceive me and vows to wriggle you out of my hatred."

His eyes were gloomy. He felt that he had been humiliated by Liu He. If he didn't kill Liu He, his anger would never be extinguished.

"I hate that Cao Cao, who has known me for many years, even betrayed me. After the capture of Luoyang, I, Yuan Shao, will never give up."

He thought of Liu He and Cao Cao. The more he thought about it, the more angry he became. Finally, he pulled out his sword and cut off a wooden stake beside him.

"Newspaper Report to the leader of the alliance, it seems that a lot of garrison troops have been withdrawn and the troops have been greatly reduced. I don't know why. "

The other princes had no longer looked down on Liu He any more. At this time, he was very suspicious when he heard this situation.

"Alliance leader, Liu He is full of scheming. Now when he withdraws the guards, there must be deceit."

Yuan Shao was full of anger, but where could he care?

"What lies? He must be aware that it is difficult for him to defend the pass. He has withdrawn the army and is ready to defend Luoyang City. Hum, break through the Hulao pass quickly and pursue it! "

"You can't do it, leader. How strong is Liu He's army? We all know that even if there is a decisive battle, our army's chances of winning are not high, let alone defending our attack? At this time, he has to take down the tower. We must guard against it. ""Yes, the leader can't be caught."

Yuan Shao gave them a very unpleasant look.

"In this case, you will stay behind to meet you. If you have a chance, you will take advantage of the situation to occupy Hulao pass. I will lead 100000 troops to pursue."

Although there are some traps, they will not damage the troops of these princes. Therefore, the public naturally have no opinion.

As they were preparing to go to reorganize the army, they suddenly heard a deafening sound outside. The horses neigh, the soldiers yelled to kill, and the ground shook. Even the water in the cup on the table in front of them was obviously shaken.

"What's going on?"

Yuan Shaozhen asked angrily.


A messenger came in.

"I'd like to report to the leader of the alliance that Liu He led his army to kill from the Hulao pass. The other side is very brave. Our army is really invincible..."


The princes turned pale and ran out one after another.

Sure enough, in the middle of the Hulao pass, a steady stream of troops rushed out, and the first one was the 20000 heavily armored cavalry who had made the princes turn pale.

These cavalry were so fierce and irresistible that they broke through the wooden fence of the Allied camp in an instant. Guan Yu was the first to take the lead. After several waves of the green dragon Yanyue sword, he took the horse out of the gate of the camp. From then on, 20000 cavalry marched in and made no progress. Under the machete, the Allied soldiers were killed as if they had been chopped melons and vegetables.

"Yuan Shao and other generations, disobeying the emperor's edict and plotting against the emperor, are here to attack. Those who surrender will not be killed!"

The soldiers of the Anmin army were shouting in unison. At first, they had no effect. However, under the strong lethality of Zijin Longqi, a small group of troops began to kneel down and surrender before long.

"Lord, this

The princes turned pale and looked at Yuan Shao.

Yuan Shao, after all, was the leader of the alliance and soon calmed down.

"Though they are fierce, they are not flexible enough to turn around. Quickly integrate the army. On the one hand, it will meet the cavalry, and on the other hand, it will encircle the cavalry from both wings. On the other hand, it will be used to attack the cavalry, and on the other hand, it will attack the Hulao pass and cut off its way back. "

"This All right

Although the princes didn't think it was a good plan, there was no way out for a while.

Sure enough, the cavalry led by Guan Yu did not turn around to block the tens of thousands of troops they had encircled from both wings. The princes could not help but be pleased.

However, Guan Yu and others are more happy than them.

Zhang Liao looked back at the Kwantung Army and couldn't help laughing and said, "these rats thought they would be able to rest in peace if they avoided our Zijin dragon riding? Hehe, which of the Han soldiers, the golden sword camp, the God tiger riding, the thunder god riding, and the Shenji camp? Let them taste the divine power of our Anmin army and see where there are thieves in the world who dare to fight against the Lord. "

The Kwantung Army soon succeeded in circling behind the Zijin dragon, and was preparing to encircle it. However, they were surprised to find a strange team standing in front of them.

This team can't see people, but there are only one "iron box" with shield covering the front, back, left and right as well as the top. The formation is very neat.

At first glance, the generals and soldiers of the Kwantung Army were very surprised, but when they saw that the other side was not moving at all, they soon withdrew their vigilance.

"Hum, how can a few iron boxes block our army? Come on, soldiers

They yelled at the iron boxes.

Seeing these boxes still did not move, the generals of the Kwantung Army began to laugh in their hearts.

"Let's make a mystery. Let's see how we can crush you."

The army soon rushed to the front of the iron box, nearly 20 or 30 steps away. When the Kwantung Army thought that victory was in sight, there was a sudden change!

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