Yang Biao and Cui lie look at each other and smile.

"Ha ha, Liu Taishou is really smart. Just looking at me, I guess that the person who wrote the letter to advise him was me. I admire him."

Yang Biao was not slow in speaking. He was somewhat similar to that of huangfuhan, but he was a bit more confident and dignified than huangfuhan. Obviously, he had been in a high position for more than ten years unconsciously.

Liu He respectfully said: "he is in a corner, and it is a great honor to be pitied and instructed by Yang Gong. If menggong doesn't give up, he Dang will come to your mansion in person in the future and ask for more advice."

During his speech, he checked Yang Biao's attributes, and others were ordinary. However, his intelligence was as high as 93, and his politics was as high as 91. In addition, he was familiar with the ways of officialdom. No wonder he could see Luoyang more thoroughly than Liu He.

Although Liu he didn't like these aristocratic families, he was polite to him and helped him. Of course, he should repay him.

Yang Biao listened to his words, but did not answer, just smile.

Cui lie continues to introduce the past with Liu He.

Just behind Yang Biao, there stood an old man with a haggard face, but his eyes were divine. He looked at Liu He's eyes, and he was very kind.

"This is the new situ, Wang Yun, the prince's teacher. After the death of emperor Xiaoling, the first emperor, he returned to Beijing from the post of governor of Yuzhou. After that, he stayed in Luoyang and was appointed as situ."

Wang Yun is an "old friend" of Liu He. Although he has never met, everyone is a fellow townsman of Taiyuan county. He and his nephew Wang Chen have a lot of grudges. After he cleaned up many powerful and powerful families, he only removed Wang Chen from the family crimes he played to the court because he wanted to make friends with the "beauty scheme" and "estrangement strategy" in the original history ”And killed Dong Zhuo's Wang situ.

Unexpectedly, Wang Yun won Wang Yun's respect for himself and made Wang Chen change his ways. This time, he helped Zhu Ye.

Thinking of this, Liu He also saluted Wang Yun respectfully.

"Liu he visited Wang situ."

Wang Yun stroked his beard and said with a smile: "don't be too polite. You and I are fellow countrymen. My little nephew Wang Chen is always under your feet. Otherwise, the muddy feet will be deeply trapped, and sooner or later, the family will be implicated, causing great difficulties. I should thank you."

"I don't dare. I'm flattered."

"If General Liu is free, he can come to my house and wait for him."

Thank you very much

After that, Cui lie continued to introduce them. Except for a few leaders of the aristocratic family who were dismissed or resigned voluntarily because of the party's imprisonment or because of their aversion to Dong Zhuo, the rest were prominent senior officials in the court.

Liu he glanced at these important officials, but he was puzzled.

It is reasonable to say that the number of important officials in the three auxiliary areas is far more than these. There are only forty or fifty people here. I'm afraid that there will be less than a fraction. What's more, there are so many family owners who are idle and have no official posts. If you count them all, I'm afraid there are at least hundreds or even nearly a thousand people.

But this doubt Liu he did not say in public, still one after another saluted these people in front of him.

After all this, Yang Biao spoke again.

"Well, we have delayed many heroes' time at the gate of the city. Now that Dong thief is captured, the danger of Luoyang will be solved. We should go to see your majesty immediately and tell us the happy event."

His proposal was immediately supported by all ministers.

Yang Biao looked at Liu He and said, "please welcome general Liu and all the heroes to meet the emperor with us."

After Liu He, Cui Jun, Guan Yu and other generals were excited.

Outside the palace gate, Yang Biao turned around.

"Please, General Liu, take Cui Jun, Guan Yu, Cheng Liang, Zhang Yong and Zhu ye, remove their weapons and follow me into the palace."

Liu he remembered the rules of the palace. When I rushed into the palace to ask for the imperial edict, I forgot this one and rushed in directly on horseback. The guards, eunuchs and even the little boy Xiandi of Han Dynasty were scared by themselves.

He untied his sword, put down the Yang Ming to break the rebellious chop. Guan Yu and others followed Yang Biao and other dozens of ministers and entered the palace gate.

"Elder brother, we have made great contributions this time. I wonder what reward your majesty will receive."

Zhang Yong was a little pleased and asked quietly.

"What kind of reward do you want? The son of heaven established by the old thief Dong Zhuo is also a fake. Now that the old thief has been captured, it's time for the fake emperor to step down. In my opinion, it's just right to let the eldest brother be the emperor. "

Cheng Liang's voice is not light, but Liu He several people were scared.

"Third brother, don't talk nonsense."

Liu He rebuked lightly.

"I think the third brother is right. I've been in the palace for several months, and I've seen the little emperor several times. Hey, a little fart boy who can't easily shed tears is so bullied by Dong Zhuo that he dare not say anything. How can I compare with the elder brother's wisdom? "

On hearing his proposal, with Zhu Ye's support, Cheng Liang immediately came to his strength.

"Well said the fifth brother. Why don't we just rush into the palace and take the opportunity to kill the little emperor. To the outside, we say that it was the thief Dong who jumped over the wall in a hurry, and then support the eldest brother to ascend the throne. Isn't it wonderful and quickCheng Liang said, eyes began to rise up Venus.

The two of them said that even Liu he was vaguely moved.

Naturally, it is better to be the son of heaven. They are different from Dong Zhuo, Cao Cao and others. They have a foreign surname, but they are the relatives of the emperor and naturally become the emperor.

Cui Jun said in a voice, "No. Now that Dong Zhuo has been destroyed, Luoyang is under the control of our army. As long as the emperor has something to do, the princes outside will surely insist that it is the Lord who killed the son of heaven. Such a charge is even greater than Dong Zhuo. At that time, our army will be worried about internal and external troubles and will be in danger. "

This sentence made Liu Hutton sober up.

"Well, the military adviser said it well. It can't be mentioned again."

While several people were talking, they came to the gate of the south palace where the court meeting was located.

Dozens of ministers gathered here, one by one whispered and looked different. Seeing Yang Biao coming with Liu He and others, he quickly stood on both sides. However, almost all of them did not look friendly when they looked at Liu He. Some of them even showed their hatred directly on their faces.

Liu He took a look at them, and his heart was clear.

"Sure enough, there are more ministers who are hostile to me than those who support me. It seems that the meeting with the emperor will not be smooth. Hum, I'll see what you can do

Yang Biao made an introduction to Liu He and his officials, and both sides were polite. He heard a eunuch come out and preach the ministers to the hall.

More than 100 people, some of them with lower rank, stood outside the hall to wait for orders, while Liu He and others entered the hall with a group of important officials.

After the three shouts of long live, Liu He and other six people stood in the center of the hall.

On the top of the Dragon chair sat a child of seven or eight years old. His face was vaguely nervous. His eyes drifted around and his body shrank back from time to time. Especially after seeing Liu He, his face was even more frightened.

At the sight of him, Liu he felt a little sympathy.

How cruel is it to a child that the little emperor is often bullied by Dong Zhuo? In order to ask for the imperial edict, I hastened to come here. I'm afraid it will frighten him.

"Well, the child is really pitiful."

Liu He's only thought of "killing the monarch for self-reliance" disappeared instantly.

"Your Majesty, I have something to tell you!"

Yang Biao stepped out of the line and hung his hands.

His voice was peaceful, which seemed to relieve the tension of emperor Xiandi.

"Sikong Why What's the beginning? "

Although the speech stutters, the voice is not loud, but as a child, in the face of such a situation, it is rare to be able to speak.

Yang Biao said: "the traitor Dong Zhuo, who is a villain in of the country and the country, has committed a great deal of crime. Now there is a royal relative, Liu He, who has a brilliant plan. He has called all the heroes in the world to fight against Dong and arrest the thieves at one stroke. This is the blessing of the country and the country. I would like to congratulate you! "

When Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty heard the news, he became very happy.

"Ah So Is mother Dong really captured? "

Even now, he blurted out a "master Dong". It can be seen that the little emperor is afraid of Dong Zhuo. This psychological shadow is afraid to accompany him for a long time.

Liu he naturally asked Liu He to answer his question.

"In reply to your majesty, I have captured Dong thief and his followers. Now Hulao pass, Hangu pass and Mengjin port are in full control. The rebels have all surrendered. Your majesty is requested to make a decision."

"That's great. You are really Really What a great hero

The little emperor happily jumped down from the Dragon chair, and the eunuch on one side hastily helped him back.

"Your Majesty once gave general Liu an imperial edict to order the Allied troops of Guandong to enter the palace to see the driver. However, Yuan Shao and others refused to obey the imperial edict. Instead, they led their troops to attack Hulao pass and were repulsed by General Liu, thus protecting Luoyang. The old minister thought that General Liu's military achievements were in the country, and he was also the royal blood. He asked his majesty to make general Liu a grand Sima, to administer affairs in Kaifu, to appoint Yu Hou, and to reward all the generals under his command. "

After Yang Biao's performance was mentioned, Cui lie, Wang Yun, Luzhi and Zhu Ju, who had already returned to Luoyang, as well as a group of Ministers who went out to meet Liu He at that time, came out to echo.

"It seems that Yang Biao and Cui lie have been prepared for this. It is estimated that when they saw the military adviser's letter in Cui's mansion and prepared to reply to my advice, they had already discussed today's affairs. Otherwise, they would not have considered the reward in such detail. The Yang family is indeed loyal and righteous, and will try to win over more in the future. "

Liu He made a judgment to Yang Biao in his heart.

Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty took a look of fear at Liu He, bit his lips, and was about to open his mouth when another minister suddenly stood up.

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