Chen Ji scoffed: "it's because he is a clan of the Han Dynasty that it is even more dangerous. If you don't want to be a minister of the court, you can be a usurper at any time

"Not bad, not bad. That's why."

A group of courtiers also echoed.

Speaking of this, Liu He, who had been holding a lively attitude, could not bear it any longer.

He went to the opposite of Chen Ji, who could not help but step back, but quickly reacted, holding his head high and looking fearless.

"Mr. Chen, I've heard a lot about you and me when I came to Jinyang. I'm sorry that I couldn't get the advice from him earlier."

As soon as he mentioned this, Chen Ji's face suddenly turned blue and white.

Liu he didn't pay attention to the change of his face. He continued: "Gong is a famous scholar in Yingchuan. He learned a lot from Hongru. Now he is the order of Shangshu. He is in charge of the important equipment of the imperial court. Today, he is frank and dare to remonstrate. He is not afraid of life and death. What Chen Shangshu said is naturally reasonable."

Cheng liang thought that his elder brother was scared by the other side. He was about to help, but Cui Jun and Zhang Yong stopped him.

Liu he said: "the clan can not sit in the court. My Liu family has to rely on the governance of a family of other surnames, so that we can be stable. He was deeply convinced of this. Now he is listed as a minister and a worker. He Dang asks his majesty to return to Shuofang, which is a good place for the Han Dynasty to graze. "

Chen Ji heard, some do not know why, but he behind several ministers are happy.

"It is indeed a blessing for the country that General Liu can be so aware. When we leave quickly, we will surely go out of the city to see him off, and pass down the words to praise the general's high moral integrity."

Liu He looked at their shining eyes and forced a smile in his heart.

"It's easy for Liu to leave, but there's one more difficult thing to ask your servants."

Those people were eager for Liu He to leave quickly. Hearing that he had problems, they clapped their chests in succession.

"General Liu, it's all right to say that, no matter how difficult it is, we will certainly do it for the general."

Liu he bowed his hands to these people.

"Thank you for your kindness. It's not difficult to say that this time Liu came to Luoyang. Originally he led 50000 troops, but now he has taken over many thieves. There are two old generals, Lu and Zhu, as well as prisoners of the Northeast alliance. It's hard to support all of them. How do you think we should arrange them? "

When they heard this, they were all laughing.

"That's it, but it's easy to do. Naturally, the army should stay in Luoyang, and the military power should be taken over by the imperial court, and the commander-in-chief should be photographed separately. "

"More than that, I think that the army under general Liu has extraordinary combat power, and we should also leave 30000 people to serve as the forbidden army of the capital."

As soon as this man mentioned that he had left 30000 Anmin troops, many ministers' eyes brightened.

The military appearance of the Anmin army is so outstanding that no one can look at it without envy.

Liu He touched his chin and nodded frequently.

"Well, it's a good idea."

This time, even Chen Ji also had a bit of luck.

"Oh? Does general Liu really want to? "

Liu He looked natural: "it's natural. If it's good for the country and the country, does Liu have any reason to refuse it?"

"It's a real blessing."

Chen Ji seems to think that Liu He is not so annoying.

Liu He's face was suddenly somewhat embarrassed.

"There is one more trouble."

"General Liu, you may say so." Chen Ji said frankly.

"So many hundreds of thousands of troops, guarding the capital, have great responsibility. Who should the commander send?"

As soon as Liu He's voice fell, several ministers began to say, "Yuan's family is full of loyalty and martyrs. This time, the whole family was killed in order to discuss Dong Zhuo. The hero of Yuan's early life, who had both literature and martial arts, should be recalled to Luoyang and be a former general to take charge of the forbidden army. "

"Yes, I agree with you."

Liu He looked at Chen Ji and asked, "yuan Benchu is the leader of this alliance, and his reputation is beyond doubt. What does Chen Shangshu think? "

Chen Ji began to feel that there was something wrong with it. He was thinking about it. He was suddenly interrupted by Liu He's words. Several ministers behind him encouraged him. He said, "I think it's feasible.".

Who knows he just finished saying this, heard Liu he shout out: "good! What a good one

He looked around and made a few sneers, which caught Chen Ji and others off guard.

"Liu He, a nobleman of Han Dynasty, unifies troops to guard Luoyang. We think that if we do not conform to the rules, there will be chaos for a long time, even worse, Dong Zhuo. However, yuan Benchu's officials of other surnames led such a large army here, but all of you agreed that it was feasible. Hum, it is known to all passers-by that they were so intent! "

"Yes, it's so unfair. How can we convince the public?"

Zhu also said with some anger.

Guan Yu squinted at the other officials and snorted: "the thief calls to catch the thief, shameless trick."Chen Ji and others panic and explain in a hurry.

"No, it's not. It's my intention that Yuan Shao, Yuan Shu, Cao Cao and others lead a team of soldiers and guard one side respectively. In this way, it's a perfect policy."

"I'm still arguing!" Liu he suddenly yelled.

"Do you think Liu doesn't know what you think? You just want to have military power in your own hands. The Chen family of Yingchuan originally attached to the yuan family. On that day, he was a pawn of the yuan family and went to Bingzhou to secretly murder me. Now you are still so high sounding. I really don't know what shame is! "

"You How dare you... " Chen Ji was frightened and angry, and his chest heaved violently.

"Don't stop! You are full of family and country. In fact, what you think and think is all for personal gain. How ever do you have any sense of loyalty and patriotism? The Joker dares to make a lot of remarks in this court, but he still doesn't step back! "

"You You Cough... " Chen Jiben was very old, and he began to cough.

A Minister stood up beside him and scolded Liu He.

"Bold Liu He, you're just the prefect of Shuofang. How dare you be the court to insult the Shangshu order? It's clear that you are harbouring evil intention to eradicate dissidents!"

"Not bad..." Chen Ji, who had calmed his breath, also looked at Liu he angrily.

"If you want to follow Dong Zhuo's example, I will never let you succeed unless I die of Chen Ji!"

Hearing his words, Liu he seemed to have heard some jokes and burst out laughing.

"Ha ha ha Ha ha ha ha, ridiculous, ridiculous

"You What are you laughing at? "

Liu He's eyes are firmly fixed on Chen Ji, who is staring at Chen Ji with a little guilty heart and keeps dodging his eyes.

"Chen Shangshu thinks that Dong Zhuo is a man of great crimes, and everyone should oppose it?"

Chen Ji ang raised his head and said, "this is nature. Although I am old, I also have character. I will never bend my knees to serve thieves. "

"Well, well said!" Liu He clapped and applauded.

"However, if Liu remembers correctly, Chen Gong left his post at home after the disaster of Party imprisonment, and didn't reopen you until Dong Zhuo entered Beijing last year. Not long after the abolition of King Hongnong, the old thief promoted you to shangshuling and took charge of the Shangshutai. It can be said that he had great power. Did Chen Gong scold Dong Zhuo for all these high officials and high salaries? "

Chen Ji's face turned white and his lips moved. He seemed to want to refute him, but he could not think of any reason.

It was Yuan Feng and Yuan Kai who instructed him to become an official again. At first, it was really for the purpose of secretly helping Dong Zhuo and getting a foothold in the imperial court. However, he did not expect that Dong Zhuo would be so overbearing after he entered the palace. He directly sent troops to take over the defense of the whole city and strictly supervised all the officials who opposed him, which made him angry and resentful, But he was afraid of his majesty and gave in.

In fact, most of the ministers in the court are like this. Therefore, we all know that they will not expose them. Now Liu He has exposed this, which makes many ministers feel ashamed. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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