Xunzi and xunzuang nodded, then stood up and left the hall. Many Xunzi children left after they left.

Xunzi ran up and caught the man who was called Gongda.

"Go slowly, I have something to say."

Xunzi, at first sight, ran over and grabbed his other hand.

"If Hugh wants to pay attention to the text, it is better to follow me. I got a Book of my own several days ago, and I was about to discuss with Gongda."

Xunzongda looked at the two people helplessly.

"Two uncles, my nephew, have something to do, and please forgive me."

They also want to say something, Xunqing from behind, a separate them.

"Hey, what abacus do you two guys play in your heart, think I don't know? Now, whether it is not willing to go out of office or have not found the Ming Lord, why do you have to ask? Walk away, I will take you three to drink. If you don't drink a drunk, I Xunqing must break his butt. "

Xunqing is a special case in his family. The whole Xunzi family has only one of them who dare to speak like this. Some of the family owners have ignored this and put forward a default attitude, which makes everyone puzzled.

But he has a bad temper. He comes to you to drink. You have to accept the big thing one day. If you dare to refuse his invitation to drink, ha ha, it will be a little trouble for you to get bored and die after that.

So when they heard that he was going to drink, they were not only unhappy, but they were all crying and losing their faces.

However, Xunzi saw Xunqing blinking at himself suddenly, which made him happy.

"Brother Xunqing is a rare family trip home. Since he is interested in drinking, his younger brother should be accompanied by him. He just borrowed wine and made a wine order. It is also good to examine the achievements we have learned in these days. By the way, I have not seen filial piety for many days. I would like to call him together. "

Xunqing Daxi: "good, speaking of drinking and playing, that is, Guo fengxiao's most appetite for me. You guys have more talent and less enthusiasm. Alas, compared with filial piety, it is far less than filial piety. However, this kid is too lustrous. I am not as good as him in this respect. It is estimated that when his wife and concubines are in groups and even children are full of children, you guys have not even farted, Ha ha

So the other two were pulled out of the hall by them.

Outside Luoyang City prison, Liu he came here alone, but at this moment, he is not the same as before.

The emperor's imperial edict was in hand. Today, the emperor uncle of the emperor has such great achievements. Liu he was in the name of peace and disorder and the status of general army. Liu He sent troops to take over Luoyang, Chang'an and the whole Si Li area. At the same time, Ding Yuan died. Besides Zhang Yang's upper Party County, the whole state was naturally taken over by Liu He.

Liu He, now, took off the uniform and changed into a gold robe with grain, handsome.

Liu He walked out of the prison slowly, with steady and firm steps, which was quite stable and steady compared with the previous.

The warden, who kept the door bowed, followed with great respect.

Liu he left the prison, standing still, turned around, took out a bag with a big palm from his arms, which tinkled.

"Take it to a bar."

The warden took over the purse, and was delighted with the abnormal, and hurriedly knelt down and kowtowed. When they got up, he found that Liu he had gone far.

Liu he went back to his mansion alone.

His residence is now based on the residence where the former general army entered, and made a little change. Liu Hepburn was not happy to waste and would not like to build a new residence, so he lived here.

"I can't imagine that Jia Xu had left Luoyang quietly and disappeared when he had taken the two major military powers of niufu and limong before me."

Liu he went to Tiancao this time, not to visit Dong Zhuo and others, but to ask the whereabouts of Jia Xu, the top strategist of the Three Kingdoms period. Since he attacked Luoyang, Jia Xu never showed up, so Liu Hecai would not hesitate to go to Tiancao to investigate.

Only according to Li and Guo Si, since Liu he came to the news that he had informed the two men of niufu and Li Meng to attack the Allied forces, he asked DongZhuo to go to the governor of the hulangguan pass himself, and Jia Xu once urged Li and Guo to persuade them that the matter was fraudulent and that it was not feasible.

Li and Guo believed in his statements. However, Dong Zhuo could not hear the advice of others at that time. Li Ru was still in prison. How dare they dare to touch the mould?

Since then, they have never seen Jia Xu again. They sent soldiers to the hutaoguan the next morning. They wanted to go together, but they could not find his trace. They wanted to go to Mengjin port and hangiguuan to investigate his whereabouts. They were in urgent military situation, so they gave up their plan.

"Jia Xu is indeed famous. It seems that he has long seen through my plan and can not be advised. I am afraid that after Luoyang fell down, I will clear him and DongZhuo and others together, so he sneaks away in advance. He has always been good at self-protection, but he doesn't know where he has escaped now. Alas, it was a pity that he had only taken great care of the plan and neglected to teach the eagle guard to spy on this person secretly and even miss such wise men. "Since he failed in his plan to forge ahead in Luoyang at Yanmen, but was preempted by Dong Zhuo, Liu He has always wanted to find a truly top military division. It is more than enough to deal with the black mountain army and the Hu people with the strategies of himself and Cui Jun, but it is difficult to cope with the situation that the heroes compete for hegemony.

"Oh, my military master..."

"Report to the general. Trisma asks to see you."

Liu he said, "Oh? Come on, please. "

Since Liu he became a general, he began to run the government. There were two generals in the government, one was Chang Shi and the other was Sima. He was in charge of Zhonglang, 29 of his subordinates, and 31 of his subordinates. He assisted the general's administration and set up a central guard to command the general's guard.

Cui Jun became the general's military commander, and Cheng Liang served as the middle guard. Cui Jun's elder brother, Cui Jun Cui Fuping, was also admitted to the general's military office and became a Zhonglang. Therefore, the name of Cui Jun naturally became Cui Sima.

Cui Jun comes in and bows.

"I have seen the general."

After hearing this, Liu he repeatedly waved his hand: "pull down and pull down. The name of the general is just that. Zhou Ping still calls the Lord the same as before."

Cui Jun said with a smile: "ha ha, my Lord has a destiny, and I dare not disobey."

Liu he pointed to a seat and Cui Jun sat down.

"What's the matter with Zhou Ping?"

"Oh, for more than half a month, according to the order of the Lord, the generals have brought out hundreds of thousands of captured troops of Dong Zhuo for collective trial, and ordered them to report the crimes of their colleagues to each other. At the same time, the people in the three auxiliary areas came to file a complaint and punished according to the seriousness of the crime."

Liu He nodded. This is indeed the military order he issued at the beginning.

"What was the result?"

"Back to my Lord, there are 180000 troops under Dong Zhuo's command. About 30000 people were killed and maimed in hulaoguan, and 150000 people were left. After investigation, more than 20000 people committed serious crimes and were executed in public. There are still more than 50000 people who are not guilty to death. They should stick their sticks in public. There are still more than 50000 people who have been flogged for misdemeanor. There are nearly 30000 people left. There is no big mistake. "

"In this way, our army originally had about 120000 troops. In addition, the military power of 130000 elite soldiers and horses seized from Niu Fu and Li Meng, and more than 10000 Guandong troops, 130000 troops of Dong Zhuo, 60000 soldiers of Ding Yuan and Xihe county were collected, and the scattered troops and horses of Bingzhou and Sili regions, as well as county soldiers from all over the country were collected After being screened and reorganized, there are more than 40000 County soldiers. As a result, our army has a total of about 500000 troops. "

Liu He's eyes brightened as soon as he heard it.

"Half a million? It's a great harvest this time. "

Even in his mood, it is hard to avoid feeling excited at the moment.

"With such a large army, we will soon be able to recover the unity of the whole world."

Liu he said with a happy face.

Unexpectedly, Cui Jun came to pour a basin of cold water.

"My Lord, I'm afraid I think too much. Except Shangdang county is in the hands of Zhang Yang, the rest of the counties, including Sili and other counties, as well as ports and checkpoints, need to be guarded by troops. Especially Luoyang and Chang'an both need to be heavily guarded. Therefore, our army can mobilize the combat forces at any time, only 150000. And most of them need to be trained and expended energy. "

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