The eldest son of Shangdang county is the seat of Shangdang county. It is quite prosperous. There are nearly 20000 households and about 80000 people in the city. Compared with the south of the city, the houses in the north of the city are obviously tall and luxurious, and the streets are wider. Almost all the rich and powerful families in the city live in the north of the city.

Beiping day is the most bustling day in this city. People come and go, and there are many business travelers. However, although it is a clear sky today, there is no one on the street. Occasionally, a few people come out in a hurry.

In the north of the city, there is the largest mansion with high families. There are sentries and arrow towers at four corners of the courtyard wall. You can see that there are powerful families.

However, just outside these powerful families, they were surrounded by a group of soldiers on the third floor and the outer third floor. And there are also a group of guards in the house, who are confronting these soldiers at the gate.

Outside the gate, a man dressed as a military general, riding his horse, looked arrogantly at the mansion in front of him.

Beside him, there is a fierce general, wearing a purple gold crown, wearing a hundred flowers robe on his back, wearing a beast's face swallowing cloud Chain Armor, with exquisite Leghorn and lion's belt on his waist, and holding a Fang Tian Hua halberd in his hand, he is majestic, not Lu Bu. Who is he?

After he fled Luoyang, he came to the Shangdang and joined Zhang Yang, the chief of Shangdang. He and Zhang Yang are old acquaintances and have a lot of friendship. As soon as he arrived at the party, Zhang Yang worshipped him as a Duwei. Lu Bu regained his prestige. At the moment, the head was still higher than before by three points.

"Brother, why do you and I surround this mansion? Did the head of the family offend his brother? "

Lu Bu was puzzled.

Zhang Yang sneered a few times: "virtuous younger brother does not know. The Zhao family is one of the most powerful families in Shangdang county. The head of the family is Zhao Yu, the former governor of Shangdang. His family background is prominent. "

Lv Bu heard the speech, and the tiger's eyes glared at him.

"Zhao Yu? It's this guy! When I was in Bingzhou, I heard more about it. The Zhao family and Liu He's children had a close contact, and they secretly supported Liu Heduo. "

"Well, that's right. Now that Liu He has sent troops to attack him, Zhao will surely collude with him and remove him first. "

Lu Bu smelled the words, and his eyes flashed a trace of ferocity.

"You are right, brother. Liu He has bullied me many times. Today, I should take the head of Zhao's family as a reward! I'll take it with you a little bit, and I'll take the house for you! "

He raised his drawing halberd and rushed out.

"Good brother, wait a minute. It's not urgent."

Lv Bu doubted, "why do you stop me, brother?"

Zhang Yang raised his eyebrows and glanced at Zhao Fu.

"Zhao's reputation is very high, and there are many guards in the house. If we attack rashly, our army will certainly be injured. Now that the war is approaching, if we can persuade him to surrender, collect his wealth, teach him to write books and leave the city, and deceive generals such as Gao Shun who came to attack the city, we will set an ambush, won't we just kill them all? "

Lu Bu's eyes were radiant.

"Brother! It's a wonderful plan to humiliate Liu he so much! "

Zhang Yang stroked his beard, looking very proud.

Looking at the mansion in front of him, he called out: "Zhang Yang, the prefect of our county, has come to see the Zhao family leader. Please come out of the mansion to see him!"

After a while, I heard a "squeak" sound. The heavy door opened slowly, and several figures came out. The leader was Zhao Yu.

"I don't know what I can do for you when you come here."

After all, Zhao Yu has been an official for many years, and is also the head of a powerful family. There is a sense of dignity between his words and deeds. Even though the two people in the opposite are tall and look down on themselves, they are still not humble or arrogant.

Zhang Yang didn't get off the horse, so he arched his hands on the horse's back.

"The master of the Zhao family is the elder of Yang. I have been in office for more than a year, and I haven't visited him yet. I'm here today to ask your advice."

He said that he was asking for advice, but his words were full of arrogance and there was no attitude of "asking for advice".

Zhao Yu how smart character, naturally can see that the other side is not good, but the heart is not afraid.

"I'm very polite. I'm old and useless. Now I'm idle at home. I don't dare to ask for advice, let alone..."

He pointed to the soldiers and horses around him.

"What's more, is it the propriety to ask the elder for advice

"Please don't blame me. After criticizing Dong thief, I offended Liu He, the thief of the country. Now he ordered people to lead the army to attack and vowed to take a certain head. I've heard for a long time that there are many talented people under Liu He's command, disguised and wandering in the market. It's more likely that some people in the city have colluded with the thieves. I'll prepare some personal soldiers, but just in case, I'll try to protect myself. "

Zhang Yang's remarks, said is Yin Yang strange, refers to who, can not understand.

After Zhao Yu, a young man was furious, pointing to Zhang Yang and scolding him.

"Zhang yangpi! General Liu, a hero of the world, is loyal to his country and has made outstanding achievements. Can you compare with such a clown? It's shameless to dare to slander him here! I advise you to get your hands tied and untie yourself in front of General Liu's army, or you may be free from great difficulties! "

Zhao Yu pretended to scold him and said, "ah, when can I have you to interrupt me when I talk to him? Even if it is reasonable, we should not break the etiquette and not retreat. "The young man arched his hand and said, "yes, uncle."

Zhang yangrao looked at the young man with interest.

"Ha ha, among the Zhao family, there are so many talented people. He has a sharp tongue, but I don't know if he has any real skills. If it is a pair of empty mouth, I'm afraid we will lose Zhao's face. "

The young man was about to attack, but was stopped by Zhao Yu.

"My family, Zhao, is both a scholar and a martial artist, serving the imperial court? It is not like some people who are in charge of swords, but do not want to serve the country. They only do the business of hunting for their own interests all day long. Such a shameless person, even if he is a boy or three years old in my family, does not disdain to be a companion. "

"Old man, you..."

Zhang yangnu from the heart, almost ordered a direct attack, but at the last moment or to resist.

He forced a smile: "Zhao Yu, I don't want to talk nonsense with you. Today, I'll ask you a question: do you want to join me to protect the family, or do you want to fight against me and end up with a dead end?"

Zhao Yu squinted at him.

"Hum. Although my Zhao family is unworthy, I also know that there is loyalty and righteousness between heaven and earth. A few years ago, General Liu and old general Huangfu were able to kill Zhang Jiao only after going through difficulties and dangers in this city. He almost lost his life, but he never frowned. "

At this point, his voice rose a little.

"It has been nearly 400 years since the founding of emperor Gaozu. Now the country is in turmoil, and all people suffer. The land of Bingzhou was originally the place where the world was suffering. Bandits were rampant and hooligans were rampant. Here, all the people in Bingzhou, who did not suffer from this

As soon as he said this, many guards, even the soldiers under Zhang Yang's command, began to head involuntarily.

"Fortunately, the sky is endless. I, a great man, have come down to Liu He, a young hero, rare in the world. After many years of expedition, bandits were destroyed in Taihang Mountain. North grassland, Hu chieftain head. In the past few years, the six prefectures have been restored. What an extraordinary feat? Not only that, they built water conservancy and advised farmers and mulberry trees to make our state rich and prosperous, not to go down to any state in the Central Plains, and everyone benefited from it. It was Zhao's family who reclaimed wasteland and participated in trade, thus gaining more benefits. "

His eyes suddenly changed, with a bit of hate, but also some disdain to look at Zhang Yang.

"Now general Liu has captured Dong thieves with wisdom. You are greedy for power and power, disobeying the emperor's edict and attacking Hulao pass. Hundreds of thousands of troops have been defeated by his 50000 troops. They are not ashamed of this, but have been widely publicized and slandered. I've never heard of such a bold person, which makes me sick! "

"Old man, you..."

Zhang Yang was very angry with him, just want to refute, words just came to the mouth, but Zhao Yu said it first.

"When the country is in trouble, I don't see that you have made a great contribution. When we fight for power and gain, we can do our utmost to be shameless. Now I dare to open my eyes and frame Zhongliang in front of me. It's just wishful thinking! Zhang yangpi, if you want to take my life, you can come and attack me. I, the Zhao family, are determined not to surrender to you and other national thieves! "

"Well said uncle!"

Several young people behind him applauded one after another.

"Good! Good! Good! Old Zhao Yu, you You... "

Zhang Yang was so angry that he almost vomited blood and finally couldn't say anything.

"Attack me, but all Zhao's men and women, old and young, will not surrender."

At his command, thousands of soldiers and horses surrounded the mansion immediately attacked.

"Hum, we have to fight in the end. Let's see the power of LV Fengxian!"

Lu Bu had a horse in his hand, and the halberd in the sky was like a dragon. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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