The soldiers did not answer him, but Gao Shun took the initiative to meet him.

"General Zhang, you and I have agreed that we will release people when they leave Huguan. Now we should fulfill our promise."

Zhang Yang a Leng, looked at Gao Shun for a long time, suddenly looked up at the sky and laughed.

"Ha ha ha, I thought you were quite self-conscious. I don't want to be so stupid."

His eyes suddenly became fierce: "hum, you defeated my military heart, humiliated me in public, and even robbed me of my party foundation with Liu Bei. How can I let you go with such deep hatred?"

He pulls out his sword and points to Gao Shun.

"Gao, next year today will be your lucky day! Everybody, kill this guy

As soon as he ordered, many soldiers raised their weapons and aimed at Gao Shun, but for a while, no one really rushed up.


Zhang Yang was very surprised and then furious.

"Do you really want to rebel? Kill him soon

However, these soldiers, you look at me, I look at you, but no one is willing to be such a pioneer.

Gao Shun doesn't change his face, so Gujing looks at Zhang Yang.

"How can you expect them to fight for you when you treat them like grass roots?"

Lv Bu walks to Zhang Yang and looks at Gao Shun. His voice is cold.

"Boping, you and I have known each other for many years. Don't force me to do it."

He was carrying Fang Tian Hua halberd, as if ready to hand at any time.

Gao Shun gave him a cold look: "you and I are enemies."

In this sentence, we have made our position clear.

Zhang yangmanian called out: "Fengxian, go and kill him! Gao Shun can't stay. Kill, kill, kill them all

At this time, he can no longer care whether there are pursuers behind him. If Gao Shun goes down with him, the hundreds of people around him will rebel sooner or later, and his death will be even worse.

Lv Bu was about to attack Gao Shun, but he suddenly raised his hand.

Lv Bu suddenly felt bad. Although he didn't know what Gao Shun meant, he still ran away from his instinct.


A few sharp arrows had gone by, and Lv Bu heard a dull hum.


Lu Bu looked back and saw Zhang Yang covering his chest with a painful look on his face, and the adjutant beside him was the same as him.

"Brother Zhang!"

Lv Bu was greatly shocked. He looked at Zhang Yang and looked back at Gao Shun.

"Sleeve arrow!"

Only then did he understand why Gao Shun had been so fearless.


Zhang Yang and his assistant general fell off their horses and struggled for a few times before they died. However, Zhang Yang's eyes were still wide open, which filled Lu Bu's heart with horror.

"You How dare you kill brother Zhang... "

Gao Shun did not show weakness. He held his spear tightly, looked at Lv Bu and said in a cold voice, "do you want to avenge him first?"

The pain on his thigh made Lv Bu feel weak.

If he had been a few years ago, he would not have paid any attention to Gao Shun.

But now Gao Shun has been under the command of Liu He for many years. Liu he himself and his brothers are all excellent in martial arts. They have not seen each other for many years. Lv Bu is not sure how his martial arts are now and whether he can cope with the injured.

He held Fang Tian Hua halberd with sweat on his palms and hesitated in his heart.

Seeing that he did not move, Gao Shun ignored him and turned to the soldiers.

"Zhang Yang is dead. How do you choose?"

Many soldiers looked at each other, looking at Gao Shun and Lv Bu, but no one stood up for a while.

At this time, the curtain of the carriage was lifted. Zhao Ying leaned out of her head, and Gao Shun saw it. She reached out and took out the cloth strip in her mouth and cut off the rope on her body.

Zhao Ying arched to Gao Shun and said, "thank you very much for avenging our Zhao family."

Gao Shun held his fist in return. Zhao Ying didn't say much. He got into the carriage and released Zhao Yu.

Zhao Yu went out of the carriage and looked at the soldiers around him.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I can vouch for General Gao. As long as you abandon the secret and submit to the imperial court, I will not be responsible for the siege of Zhao house Cough Never again... "

He took a rest in the carriage for half a day, and now he has recovered a bit of spirit. However, he said this in a hurry, and finally he coughed. Zhao Ying stroked his back to straighten him out.

However, as the head of the Zhao family, his words made those soldiers more confident.

"I would like to go down..."

The first soldier stood up, threw away his weapon and knelt in front of Gao Shun and others.

There was the first, and then, the second, the third, the fourth


Lu Bu was anxious when the situation was bad. If these hundreds of soldiers were to surrender to the past, he would be captured by Gao Shun today. He had just escaped from the prison, and in the twinkling of an eye, he would return to Luoyang prison again. He could not accept it in any case."Damn it, I don't care much!"

He mentioned Fang Tian's drawing halberd, and gave up many worries and directly attacked Gao Shun.

"General Gao, be careful!"

Several of the soldiers who were the quickest to find Lv Bu's action made a sound warning.

Gao Shun was not in a hurry and called out to the crowd, "you don't want to fight."

When he spoke, he shook his hands, held the spear tightly, and stabbed Fang Tian with his halberd.

"The system indicates that Gao Shun and Lv Bu fought. Gao Shun's basic force is 90, weapon bonus is 1 point, armor bonus is 2 points, mount has no bonus, no special effects, and comprehensive force is 93 points. "

"Lv Bu's basic force is 101 points, his thigh is injured, and his force is temporarily reduced to 92 points. His weapons and armor are given a total of 2 points, while his mount has no bonus. He triggers the special skill Ji Sheng. His force is increased by 4 points, and the comprehensive force is 98 points."

Liu He, who is having dinner in the mansion, suddenly hears the hint in his mind and is stunned.

"My Lord, what can I do for you?"

Xunzi and Cui Jun asked almost at the same time.

"Oh, it doesn't matter. Eat."

While eating, Liu he paid close attention to the battle in his mind.

"Zhang Fei and Da Meng are still there. How come it's Gao Shun's turn to fight Lu Bu? How did Lv Bu get hurt? Who was hurt? It seems that the first battle of the Communist Party of China was not as simple as expected. "

Liu he had expected that Lv Bu would go to Shangdang to join Zhang Yang after he escaped from Luoyang.

First, among the numerous princes, Shangdang was the closest to Luoyang, and Zhang Yang was obviously hostile to himself.

Secondly, in the original history, Lv Bu and Zhang Yang had intimate relations for many years.

Third, the people who rescued Lv Bu must have made every effort to fight against themselves. But now he openly declared that he was attacking Zhang Yang, and the number of troops he sent was not much, less than 10000 in total. They must have thought that as long as Lu Bu went to join Zhang Yang, he could be caught off guard and damage the prestige of his ever victorious army, and fight a front battle against himself for the future.

Therefore, Lu Bu would appear in the army of Zhang and Yang.

However, Liu he did not understand that Lv Bu would fight Gao Shun alone. Even if Lv Bu was injured, Gao Shun, who was not proficient in martial arts, was not his opponent, which made Liu he a little anxious.

"What can we do? Gao Shun was only given a set of gold silk armor because he focused on military training and was not good at charging, so he only gave him a set of golden silk armor, and the weapons were just ordinary magic weapons. The red rabbit horse captured from Lv Bu was also given to Zhang Yong, the fourth younger brother. Gao Shun is bound to lose. I don't know what the situation is there. Whether Zhang Fei and others are close at hand. If not, Gao Shun will be in danger. "

Gao Shun was very capable of unifying the troops. Looking at the history of the Three Kingdoms, he was at least one of the first-class, and he was one of his earliest followers. He did not want Gao Shun to be buried in vain.

However, no matter how anxious he was, he could not hydrolyze his thirst, and he was powerless, which made Liu he feel powerless.

"Trouble, big trouble, Gao Shun, you can't do anything. And what is Liu Bei doing! Is he really a big hypocrite who deceived Gao Shun and framed him in an attempt to completely control Shangdang county? "

Liu Bei was in a hurry, and all kinds of ideas began to come out.

However, Cui Jun and Xun Yu couldn't be told about it. Otherwise, they asked, how could they know the situation hundreds of miles away and explain it at that time?

Liu He's side is already exhausted, and the battle between Gao Shun and Lv Bu has passed 50 rounds in a flash. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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