Xu's three people looked at the little couple's love, and their faces were gratified.

"I didn't expect that in just a few years, Herr became today's general, and now my second grandson will be born again. It's a pity that my husband... "

Xu said, thinking of Liu Qian, tears in his eyes.

Zhang Tong's husband and wife hurriedly comforted: "mother in law, today is a happy day. Why cry? I don't know that yu'er gave birth to a boy and a girl this time. "

"I'm a boy. I think it's best to have a girl for the second child."

"No, if it's ordinary people, it's natural. But now we are a general, uncle Huang, as a national responsibility, after all, it is better to have more boys. "

"You mean we can't do it anymore, old man?"

"Wronged, where do I mean that..."

"I don't think so. I think you have a better day and a more active mind, don't you..."

"I am wronged..."

"Well, mother in law, why did you and your father-in-law start to fight..."

The three of them ran out of the room fighting.

Liu He, of course, knew that this was their intention to leave a world of two for their little couple. He felt a burst of warmth in his heart and took Zhang Yu into his arms.

Zhang Yu, leaning against Liu He's firm chest, suddenly raised her head and looked at Liu He.

"My husband, I have an ungrateful request from my wife. I hope you will accept it."

"Oh? If yu'er has any request, she will not refuse to do so for her husband. "

"Your husband must keep his word." Zhang Yu smiles.

"Ha ha, as a husband, as a royal uncle, I promise everything, not to mention my wife."

Zhang Yu pursed her lips and said with a smile, "it's not a big deal. It's just that since I entered Luoyang, my concubine has been in the general's mansion all day long. It's really boring. I'm afraid I can't get out of the backyard when I'm bigger. Why don't my husband take me out for a stroll today to see the prosperity of Luoyang. "

Zhang Yu has been married to herself for so many years, and she has rarely asked for her. How can Liu he refuse such a request?

"Well, today everything depends on Madame. You and I will be two ordinary people and go to Luoyang Market for a visit. "

The two took off their beautiful robes and changed into coarse plain clothes that Xu's family and others had brought all the way from Huangshui village. Liu He's face was slightly dressed up, which was no different from that of a civilian couple.

The two men went out of the general's house. The street outside was very wide, full of traffic and luxuriant clothes.

"Ma'am, this is the North City, where the residence of high officials and nobles gather. The Imperial Palace, as well as Sangong Jiuqing's house, are in this area. "

Zhang Yu looked around with curiosity and joy.

"The river ahead is the Luo river."

She asked, pointing to a river across the wide street.

"Yes, the Luo river runs through Luoyang City and finally flows into the Yellow River. However, compared with the rough waters of the Yellow River, the Luo river is much calmer, so you can see that there are many boats on the river

They chatted and walked, and soon came to the market.

"My husband, it's really lively here. I used to think that the yinguan city was busy enough, but it's still a lot worse than Luoyang City."

"Ha ha, after all, the capital of the Han Dynasty, even after two years of turmoil, its prosperity is far from comparable to that of other places."

As she walked, Zhang Yu suddenly stopped.

"Yu'er, why don't you go?"

"My husband, I think that the north city is a place where officials and nobles live. Naturally, it is more prosperous. Now that you and I are out today, we might as well take a walk in Nancheng to see how ordinary people live. "

Liu He hears the speech and looks at her lovingly.

"Yu'er is so knowledgeable that she seldom comes out for a visit. She also remembers the common people. Well, let's go."

They crossed a bridge on the Luohe River and walked along the street for some time. It was obvious that the road was no longer so wide, and the houses on both sides were no longer gorgeous. Finally, they even began to be worn down. Almost everyone's clothes were covered with patches. Occasionally, some yellow skinny people were lying listless on the side of the road.

"It seems that even in this capital, ordinary people's life is not good."

Zhang Yu sighed.

"Yes, in Luoyang City, in terms of big families, they are much better than Bingzhou, but ordinary people are not much different."

"Pulling the cloth It's a good cloth... "

"Pancakes, hot ones..."

"My brother has been here to earn a living. If you have money, please hold a money market..."

Zhang Yu looked at the shouting on both sides, and then she began to feel a sense of intimacy. These things were often seen in Yanmen. On the contrary, she did not see many shops selling silk, embroidery, jade and antiques in Beicheng before."Husband, go and have a look at the juggling, but I haven't seen it for some days."

Zhang Yu dragged Liu He by the hand.

The juggling in this era is of course not worth mentioning compared with what Liu he saw in the TV evening party in his previous life. Although it can be called wonderful, the program is monotonous after all.

However, Zhang Yu had been in the house for a long time. On the one hand, she was responsible for the household chores. On the other hand, she took the women's dependents with her to make some small things for sale to supplement her family. Therefore, she seldom went out shopping from langdiao county to Yanmen. She was very happy to see these performances at the moment.

After a performance, Liu He put dozens of coins on each other's plate. The man knelt down and kowtowed quickly, which was equivalent to their income for several days in the past.

They walked a long way, and suddenly heard a clear woman's voice floating.

"Zongzi Fresh red date dumplings, ladies and gentlemen, have one... "

This voice immediately attracted Liu He, not because the sound is so good, but because of the four words "red date dumplings" attracted his attention.

In his previous life, Liu he liked to eat Zongzi with red dates rather than meat dumplings. In this regard, he was a typical "sweet party".

After passing through, in the late Han Dynasty, zongzi had not yet become the exclusive festival food of the Dragon Boat Festival, but mainly appeared at the time of sacrifice. It was not glutinous rice, but millet. Of course, on weekdays, it is not impossible to eat, but ordinary people do not have such conditions.

On hearing these four words, Liu he instinctively sniffed it with his nose. As expected, a faint fragrance of millet wafted.

At this time, Zhang Yu also smelled: "ah, it's zongzi."

Liu he said with a smile, "why, is yu'er hungry?"

Zhang Yu gave him a look of shame and anger: "my husband knows why. Pregnant women are prone to hunger

"Ha ha ha, good. It's wrong for my husband. Go, eat zongzi. "

Liu He with her, follow the sound of the Hawking, quickly found a corner of a small shop.

However, to their surprise, although the store was small, the business was not bad. There were only four tables in the store and the door, and almost all of them were full of guests.

The tables and chairs here are not like those in the rich families, but are similar to those in Liu He's previous life. Only the table is a table, but the chair is not a chair. It's just some wooden piles and other things.

Every guest sitting here has a satisfied smile on his face or full of expectation and carefully peels the rice dumplings. A child peeled quickly, and his hand was scalded. The mother next to him quickly grabbed his hand and blew air.

At the door stood a steaming cauldron, and behind stood a man and a woman, both in aprons, dressed in patched, white washed, but at least respectful coarse linen.

"Husband, don't mention it. The parents of this shop must be handsome and elegant. If they dress up, they may not be able to match her."

Zhang Yu said with a bit of sarcasm.

"Yu'er, don't make fun of you. Who can match you? Eat zongzi."

The boss is bow wrapped dumplings, from time to time to look up at the boss mother, eyes in that happy love color, is no doubt.

Seeing Liu He and Zhang Yu, the landlady rushed out to greet her.

"You are objective, but you want to eat Zongzi?"

Liu he said with a smile: "ha ha, it's natural. Why don't you come here to eat rice dumplings?"

During the conversation, several guests finished eating, took a sip of tea, got up and left.

The owner's wife quickly called Liu He and their seats.

"Come on, my guest. Please have a seat."

The proprietress raised her arm and wiped the sweat on her face. She looked at Liu He and Zhang Yu with a tired and happy smile.

"The shop only has jujube zongzi and tea, zongzi a copper plate, tea free, how many do you want?"

Liu He took a look at the size of rice dumplings eaten by others on the next table, which was about the size of his fist.

"First, two zongzi and a pot of tea."

With that, he took out two money and handed it to the landlady.

The landlady took it with both hands.

"Just a moment, sir. I'll bring it to you right away."

She turned back to the big iron pot, opened the lid, reached out from inside to twist out two zongzi, put them on a plate, and then quickly pinched her finger on the earlobe, which was obviously very hot.

She came out with the dish and the teapot.

"My guest, please use it."

Thank you very much

Liu he said thanks. Seeing that Zhang Yu couldn't wait to get it, she clapped her hand away with a soft slap.

"Be careful. Don't burn your hand. I'll peel it off for you."

Zhang Yu nodded. She sat beside Liu He with a dignified and virtuous manner, watching him peel rice dumplings.

Liu He has been practicing martial arts all the year round. His calluses are quite thick. A little hot is nothing. I saw him three five divide two, peeled the zongzi, suddenly a fragrance came.He took a pair of chopsticks, took a piece from the zongzi, blew a few breaths at his mouth, and then fed it to Zhang Yu.

"Come on."

Zhang Yu was embarrassed and looked around.

"I'll do it myself..."

"Whatever you want, your husband will feed his daughter-in-law something to eat. If you say that heaven goes, no one can choose. Eat it."

Zhang Yu opened her mouth and went in.

One of them ate one. Liu He only felt that the dumplings had an unusual fragrance, sweet but not greasy. It was much more delicious than the dumplings he had ever eaten after crossing. The greedy insects in his stomach were immediately picked out.

"Shopkeeper, two more." He took out two more coppers.

The landlady quickly brought two more, Liu he was very pure and skilled to peel off.

He had just fed Zhang Yu. Zhang Yu opened her mouth and before she could eat the rice dumplings in her mouth, she suddenly heard a loud drink behind her.

"You two dare to sell rice dumplings here. You don't want to live!"

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