"Who dares!"

Liu he stands tall and strong. In front of this group of ordinary thugs, Liu he stands out from the crowd and is very powerful.

In addition, he was awed by his previous record of easily defeating more than ten people. Therefore, the only sound of drinking made the more than 100 thugs awed by it, and no one dared to move forward for a moment.

"You You're a bunch of rubbish, don't get on it soon

Wang Yuan was very angry and kept urging.

Liu He looked at him and said, "I advise you to stop at the precipice. Now it's too late to admit your fault and make amends. Otherwise, it will be too late to repent. "

Wang Yuan was even more angry at this.

"Well, you dare to threaten my whole Wang family. I want you to live or die! Come on, who can catch him and reward him with a hundred thousand dollars

"One hundred thousand!"

As soon as those thugs heard the number, their eyes suddenly lit up like wolves in the night.

More than 100 people, no longer any worries, swarmed on.

"Ah Eunuch... "

The little couple exclaimed in astonishment, but suddenly they realized that a figure had come up to them. It was Zhang Yu.

"Ah, are you the wife of the eunuch? Please go and talk to eugong and tell him to stop fighting. We can't implicate him. Our husband and wife have a hard life. We'll go back with Wang today... "

Half way through, the landlady began to hide her face and cry.

Zhang Yu laughed and grabbed the boss's wife's hand: "don't worry, my husband, can't I know? These people can't help him. Now that we've come across this matter, it's natural that we have to deal with it to the end. "

"But, after all, they are officials..."

"Don't ask, just watch."

Zhang Yu had a gentle breath all over her body, and her words were gentle, such as the gentle wind and sunshine in spring, which made them feel a little calmed down.

Liu He over there snatched an iron bar. Among the hundred people, he left and right flashed. In a twinkling of an eye, more than a hundred thugs were beaten to the ground by him.


A thug who was beaten by him to fly a weapon picked up a table and smashed it at Liu He.


Liu He raised his hand with a fist and smashed a big hole on the table, and then his fist hit the man's chest.

Although he has left three points of strength, but the man was still beaten mouth spray blood, fly backward a few steps.

Liu He's fierce achievements are really astonishing. Where are the rest of these thugs brave enough to fight on?

Just then, not far away came a noise.

"Get out of the way. What's going on ahead? Why is it so noisy?"

A voice of some dignity came from the street behind the thugs.

The crowd scattered one after another, but saw a soldier wearing armor and a long sword at his waist, and a team of equally armed guards came quickly.

"Ah, it's the city patrol."

The onlookers were relieved. Since Liu he came to power in Luoyang, he has been strict with military discipline. Those soldiers who only knew how to bully the people every day have taken on a new look. They have done some good deeds, and the people have gradually gained some trust in them.

Wang Yuan chuckled and went up.

"I'm the eldest son of Taicang's order Wang. There are troublemakers and troublemakers here. You should go and arrest him!"

The captain of the patrol gave him a look.

"Prince Wang? How can you be here? "

Wang Yuan looked impatient: "you don't care. In a word, someone injured dozens of people in my house. You should arrest him quickly."

The captain was not happy: "hum, I patrol the guard to maintain public order in the city. Everything is based on the law. How can you arrest people at will according to your one-sided statement?"

Wang Yuan was surprised and angry: "you How dare you speak to me like that

"You live in the North City, and you bring hundreds of men with you to the south city without any reason. Why? It's better to tell the truth about how to fight with others. Otherwise, I can only ask both parties to go to the government office together. "

"You are bold!" Wang Yuan said angrily, "you are a small guard captain. I just need to say a word, and I can let you go back to the countryside. If I want you to arrest people, you'll arrest them. How come there's so much nonsense! "

The words of dura and more than a dozen of the soldiers immediately turned down.

"Mr. Wang, you'd better be more careful. Our patrol guards have no direct relationship with your father Taicang order. Even if your father makes a Luoyang order one day, your father can transfer us. It has nothing to do with you. If you dare to roar at us again, you will be punished for flouting the national law. "

The man spoke in a solemn and solemn manner, and every word was sonorous and forceful. The people around him were inspired and applauded one after another.

Wang Yuan had never suffered such humiliation since he was a child, and he became angry immediately."Well, you little guard, you wait. I'll let you take off your skin when you turn back!"

"The toad yawned. It was a big voice."

A burst of ridicule sounded from behind, which made the people around him unable to help laughing.

"Who, who dares to humiliate my childe!"

He looked around, and soon saw a look of mockery at his own Liu He.

"It's you again. If you can't die without a corpse today, I'll write it upside down!"

"Wang is upside down, isn't it Wang? You're a little smart. Why don't I bet you that if you can't kill me today, you can shout your surname out loud in the street and shout three times

At the beginning of Wang yuanchu, he didn't understand what he meant, but he soon came to his senses.

"Good, good, good! You have completely angered me. Do you think that such a small number of people is the strength of Wang's mansion? "

He turned back to his subordinates and said, "go back to the mansion immediately and bring some martial arts masters and five hundred bodyguards, and another hundred archers. Today's big deal is to raze this southern city to the ground. If you don't believe it, I can't deal with you, a pariah

He said these words maliciously. The men were preparing to leave, but they were stopped by the convoy.

"You want to take people to fight in the city, disturb the order of the southern city, and hurt innocent people. As law enforcement guards, we can't let you succeed."

Wang Yuandao didn't get angry with him any more, just raised his eyebrows and glanced slightly.

"Well, what can you do for me? I just said a few words. How ever did you really bring people here to kill people? Yes? When is there a rule in the laws of the Han Dynasty that it is not allowed to speak harshly? "

The guard captain was stunned. After all, he was a rude man. How could such sophistry happen?


"What is this? Since there is no such law, why do you stop my staff's actions?"

He yelled at those men and said, "don't go soon!"

Hearing this, these people quickly spread their legs and ran away.

At this time, Liu He's voice sounded again.

"You have really played the word" death "to the limit. It seems that the fate of Wang's family will be even worse than I thought. It's a pity, it's a pity."

Wang Yuan watched several of his men run away, and had confidence in his heart.

"Hum, you are a mere pariah. I think you can be crazy for a long time. Keep an eye on him. Don't let him run away. "

The young couple looked at Liu He anxiously: "eugong, you can find a way to run. Although you have excellent martial arts, you can't beat hundreds of them. And they said that if they send the Bowman here, they must be able to do it. "

"Yes, well Cough Eunuch, run quickly. We can't implicate you and your wife's lives I Cough... "

Liu he said mildly, "don't worry, with a Wang mansion, I don't care."

He said this in a loud voice, and the captain of the guard suddenly looked pale.

"How could this man's voice be so familiar? Just now, I just paid attention to the things in front of me, but I didn't listen carefully. Now what's the voice of this man Why is it a little like the Lord? "

At the thought of this, the captain was shocked.

"Get out of the way and let me meet the people who are fighting with you!"

In his impatience, he pushed Wang Yuan and the dozens of thugs around him.

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