"Is it the master of Zhu's family who sent you to deliver the message? Tell me what he wants to say

In front of the peasant household, Wu Xian Wei was in an official position.

"Tell your Lord, Master Zhu asked the villain to send a message that although he had resentment, he knew he could do nothing. Now that the mountain bandits have been destroyed, the big revenge is even revenge. I just want to ask you to hold your hand and leave a incense for the Zhu family. He was willing to hand over all the properties of Zhu's house to adults, who could go to Zhu's mansion to check them one by one at any time. From then on, he will go far away from home and will never cause you any trouble. "

The farmer had finished his speech with a little trembling. The more Wu Xian Wei listened, the more his eyebrows fluttered.

"Ha ha! Great... "

Just want to be excited to jump up, found that the farmer is still, seems to be some inappropriate, and then sat back.

"Well, I know. Master Zhu and I have known each other for many years. How can we embarrass a nephew? There must be some misunderstanding. Well, you can go back and tell the wise nephew of Zhu family that I will guarantee his safety. As for the property and family property, my nephew is too polite. How can I take advantage of others' danger? But my nephew is young. As an uncle, I will take care of him for a few years. After he is weak, I will return it! "

Wu Xian Wei tried to resist the excitement and said this. He asked the housekeeper to reward him with some money and sent the peasant to go back.

"Oh, yes! I didn't expect the Zhu family boy to be so smart! It seems that he stayed in other people's house that night and didn't come back, so he escaped. It's the will of God! Now I don't have to divide the property equally with those mountain bandits. It's all mine! Ha ha ha

Wu Xian Wei danced excitedly in the hall.

After the housekeeper sent the farmer away, he shook his head when he saw what his family looked like.

"My Lord, I don't think it's right."

Wu Xian Wei turned his head and looked at the old housekeeper in doubt.

"What's wrong? I think it's reasonable. As a pariah in his family who has lost his power, does he dare to fight against my official? "

The old housekeeper respectfully came forward and replied, "my Lord, this matter is really reasonable. If he wants to hand over his property and protect himself, the old slave doesn't think there is any problem. It's just why bother the Lord to come over in person? If he really wants to, isn't it more sincere for him to deliver his property? "

But Wu Xian Wei waved his hand and looked indifferent.

"Old housekeeper, how thoughtful you are! Zhu's family is big and prosperous. Of course, money and grain can be sent here. But what about real estate and land? It's normal for me, the new owner, to make an inventory. "

In fact, in addition to this, there is one of the most important reasons in Wu's mind.

Even if he still owes more than 200000 yuan to the gambling house, the gambling house is not owned by ordinary people. If he doesn't pay it back, he is afraid that the black gauze hat will not be protected. Because of this, he will take the risk to take the idea of Zhufu.

Now that people have delivered their property to their own door, where is the truth of extrapolation?

Even if there were any traps, he would take the risk without hesitation. After all, traps are only possible, but casinos are real threats, and everyone can figure it out.

The housekeeper saw that his master was so resolute that he knew his temper very well, so he didn't persuade him any more. He just asked Wu Xian Wei to bring more followers and even some county soldiers with him.

"Well, of course it is. Oh, by the way, Ke Heng, he said he was a martial arts teacher before? If you still want to serve me, let him go with me this time. "

Wu Xian Wei was very happy today. He went to Wanxiang Pavilion again in the evening. He was very generous, which made the girl and the lady happy.

In the morning of the next day, Wu Xian Wei had a meal in a hurry. He called on the housekeeper, with 15 servants and dozens of county soldiers. His party of nearly 100 people marched toward the Yellow River village.

At this time, in the courtyard of Zhufu, Liu He, Zhang Yong, Zhu ye, Guan Yu, Cheng Liang, ye Xiang and Zhang Yu gathered in the courtyard, looking a little nervous and waiting for something.

Soon after, a figure came running in a hurry.

"Here it is! Come on, come on... "

The man runs fast. He has no idea. He falls over the threshold. Zhu Ye goes up to help him up.

"Really?" Zhu Ye asks eagerly.

"Really! Just now, I saw the old man riding the horse. One of them was captain Wu riding a horse! They're coming this way together! I'll hurry down the mountain and take a path to tell you! "

Everyone was overjoyed!

"This man named Wu is really greedy for money! Then let's not hesitate! He also brought the Ke Heng with him, which saved us a lot of trouble. "

"Poor God, let these two thieves come together!"

the six men took up their weapons and ran out of the gate. After all the running, they came to a forest.

Liu He, Cheng Liang and ye Xiang took out cloth strips to cover their faces and ambushed in the woods. Zhu ye, Guan Yu and Zhang Yong hid behind a small soil slope not far away.Sure enough, before long, a group of people came from the distance in their sight. Several people fixed their eyes on it. Who could be the leader, not Wu Xian Wei?

"Dog thief!"

Zhu Ye murmurs and furiously, and resists his impulse to kill.

The procession came slowly, and Wu Xian Wei was still humming a little song. He was very proud of himself. Not far behind him, Ke Heng followed with all his grievances.

"It's really bad luck. I wanted to encourage those mountain bandits to rob Zhu's house and distribute the property. I didn't expect that Wu came in! Now I haven't got anything. I've offended Zhu ye and some of them for nothing. I don't know whether it will be dangerous to come here this time. "

His idea is that no one knows, even if someone knows, it is estimated that they will not sympathize with him.

The housekeeper looked in front of him, and the thick forest was already in sight.

"My Lord, if you go through the forest in front of you and walk three miles, you will arrive at Huangshui village. Then you can walk about four miles to Zhufu."

Wu Xian Wei nodded and hastened.

"Go faster and linger. When can I get there? A bunch of rubbish

After scolding the soldiers behind him, Wu Xian Wei clipped his legs and drove the horse to speed up.

Although the servants and soldiers behind were very dissatisfied, the Wu family often deducted their wages and food rates. All of them came hungry, but they could do nothing but drag their tired bodies to trot up.

Wu Xian Wei was more eager for money. He patted the horses and wanted to get the property he wanted to get to Zhu's house earlier.

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