"There is another thing. His majesty ordered him to put Dong Zhuo and his followers in the prison. They would be punished by all kinds of punishments, and then they would be executed after autumn. It was almost the same time, but this morning the prison reported that Dong Zhuo and his wife had been suffering for months. He was seriously ill and died in prison. "

"Oh?" This news really surprised Liu He.

"I can't believe that a generation of heroes died miserably in the prison. It's really amazing."

"In addition, when Li Ru heard of Dong Zhuo's death, he broke the ceramic rice bowl and cut his throat to death when his jailer delivered food."

"Well?" This news is more surprising than the death of Dong Zhuo.

"I didn't expect that Li Ru was so loyal. At first, I made him go to prison by Dong Zhuo. I thought he would hate Dong Zhuo very much, and I didn't want to die for him. Although he was a disaster to the country and the people, he was a loyal man, so I'd like to bury his body. As for Dong Zhuo, the crime of this man is unforgivable. Although he died today, he should also expose his body as the head of the owl. Tomorrow, they will be beheaded together with Li Zhen, Guo Si and others, hanging outside the city and announcing the world. "

Liu he didn't hate Dong Zhuo to this extent, but he was a descendant of the Han Dynasty. Now that he helped the Han Dynasty, Dong Zhuo was a national thief. His treatment of him shows the orthodox dignity of the imperial court.

Liu He, Xun Yu and Cui Jun discussed military and political affairs together, and in a flash it was evening.

A maid in the house came over: "report to the general, the old lady and his wife came to report that the dinner was ready."

"I've been chatting with them, but I've forgotten the time. Take a walk, Wen Ruo, Zhou Ping, you and I will have a meal together

Xunzi and Cui Jun were subordinates of Liu He after he opened his mansion. It was common for them to board and stay in the general's mansion, so they did not refuse.

Xu's life was handed down to the dining room.

Outside, Liu he was a general. When he ate at home, Xu was the first, followed by Zhang Tong and his wife, then Liu He and Zhang Yu, and then Xunzi and Cui Jun.

A dry dish was served, and the quantity was not large. Everyone's table was full of one meat, one vegetable and one soup, but it was very rare. Even in the general's residence, it was not so luxurious every day.

"Well? Today's cuisine seems to be lighter than usual, but it has a unique flavor. Is it possible that a new cook has been recruited in the government? "

Liu he had just taken a few mouthfuls and noticed something wrong.

Zhang Yu said with a smile, "my husband has a sharp mouth. Today, it's not the chef in the mansion, but Miss Wang Shan. She said that her husband and wife saved her husband and wife, but they didn't expect any reward. In the government these days, she would make some Jingzhou delicacies for us

"Oh? Is it her? Well, it's really delicious. I didn't expect her cooking skills to be so good. It really impressed me

Liu he thought that the couple were good at making rice dumplings and other pastries, but they didn't expect that the dinner dishes were also so accomplished.

Liu Zheng, who was sitting next to Xu's family, ate happily. At the end of the day, he grabbed him directly and made his face covered with oil and water.

Liu he saw, immediately board up a face, "pa" clapped chopsticks on the table.

"Slave, how is it proper to eat like this?"

Liu Zheng was so scared that he stopped eating. His round face was so open that he didn't dare to move. Liu he almost couldn't help laughing.

Seeing that his grandson had been taught a lesson, Xu was not happy at once.

"I'm only six years old. I don't know how to use chopsticks very well. Why are you so critical? When you were six years old, you were not as good as him

After that, she brushed Liu Zheng's back and said kindly, "I'm not afraid. If you like to eat, grandma will ask the kitchen to do more later. When your father was young, there was nothing to eat at home and he often went hungry. Now that you have enough food, grandma can't make you hungry. I'll see what your father dares to say with your grandmother

After saying that, also specially glared at Liu he one eye.

Liu he was just about to come forward and say some big truth that it is not good to spoil children. Zhang Tong and his wife also joined Xu in helping out.

The three elders spoke, and Liu he could only shake his head helplessly.

"After dinner, remember to read. Don't slack off. Do you hear me?"

Liu Heben intended to invite a famous master of Confucian classics to teach his son in the mansion. However, after thinking about it, there was no suitable candidate. Masters like Lu Zhi have no problem with their moral character and ability. However, they are in important positions in the imperial court, and they are their own elders. It is really condescending to ask them to condescend to teach Liu Zheng in the government.

Fortunately, her husband and wife are also erudite. In particular, Zhang Yu has read more books than Liu He when she stayed at home these years. With her knowledge and now as high as 90 intelligence, it is more than enough to educate her son temporarily.

As for martial arts, he is young after all, but Liu He has no requirements for it for the time being. He only asks his mother and Zhang Yu to do some medicine conditioning together. In addition, he will ask him to do some simple exercises every day to strengthen his body. That's all.

Liu Yuan is also clever, not a spoiled bear child. He nodded repeatedly when he heard his father's words."After that, I will read for my father and listen to my children."

As soon as he said this, Liu he was stunned.

When he was six years old, his grandson's face was much better than his father's

Liu Hutton's face was full of black lines: "mother, can you stop criticizing me? I'm a general now..."

"What's the matter? When you are a general, you can't be said for your mother? "

Xu's stare, Liu He begged for mercy on the spot.

"Yes, yes."

Although Xun Yu and Cui Jun were laughing at each other, when they saw that their Lord was in trouble, they naturally wanted to find a way to help.

Xun Yu took a sip of the soup, and his face was still in the air.

"Well, this woman is very skilled. If she opens a restaurant, her business will certainly be good. However, as the saying goes: everyone is innocent and has his own crime. Her husband and wife are just ordinary people. Once their business is booming, they will inevitably be bullied by thieves in the future. I think it's better for the general to open a restaurant with them in the name of the family. It can not only make some subsidies for the government, but also protect them. Isn't it the best of both worlds? "

Liu He gave him a positive and grateful look.

"It's not bad, it's very thoughtful. By the way, isn't Gongjian always calling for opening your Xunshi restaurant branch in Luoyang? It's better to invite him here and discuss it together. "

"It's feasible. I'll write him a letter later. Please come to Luoyang."

"Ha ha, with the joint efforts of the Lord and Xunzi, we will be able to set up the largest restaurant in Luoyang. The couple are lucky this time."

Cui Jun clapped his hands and laughed.

This evening meal has just been used up, Liu he just walked into the courtyard, a soldier ran in a hurry.

"Newspaper General Gao Shun triumphantly returned to the dynasty, and now he is fifteen miles outside the city. "

Liu heyixi.

"Oh? Five days ago, I received a report from Boping saying that he wanted to return to the dynasty. I didn't want to arrive so soon. Wenruo and Zhouping will follow me out of the city to meet them. "

Although the sky had begun to darken, Liu he was full of interest and left the city in a hurry with Xun Yu and Cui Jun.

They galloped all the way. Not long after they left the city, they saw an army marching, singing military songs while marching. With flags flying, morale is like a rainbow, which is spectacular.


Liu He calls from afar.


When Gao Shun saw Liu he coming out of the city more than ten miles away from the city to meet him, Gao Shun could not hide his feeling of emotion on his face. He ran forward quickly, jumped off his horse and knelt down in front of Liu He.

"Gao Shun, the last general, is late to pay the order. Please forgive me!"

"Haha, Boping went to the party with Liu Bei in the first World War. There were only dozens of casualties in our army. Such fighting achievements are rare in the world. What is the crime? Get up, please

Gao Shun is helped up by Liu He, but he still faces shame.

"The last general was incompetent. He did not capture Lv Bu, and the Zhao family suffered heavy casualties..."

"Well, this is not what Boping expected. The result of this war is rare. There is no need to worry about it. Although Lv Bu is brave and resourceless, he is not in the eyes of the general. Sooner or later, he will be captured. "

Just as he said that, Liu He's eyes suddenly focused on the two generals behind Gao Shun. They all looked extraordinary. Their eyes at Liu he were both respectful and excited.

"These two must be Zhao Zilong and Deng Ziyang mentioned in the Boping military newspaper?"

Although Liu he was very happy in his heart, he tried to calm down on his face.

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