In the grass hundreds of paces away in the Hun camp area, two figures were hidden.

"Hey, brother Zilong, don't tell me. These Hu people are really good at barbecue. I'm hungry."

"Brother Ziyang, don't mess around. The Lord asked you and me to come to find out the specific position of the Huns. You and I can't frighten the snake."

"Well, Zilong can rest assured that although I am a rough man, I also know the weight. I didn't expect that our brothers had just joined us, and the camp we were sleeping in was arranged next to the chief commander's tent. It shows that we attach great importance to it. How can I, Deng yuan, ruin the Lord's affairs? "

Deng yuan picked up the grass and looked at the camp ahead.

"I think there are tens of thousands of Xiongnu soldiers in this camp, which must be the main force of Xiongnu Zuoxian king."

Zhao Yun nodded: "it can't be wrong. Come on, let's go back and tell the Lord to kill one of them. "

He was about to get up when Deng yuan suddenly reached for him.

"Oh, no hurry. Since you and I have come, how can we go back empty handed? Did you forget? Before leaving, the Lord specially explained that you and I can do what is convenient without disturbing the snake. Since the Lord has said this, it will be a great disappointment for you and me to go back like this. Although killing people is easy to disturb the enemy, it is not nothing to do... "

"Zhao Yun looks down at him, looks down at him and smiles at him.

Ten miles away from the Hun camp, there is a Populus euphratica forest. Along a clear river course, it stretches for several miles, with luxuriant branches and leaves.

In this forest, it is indistinct that a group of men and horses are walking, which is the place where Liu He's army is stationed.

Liu He, who was sitting under the tree eating dry food, stood up after hearing Zhao Yun and Deng yuan's report.

"Good! Zilong and Ziyang did not fail to live up to what they had entrusted, so they quickly found out where the camp of Zuo Xian Wang was. First, he wrote down a merit. After winning, there must be a reward. "

"Thank you, Lord!"

"After you have finished eating and drinking, you can start as soon as it's dark. The third brother and Dameng led the gods and tigers to charge, Zilong and Ziyang led the charge with 1000 cavalry. Our general led 2000 cavalry. We attacked the enemy camp from five directions. The remaining 15000 soldiers, shouting out loud outside, disorganized the enemy's morale, and at the same time covered up and surrounded the enemy troops in accordance with the situation. We must not let Zuo Xian Wang escape! "

"Here it is

Chongling is Qu Hang's character. He was Ye Xiang's assistant general in Shenji camp. However, ye Xiang was arranged by Liu He to stay in Luoyang, but he borrowed Qu hang to him.

The Hun soldiers here had enough to eat and drink, just as night fell.

In the king's tent, Zuo Xianwang contentedly patted his stomach and wiped his mouth.

"Although the mutton is delicious, it is not as delicate as the Han children. It's only hateful that since the appearance of Liu He, we have been able to catch fewer and fewer Han people. The Han slaves under his command have either fled or resisted to be killed. The rest are a group of old, weak, sick and disabled people who can't move. Now it's hard to eat a delicious two legged sheep."

As he said that, his face showed a yearning and recalling thoughts.

"Your Majesty, don't worry. When we go back and continue to recruit troops and strengthen our strength, we will plunder them again. Then we will take some more back for you to enjoy some time."

"Well, that would be the best."

"Don't worry. When Liu he was in Bingzhou, he only dealt with the Xiongnu people and their Xianbei people wholeheartedly. Now, hehe, he is in Luoyang and controls the Royal Court of the Han people. How many princes like Yuan Shao are staring at him. It's enough for him. It won't hinder us for a while. When the Han people kill each other, we'll keep up our strength. When the army goes south, even Luoyang will take him. That's enough! "

"Yes, those Han people are as weak as the sheep on the grassland. This Liu He is very powerful, but there is only one Liu He among the Han people, and all the Huns are heroes. Don't say that Liu he didn't come today, but he did come. We have so many warriors, we can surely capture him alive, peel and bone, stew and drink soup! "

Several senior generals were in high spirits, and Zuo Xianwang was very happy to hear them. His beard seemed to be flying.

"Well, well said, well said! Ha ha ha

However, just as they were chatting, a lot of noise came into the king's tent.

"What's the matter? Why is it so noisy?"

A general was about to go out to have a look. As soon as the curtain of the king's tent was lifted, he pretended to be full of panic with a soldier.

"Don't you have eyes? A dog like thing, I want to die

The general was about to get angry, but the soldier knelt down directly and said in a very flustered voice: "report to the king, it's not good, the event is not good, Han people The Han people are coming! "

"What? What's the matter? "

Zuo Xianwang was so surprised that the general who ran into him at the door caught the soldier.

"How could there be a Han army?""I don't know I don't know... "

Zuo Xianwang stood up and strode to the soldier and said, "how many people are there in the Han army? Who is the general? "

"I don't know how many people there are. In short, there are Han troops in all directions. In addition to the five route cavalry, there are also shouts of killing. It seems that there are at least 560000 Han troops. As for the commander, it seems that It seems that It's like a big flag with the character of Liu... "

"Liu? Is it Liu He's in person? It's impossible. How can it be so fast? "

"Ligun, it's up to you, crow mouth! This time, Liu He has been called in! "

"This How can I be blamed for that? "

A group of Hun generals quarreled instantly.

"When's the time? Don't worry about it, don't prepare for war!"

Zuo Xian Wang copied his weapons and rushed out of the king's tent.

A group of people rushed out of the king's tent in a hurry. They saw that the surrounding was in a state of chaos, and the flames were soaring. The sound of fighting was getting closer and closer.

"It's a bad thing, my Lord. You see, Han troops are coming from different directions around. This time Liu heding is leading a large army to encircle and suppress."

"What's wrong! Didn't you just swear that you are a warrior? I'll kill you all. Even if you can't win, you'll have to fight your way out! By the way, bring out the Han couple who were robbed during the evacuation from beidijun. The men will kill them and the women will take them away! "

"No, my king. The couple are from a big family of Han people. Their names are Wei family of Hedong county. We still rely on them to manage the Han people for money and food."

"Bah, when is it? Money or life? We are going to break through this time. What's the use of a man? It's just a waste of horses and food

With weapons in his hand, Zuo Xian Wang mounted his horse, and the first one rushed to the front. Seeing this, several other generals did not dare to run slowly, so they quickly followed up.

Among the five Han armies, Cheng Liang and Dameng were the happiest. Although they had only one hundred gods and tigers, their combat effectiveness was the most powerful. Especially under the sudden attack, their deterrent power to the Hun cavalry was almost to the extreme. Under the roar of all the beasts, the horses and Hun soldiers who had already been frightened were even worse. The soldiers could not raise any morale, and the horses were also running around.

"Ha ha, kill!"

The fierce machete is really frightening. If you go down, it will split the Hun soldiers directly. Anyone who sees it will be scared to death. How dare you go forward to the enemy?

"Dameng did a good job. I'll reward you with a leg of mutton!"

Cheng Liang is not far away to shout up, a big fierce to hear the leg of sheep, the whole person immediately more excited.

"Damon wants two, no, three!"

He yelled, but his hands did not stop at all. In this sentence, he had killed two more people.

"Ha ha, OK. I'll give you four legs of mutton."

Cheng Liang was too happy. In Shenhu riding, in terms of martial arts alone, he is a little bit better than Da Meng. However, Da Meng is the most lethal and deterrent force to the enemy soldiers on the battlefield. Even in the whole army of the Anmin army, no one can compare with him.

These two guys, kill rise, and by contrast, Qu hang and Liu He's two teams, appear to be more common.

Qu Hang's martial arts is only 81 points, but his shooting skill has reached 90 points. The 5000 cavalry soldiers Liu He brought this time are all soldiers who are good at riding and shooting.

Therefore, Qu hang took advantage of his strong points and avoided his weaknesses. He took a thousand cavalry and turned himself into a bow cavalry. Although his lethality and deterrence were not as good as those of the gods and tigers, they caused much more trouble to the Hun camp.

As for Liu He, he fought bravely, but in the process of killing the enemy, he kept paying attention to the situation of the other teams in the distance.

"Zhao Yun, Zhao Yun, I take this opportunity to give you a new man the opportunity to lead the army alone. You have to give me a long face, otherwise, where can I get a promotion? I have a big task waiting to be entrusted to you... "

In one of the positions of the camp, a white figure, with a thousand cavalry, shot and attacked from far and near. It was the team led by Zhao Yun.

Before long, Deng yuan, who was in charge of the surprise attack in another direction beyond a hundred steps, slowly leaned over, and kept making color toward Zhao Yun.

Zhao Yun nodded to him, and the two immediately seemed to have a tacit understanding. At the same time, they led the army to kill in a direction in the camp. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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