Liu He is slightly surprised that a woman can start with the overall situation like this and be so tolerant to the man who just tried to insult him. It is really commendable.

"Miss Wenji is magnanimous and kind-hearted. I admire her. However, with the state law and military discipline in the army, there is no need for the girl to worry about it. Now that the battle has been won, we will have a rest in the Hun camp for one night and join forces in the morning tomorrow. I will send someone to escort the remains of the girl and her husband to Luoyang. After seeing your father, I will go with your father to explain this to Wei. I would also like to show the son of heaven and seal down the Zun Fu. "

When Liu he said that, Cai Yan did not say anything more.

Liu He looked at her expression, and then looked into the distance.

"The girl is kind-hearted, and Liu greatly respects and appreciates her. The general's name was Wang Han, whose name was Changheng. He was the younger brother of a trusted soldier when he was the county magistrate of langdiao county. He suffered from childhood and left sequelae after his illness. Later, I sent someone to find him. When he was picked up in the army, he caught up with the Yellow turban army to attack. Before he had time to enjoy his happiness, he went to the bandit army camp and set foot in the camp. This made the bandit army in chaos, and we could take advantage of the situation to break it. "

"After that, he followed me on a six-year expedition to the West. I don't know how many injuries he suffered. His brother died in the battle under the Xianbei Xiongnu United Army in Shuofang county. If you want to punish him, the most unbearable person in the world is Liu. It's just that Liu is very strict in governing the army and can't be abolished. "

He saluted Cai Yan.

"I've heard for a long time that the general is strict in governing the army, and the law does not evade relatives. Today, I can see that this is true."

"I'm flattered. Now that the war is over, our army will take advantage of the Hun camp for a night's rest and return to Shangjun early tomorrow morning. Then I will send someone to send the girl back to Luoyang to meet your father. "

"Thank you, general..."

Liu He looked up at the stars.

"Since Zuo Xian Wang's army met here, Gao Shun's side should have nothing to do with it. The Qiang people are semi pastoral and semi farming, not like the Xianbei Xiongnu, who live entirely by water and grass. What's more, with Ma Teng's assistance, he lived in Xiliang for a long time, and had dealt with Qiang people for decades. It is expected that the fourth younger brother's side will also be OK. I just don't know how the battle situation is over there. According to Yun Chang's practice, Zhang Liao, Zhou Yuan, Qin Chu, Yan Quan and others will be sent to search for the whereabouts of Kebi Neng. Among these people, Zhang Liao is the youngest, but he is the most brave. I hope that he can show some performance and live up to the name of "stopping the night cry of children in Jiangdong."

Far away in the northeast of Yanmen County, Zhang Liao suddenly sneezed three times.

"Is general Zhang getting cold? It's windy on the grassland. You have to take care of yourself. Whether we can succeed in this attack depends on you. "

A soldier took a pot of hot water from the fire and handed it to Zhang Liao.

"Brother Lao is worried. I am in good health. I think my new daughter-in-law is worried about me, so I sneeze."

After entering Luoyang, Zhang Liao followed Guan Yu to train troops and patrol around. He happened to see a woman washing clothes by the stream. He was very fond of it. He told Guan Yu and Liu He at that time, and then went to propose marriage.

The woman was the daughter of an ordinary local family. At that time, she was 16 years old. Although her family was not poor, it was only slightly better than that of Liu He when he was a child. Zhang Liao was already a general of Yamen and an assistant general of Guan Yu. In terms of military status, she was half a level higher than Zhou Yuan and other people.

When he came to propose a marriage, the family was very happy. Not to mention that he was a real wife, but to be a concubine was the result of our ancestors' virtue. Their marriage was also held by Liu he himself, who envied all the people in the county.

Now the two have just been married for about four months. It's time for them to get married. When he said this, soldiers around him began to tease him. Zhang Liao was shy and shy for a moment, so he quickly changed the topic.

"Well, don't laugh. Now, eight days have passed since the ten day period mentioned by general Guan. Now we have not even seen the shadow of Ke Bi Neng. We are now nearly 200 miles away from Pingcheng County, and it will take us a day to get back. If we can't find any more tomorrow, we will have to go back empty handed. "

Everyone's face became dignified.

"Well, I hope that these brothers can get something out of looking for clues this time."

Several people were thinking about it, and suddenly there was a sound of horse's hooves in the distance.

Several soldiers looked up from afar and recognized the man as he got closer and closer.

"It's Yan Laoliu coming back..."

People gathered around.

"How about it? Can you find the main force of that guy corbinon? "

All the people, including Zhang Liao, asked anxiously.

Unexpectedly, Yan Laoliu shook his head. The hope that all people have just raised is lost again in an instant.

When everyone looked lonely and walked back and sat down again, Yan Laoliu said again.

"But I found a group of Xianbei people..."

Before he finished speaking, the soldiers who were going back, almost in the blink of an eye, surrounded him again."Xianbei people? Where are they? How many people? Could it be the soldier of that guy corbinon? "

Zhang Liao also looked at him expectantly.

However, Yan Laoliu said: "they are only more than 100 people. They look dusty and thin. They should be ordinary people. They are about seventeen or eighteen miles northeast of here. I wanted to ask about it, but I didn't know how to speak English, so I came back to report to General Zhang first. "

"It's just Xianbei people..."

The soldiers all sighed and looked disappointed.

Zhang Liao was holding his chin and began to think.

"We have searched here for more than ten miles. We have not seen any Xianbei people in the daytime. In this way, they should have arrived here in a hurry."

Yan Laoliu nodded: "yes, that's right. When I saw them, they were putting up tents in place. They looked like they were going to stay for a night. I didn't know where to go. However, after exploring the footprints on the grassland, I can see that they are coming from the East

A farmer with a thick beard does not wrinkle his eyebrows.

"Now the season is when the grass grows and the Orioles fly and everything recovers. You see, the grassland is full of vitality all the way along the way. It should be when they graze their livestock and let those animals multiply. Why should they rush all day long and miss a good opportunity?"

People around him began to ponder.

"Yes, why? There's no reason. "

"General Zhang, what do you think they want to do?"

Zhang Liao seemed to suddenly think of something, and clapped his hands.

"Ah, I see!"

Soldiers gathered around.

"Tell me, general."

Zhang Liao said: "the Lord has said many times that these Xianbei and Xiongnu are very strict. The common people in the lower class are even more miserable than those of the Han people, while those nobles are domineering and plundering everywhere. Therefore, when the Lord defeated the two ethnic groups, he set up Hu City in Bingzhou, and then hundreds of thousands of Hu people came to live with them, because they believed that under the rule of Han Dynasty, their life would be better than before. "

"Well, what general Zhang said is reasonable. My lord used to educate us with this."

Many soldiers thought so.

"That's it. This group of Xianbei people, I think, must be the same. They come from the East, and 80% of them are the people of the Xianbei tribe under kebineng. Now they want to escape from the rule of kebineng, or go to surrender to our Han, or go to join the other three Xianbei leaders. "

"Ah, I see. General Zhang means that Kebi Neng department must be in the east of us now?"

"Yes, no doubt!"

Zhang Liao suddenly took half of the pancake in his hand and gave it to the mouth of the whole bolt, and then "Gudong Gudong" several mouthfuls were sent down.

"Brothers, victory, defeat, honor and disgrace will be won tonight. As long as we find Ke bineng, we will honor our ancestors and give us wives and sons. You will follow me!"

"Willing to fight with general Zhang!"

"Good! Put men and horses in battle armor, find Ke Bi Neng, and decide on life and death , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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