"Come on, stop them for me!"

General Xianbei exclaimed.

A group of Xianbei soldiers surrounded and blocked the gap, trying to force Zhang Liao back.

"Get out of here!"

Zhang Liao a violent drink, hook and sickle pick up a small number of the horse, hard to throw out.

This hit directly made Xianbei soldiers who were besieged in front of them a gap again. Before the soldiers around could make up for the gap, Zhang Liao's hook and sickle killed them first.

"Puff, puff..."

Xuanhuang hook and sickle attack in succession. In a flash, they cut off the heads of three enemy troops.

"General Zhang has killed us. Let's rush out!"

Three thousand heavy cavalry yelled in unison, one after another, from the gap.

The two Xianbei generals were so anxious that they had to head their own troops to rush over.

"Han will die!"

Two generals, one left and one right, launched a siege against Zhang Liao.

Zhang Liao had no fear. At this time, the force of 97 was displayed incisively and vividly.

The more Xianbei general fought, the more he lost his confidence. After such a hard battle, the Han Dynasty's bravery increased, not less than when he first killed the first general. This made the two men feel a little chilly.

The three men fought for dozens of rounds. During this period, nearly half of the 3000 heavy cavalry had already run out. These more than 1000 cavalry were like dragons returning to the sea, and they all released all the Qi they had received before. They were so powerful that they really blocked the killing God.

Such a group of well-trained heavy cavalry with a strong will to fight turned out to be a one-sided massacre against a group of Xianbei soldiers who were frightened and backward in equipment.

After another burst of screams, a group of Xianbei soldiers fell into a pool of blood, making the two Xianbei generals as anxious as ants on a hot pot.

"Han people, don't bully people too much!"

Zhang Liao glanced at them.

"Hum, shameless people have entered into our Han soil and killed our Han people. Now they say that I have deceived people too much. I am going to deceive you. What are you going to do? Look at the knife. "

The hook and sickle suddenly changed its angle and split into stabs. The general was unable to defend himself and was directly stabbed under his ribs.

"Get up for me!"

Zhang Liao poured his whole body strength into his arms, picked up the ManJiang directly and threw it out.

"You You, you... "

At this time, another general had no fighting spirit. He swayed and ran.

"Where to run!"

Zhang Liao followed closely. After all, his horse still had better foot strength and soon caught up with him.

The cold light of the hook and sickle flashed, and the Xianbei general was about to resist his backhand. However, he saw that the hook and sickle suddenly trembled, and then a bloody light exploded, and an arm flew high. The Xianbei general also gave a painful cry and fell off his horse.

"Ah Ah, my hand... "

Zhang Liao put his sickle against his neck.

"Tell me where your chief Kebi can be

"I I don't know... "

"I dare to be hard spoken!"

Zhang Liao made a little effort, and the hook and sickle cut the skin on his neck.

"I really I really don't know From your Han people's After Youzhou came back, the leader Just He asked us to come here to continue grazing and recuperation. He said he had something to do, so He led the army to leave alone I really don't know, hero, spare your life... "

Zhang Liao was shocked when he heard the speech.

"I didn't expect to go there in vain. This Ke Bi Neng is not here. It's disgusting!"

Zhang Liao looked at the general, who begged for mercy with snivel and tears. Disgusted in his heart, Zhang Liao cut off his head as soon as his hook and sickle flashed.

Outside the city of Pingcheng County, there is a military camp.

At the moment, the sound of soldiers drilling came from the camp.

"What's wrong with Wenyuan? This is the ninth day. Why hasn't he arrived yet?"

Guan Yu looked at the 17000 soldiers and horses that were training in front of him, but he was short of Zhang Liao's 3000 men. He could not help frowning.

Qian Ning comforted: "general, don't worry. General Zhang has excellent martial arts skills. Although he is young and vigorous, he has been under the jurisdiction of the LORD all the way. He will be OK."

"I don't think so."

Qin Chu came over.

"These are the normal March. How can we get there today? What's more, since this is a competition, it should be a full March. The team of eight thousand men of general Guan arrived in Pingcheng county early. Wen Yuan has always been competitive and will never be willing to fall behind. I guess he has already arrived

"Well? If he had arrived long ago, why had he not been seen? "

Guan Yu looks a little unhappy.

Qin Chu said, "the last general is afraid that he is..."

Guan Yu looked at him, who wanted to talk but stopped: "say, how about being afraid of him?""The last general was afraid that he had led the troops to attack the grassland alone in order to fight for meritorious deeds..."

"Well? Dare I disobey him

This is what Guan Yu said, but judging from his face, he also believed the conjecture five points.

"Come, the general needs an official call."

After a while, the Quartermaster came to Guan Yu.

"You say, who was the first person who came to get the armor dry food?"

The Quartermaster did not dare to hide it. He replied honestly, "general Huiguan, five days ago, general Zhang Liao had already felt the city of yinguan. He had received a supply of military supplies and rushed to the north."

"Hiss That's true... "

Guan Yu stroked his beard and stood up.

"He arrived five days ago, and it will take another day to get from yinguan city to Pingcheng county. That is to say, he sent troops into the grassland four days ago. It is nonsense. With his 3000 troops, how can he fight with Kebi tens of thousands of troops? Even if he wins, he will win miserably. My Zijin dragon riding is a horse, and my life is more expensive than those Hu people. If I suffer huge losses, how can Guan explain to my elder brother? "

The more he thought about it, the more wrong he got. Finally, he took the green dragon Yanyue sword.

"Speed up the whole army, send troops to the grassland, and make sure to get Zhang Liao back to me!"

"General Guan can't do it. It's still a matter for us to guess. Whether he attacked the grassland or not is unknown. Now, if there is any misunderstanding in the trade, which leads to the mistake of criticizing kebineng and King Wuhuan, will the Lord not blame him


Guan Yu rebuked Qin Chu who said this.

"I have more than 20000 Zijin dragon riders. All of them are brothers. Zhang Liao disobeyed my orders and came back to be punished. But now he must be in a tight encirclement, or lost and hard to return. How can we ignore it? Is it still the way to be a brother? The whole army at once

Qin Chu did not dare to refute any more and rushed to reorganize the army and prepare to send troops.

"Newspaper General Zhang Liao is back... "

"Wenyuan is back?" Guan Yu, who was preparing to go back to fight, suddenly turned his head with joy.

A group of people rushed out of the barracks. As expected, Zhang Liao and a group of soldiers got off their horses and stood outside the barracks.

"Wen Yuan!"

Guan Yu went over to see that although they were all dusty, there was no sign of injury. He was also relieved.

All of a sudden, Zhang Liao and three thousand cavalry all knelt down.

"At the end of the war, general Guan will attack the grassland and fight a decisive battle. Please punish general Guan!"

"Are you really leading the army to find Ke Bi Neng? Have you ever found it? "

Guan Yu did not mention the punishment, but asked about the results of the battle.

Zhang Liao was ashamed and said: "the last general was incompetent. In the early hours of this morning, he found a Xianbei camp and fought with it. He wiped out about 10000 people and captured more than 60000 Xianbei people with the army, but there was no sign of Ke Bi Neng. When he heard that he had invaded Shanggu County on that day, he parted ways with several of his generals. Now he did not know where he was. At the end of the war, the general disobeyed the military order, attacked without authorization, and failed to capture Ke bineng. Please punish him! "

Guan Yu was about to speak when Qian Ning suddenly came to advise him.

"General Guan, although Wen Yuan violated the general's orders, he eventually killed 10000 troops of Kebi Neng army in the first World War, and brought more than 60000 people back to the Han Dynasty. It can be said that it has a great impact on his power. This contribution is not small. In the end, the general thinks that it can offset his crime of disobeying military orders. Please think twice."

"Yes, I agree with Zijing. Please forgive Wen Yuan."

"Yes, forgive Wen Yuan."

Qin Chu, Zhouyuan and Yanquan also pleaded.

Guan Yu ignored them. Instead, he looked at the soldiers behind him and asked, "are there any injuries to our officers and men?"

"General Huiguan, our 3000 cavalry, 872 wounded, fortunately no brothers died."

"Oh? No casualties? " Even Guan Yu was surprised this time.

He personally went to the army behind Zhang Liao. Even if they knelt down, they were in neat formation. Guan Yu counted them horizontally and vertically, even if they were counted out.

"Sure enough, 3000 people came back, and none of them was damaged."

Guan Yu's words, let Qian Ning and others are also very shocked to look at Zhang Liao, the color of admiration.

"The system indicates that Zhang Liao led 3000 people to rob the camp and won the victory successfully. No one died in battle. The reward conditions were triggered, and the commander and force were increased by 1 point. At present, Zhang Liao's basic commander 73 and basic force 93. "

Liu He, who was prompted by the system, was greatly relieved and continued to gallop on the official road from Taiyuan county to Shangdang county.

"Liu Bei, Liu Bei, I will come to meet you personally today. If you are a loyal official, I will make you rise to the top. If you are a sycophant, I will use your method. "

He marched at full speed towards the Shangdang, while many generals in Pingcheng were shocked to the point that Zhang Liao's achievements had made.

Guan Yu walked over quickly and helped Zhang Liao up."Wen Yuan had few enemies, annihilated 10000 enemies, and had no damage to himself. Such a record is unparalleled in the world. Although Guan personally led the army, he might not be able to do so. Good, good! My big man has another tiger general! General Ben will write to brother and ask for your help

I'm sorry, but I'm just about to hear it.

"Newspaper General Guan, Jizhou soldiers and horses raided Yanmen and arrived at halogen city. "

"What? Yuan shaopifu, how dare you! How many soldiers and horses have come

Guan Yu was very angry, and his eyebrows were erect, and his eyes were full of essence.

"General Hui Guan, a total of 25000 troops have arrived in Jizhou."

"25000? There are only three thousand garrisons in halogen city. "

Zhou Yuan quickly remonstrated with Guan Yu: "general Guan, it is absolutely difficult to hold such a fierce attack with the troops of halo city. Once the city of halogen is lost, the nearby three cities of fanyao, Yaoxian, and JuYang will be in a very short time. At that time, the Jizhou army will march westward, and then they will be able to force yinguan city and Yanmen pass. "

Guan Yu stabbed the green dragon Yanyue sword to the ground.

"What a thief, he clearly knew that our army was going north to fight against Kebi Neng and wanted to take advantage of it. However, he never expected that Wen Yuan would defeat Ke Bi Neng's army and return to Pingcheng county. Hum, the whole army will gather, and I will call him Jizhou soldiers and horses today. All of them will be buried in the land of Yanmen! "

"Here it is

They turned back into the barracks, ready to gather troops, but suddenly heard a voice from behind.

"Hold on, general Guan!"

Guan Yu was about to get angry when he heard that someone was blocking him. But he looked back, but he was surprised and pleased.

"Oh? Why are the two gentlemen here? "

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