"Ha ha ha ha ha, Jizhou, these local chicken and dog generation, all tied up their hands. They are the masterpieces of the two masters."

Guan Yu stroked his long beard and was very happy.

Meng Jian and Shi Tao said with a smile, "general Guan has a good reputation. The two of us also received a secret letter from the Lord many days ago, and then came to Yanmen to help the general. We don't dare to say that it's a clever plan. "

"Oh? Did the eldest brother inform the two gentlemen? "

The news surprised Guan Yu.

Shi Tao nodded and said, "yes. The Lord's letter said that it was no coincidence that Qiang people, Wuhuan and Kebi were able to make trouble at the same time. It must be that someone was behind the scenes. Liu Yu in Youzhou and Ma Teng in Liangzhou are important officials of the imperial court. They are close to the Lord, so he can't leave him alone. Once our army sends troops to rescue and the main force goes out, the rear will certainly be empty. In particular, most of the heavy troops in Bingzhou are arranged in Yanmenguan and three Hu cities. In other counties, the number of soldiers is less than 1000, but more than 3000 troops and horses. It is inevitable that some scoundrels will make up their minds. "

"That's right. Yuan Shao of Jizhou has always been an enemy of our Lord. This time, he must have been behind his back. This is a hateful man. He used such intrigues to sneak attack our Bingzhou. Fortunately, the Lord is aware of it. Otherwise, once the four counties are lost, the whole Yanmen county will be in danger."

Zhou Yuan made an analysis, so that Qian Ning, Zhang Liao and others also nodded their approval.

"The Lord really knows the Lord."

"Ha ha ha ha, in terms of contribution, the greatest contribution in this battle is Wen Yuan."

Meng Jian suddenly opened his mouth and said that Zhang Liao was embarrassed.

"Mr. general, why don't you make fun of me if you don't disobey the Lord."

"I dare not make fun of you. Although the LORD had expected it, the war situation was changing rapidly. Even if it was a god man, it was hard to know when Jizhou soldiers would arrive at Yanmen. Nagaolan is known as the four court pillars in Hebei Province. Although he is arrogant, his ability to unify the army is not weak. Otherwise, it is impossible to play a two to one casualty ratio with the garrison in halogen city. In just a few days, he brought 25000 troops and horses from Jizhou to attack halogen city. It's very rare for him to have such a high speed with his infantry. "

"If it were not for general Zhang, you would have attacked Kebi Neng in advance and returned to Yanmen early. I am afraid that our army is still wandering on the grassland, and you will be powerless to worry about the situation in Yanmen. In this way, who can be the master of this feat

"Yes, Mr. Gongwei is right. Guan must show your achievements to the elder brother, and you need not be too modest. "

Guan Yu all spoke, although Zhang Liao was a little embarrassed, but also full of joy should come down, around will be congratulated one after another.

At this time, a man suddenly knelt down in front of Guan Yu.

"General Guan will be incompetent and lose halogen city. Please punish general Guan."

It was Wu Qin, the general of halogen city.

"Well, general Wu doesn't have to blame himself. How can the 3000 soldiers and horses of halo city block his fierce attack of 156000 people? As for the breakout and retreat, it's the general's plan and order. It's none of your business. If you command well and fight bravely, the Lord will reward you. "

"Thank you, general Guan."

Wu Qin put down his uneasy heart and sat back.

"Newspaper Zhang Yan led the 40000 Black Mountain army to attack langtiao County, which was defeated by Du Xian, the commander of Taiyuan County, and was ambushed by the white wave army. More than 13000 people were lost to the 40000 Black Mountain army. More than 8000 people were captured by our army, and the rest were captured by the white wave army. Zhang Yan ran away and disappeared. "

People were shocked at the words.

"Zhang Yan, who dares to attack my Bingzhou, is looking for death."

All the generals were furious.

Shi Tao and Meng Jian are calm.

"It seems that Yuan Shao gave Zhang Yan a lot of advantages. He asked him to attack Taiyuan County, while Jizhou soldiers and horses attacked Yanmen county. Fortunately, the Lord has been on guard for a long time, so the Duke... "

Shi Tao Gang wanted to say "general Gongming". Suddenly, he thought that Xu Huang of Bai Bo army was his own affair. Among so many people here, he didn't know much, so he changed his words quickly.

"He asked Du Xiandu to take strict precautions, and quietly informed the Bai Bo army of the incident. The white wave army and the black mountain army were enemies to each other. Knowing that Zhang Yan had gone out in person, they would certainly attack from behind. In this way, Zhang Yan would have broken through all the way. "

"Zhang Yan, who has repeatedly offended me, is really bold. It's a pity that he escaped this time. The name of Chu Feiyan is worthy of the name. It's just that the black mountain army is very powerful. If it doesn't get rid of it, it will be a great disaster for us and the state. "

Guan Yu frowned and sighed.

"General Guan doesn't have to worry. It's about..."

Several people were chatting when another messenger came.

"Report to the general customs declaration, the Lord has a military order."

As soon as the spirit of the crowd was roused, Guan Yu hurried to take over the military order with respectful hands.

But when he opened it, his eyebrows were all twisted together.

"General Guan, what can I do for you?"

When they saw his face, they all gathered around him curiously."I don't understand Guan couldn't understand... "

"Well?" Now we are puzzled.

"The LORD sent someone to deliver the letter. What's the matter? Is there any important order for the general to carry out

"You see for yourself..."

General Guan Yu handed the order to Shi Tao. All the people gathered around and looked at it carefully. It didn't matter. After reading, everyone was shocked and puzzled

Outside Huguan.

"Elder brother, Chunyu Qiong is really a waste. He was beaten by his second brother. Now that he has lost more than half of his 15000 army, he will let his younger brother lead the army to sneak attack tonight, and surely he will bring the fool's head back to see elder brother. "

Although Zhang Fei is covered with blood, his mood is very excited.

Liu Bei said with a smile: "Yi De is so brave and his morale is available. Chunyu Qiong lacks strategy and only knows how to drink all day. He is really not a general. If he goes to rob the camp, he will succeed. I don't know what my second brother thinks? "

Jiang Huan's face hesitated.

"In terms of Chunyu Qiong alone, our army can succeed in robbing the camp, but..."

"Oh, my second brother is very hesitant. What's the matter? Will a soldier fall from the sky to help the fool? I'll let my little brother run there and take care of him tonight

"Naturally, no army will fall from the sky, but there are a lot of troops in Jizhou. Chunyu Qiong has been trapped here for many days. Instead of making any progress, he has lost his strength. In my opinion, yuan shaoding will send reinforcements and even directly appoint someone to take over chunyuqiong's military power. In my opinion, it's not too late to send someone to the east to inquire about it, and then make a plan. "

Zhang Fei got upset and said, "my second brother is so slow-moving that I'm going to die in a hurry. Even if there are reinforcements, how could it happen to arrive tonight? I don't believe in this evil. "

Jiang Huan shook his head: "No. Our army will keep the city pass, even if he has another 20000 reinforcements, it will be safe. If it is successful to rob the camp out of the city, it is nothing more than taking Chunyu Qiong's life and relieving the immediate difficulties. After the arrival of reinforcements, we still need to fight hard. But if it is not smooth, our army will fall into a passive position. Therefore, if you stick to the city pass, you can get more achievements, but you will never lose. Although it is faster to rob the camp out of the city, there are risks. Therefore, I think this plan is not advisable. "

"Ah, second brother, you..."

Seeing that they seemed to be quarrelling, Liu Bei quickly came forward to mediate.

"Well, well, it's just a little thing. There's no need to hurt you and my brother. I think Wude is right... "

When Zhang Fei heard Liu Bei say the same thing, he was in a hurry. However, Liu Bei spoke again.

"But The third brother also said it well. If Jizhou reinforcements want to come to Huguan, it may not be tonight. Even if the reinforcements come tonight, it will be all right if we take the third brother's military courage and our support in the future. Second brother, why don't you just let Yide go this way, or you'll have to get sick with his quick temper. "

After hearing the speech, Jiang Huan looked at Liu Bei, then Zhang Fei, and nodded his head.

"Well, since the elder brother has said so, the third younger brother will lead the army to three thousand. At midnight tonight, we will rob the camp."

"Well, ha ha, you are really my second brother, my second brother! I'll make it up to you

"Go to you, no serious. As for your temperament, the woman you like is that you can bear it. I dare not accept it, second brother... "

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