After a few more polite remarks, Qian TingChang left for home.

Liu He and others cleaned up the things left behind after the banquet, and then went back to jogging training, and then went home to take medicine bath and rest.

As soon as Liu he lay down, the sound of the system began to ring.

"The system indicates that the host bravely exterminates the Shanzhai, intelligently cuts down the evil officials, and gets the collective support of the villagers. He can command the village brave team, perform well, and reward the host's whole attribute by 1 point."

"System prompt: Zhu Ye gets revenge, his mood is clear, and his force is increased by 1 point."

"System tips: ye Xiang killed people with bows and arrows for the first time. He has a deeper understanding of archery and increases his force by 1 point."

Listening to the system's series of rewards and promotions, Liu He is really in a good mood.

"Happy! It's good for good. That's right. My whole attribute is increased by 1 point, which is really cool! By the way, I haven't had time to check the attribute of Ye Xiang. The boss of the system will help to check it. "

"System query, please wait Ding! Ye Xiang's current attributes: commander-in-chief 27, force 47, intelligence 33, politics 16, special attribute: shooting 81. "

"Ah? What about shooting? "

Liu he was puzzled.

"To restore the host, shooting is one of the special attributes. Many generals are average in their weapons. However, their shooting skills are excellent. There are overlapping parts between shooting and force, but they can not be completely confused. However, shooting can only be detected by the system after it reaches 80."

"Shot is the same as the four attributes, with a full value of 100. Each time you shoot an arrow, the value of your shot will temporarily replace its force value. In addition, the number of shots can not be increased to obtain integral

"Oh, I see. It's troublesome to cultivate this skill, and it's not very useful in the early stage of shooting for people with higher martial arts level. But if you specialize in this skill, if you want to break through the limit one day, it will be great. "

Liu He remembers mentioning in the weapon practice manual that the real top shooters are not only able to penetrate the Yang with every step, but also master the five shooting techniques of Baishi, Shenlian, Shanzhu, Xiangchi and Jingyi, but also train their senses to an extremely strong level.

This kind of archer not only regards the left and right bows as a common practice, but also can shoot several arrows simultaneously with one bow, and can hit different targets. Even without eyes, relying on the comprehensive judgment of various senses, he can make instinctive reactions and accurately shoot enemies in different directions, which is called magic skill.

Liu he felt vaguely that if he wanted to make ye Xiang break through the limit in shooting skills, he would have to start from these aspects. If a shooter could really do this, he could really use bow and arrow as the main weapon, but swords, spears, swords and halberds became auxiliary weapons.

"Well, the main direction of our martial arts training has been completely determined and very skilled. Now it's too late to use bows and arrows. Only Ye Xiang, like a piece of jade, needs to be carved now. Since he has talent in this field, let's train him to be an archer."

Three days later, Zhu Ye entrusted Liu Qian and Qian TingChang to sell all the properties of Zhu's family, including real estate, one by one, and all the others were changed into grain and coins.

Of course, among the thousands of acres of land in Zhufu, only some far away ones were sold off, leaving over 800 acres in Huangshui Township and nearby areas.

However, because these fields are different from the dry land of ordinary farmers' families, most of these 800 mu of land are relatively fertile paddy fields, which are close to the river channel and have better fertility. Therefore, it is easy to cause conflicts if these fields are distributed to hooligans or mountain bandits.

Therefore, after deliberation, Liu He and Zhu Ye decided that the new villagers' land should be reclaimed by themselves, and the land of more than 800 Mu should be used as the land shared by the Xiangyong team. Liu He and others were responsible for recruiting villagers to assist in farming, and finally the harvest was shared equally with them.

These lands were originally the property of Zhu's house. Now Zhu Ye has contributed them as the public property of protecting the village's brave team. In this way, the team can train well, and the villagers will not be burdened. On the contrary, those who assist in farming can get some food. Of course, everyone is happy.

After selling out all the other properties of Zhu's house, Liu Qian and others were really frightened by this figure.

It is true that Zhu's house is a big family. After the property was sold, it got more than 460000 coins, more than 1000 stones of grain, and dozens of various kinds of livestock. All of them were raised in the expanded backyard of the Liu family together with those from the Shanzhai.

With such a strong logistical support, the training of the rural team can finally be put on the agenda.

Liu he was informed that the original 100 Xiang Yong and the newly incorporated 130 people, a total of 230 people, gathered on the open space in front of Liu's courtyard at the end of the next day.

At noon the next day, Liu He and other seven people had lunch together at Liu He's house. They each carried weapons and stood in a line according to Liu He's command, waiting for the arrival of those brave villagers, while Zhang Yu read books in the courtyard.

From six o'clock in the afternoon, the villagers gradually arrived. When they saw Liu He and others, they all went forward to say hello to each other. After that, they scattered and sat on the ground at will, chatting with each other.Liu He looked up at the sky and then called out.

"Zhang Yong!"

"Yes Zhang Yong takes a step forward, turns to Liu He and returns with his fist.

All of these were specially trained by Liu He before. They were based on some military training knowledge in his previous life, combined with the current situation, as well as what he learned from his books in this life.

Liu He took a look at Zhang Yong and exclaimed, "what time is it now?" Hearing this, Zhang Yong also looked up at the sky and the sundial at the door of Liu He's house.

"Newspaper! It's too late! "

"How many people have arrived? How many people have not arrived yet? "

"Newspaper! It should be 230, 162 and 68! "

Liu He nodded and raised his gun to move forward: "line up! Four columns, from high to low, in neat formation

One hundred and sixty-two people sitting below were puzzled. They didn't understand until Zhang Yong, Guan Yu and others came up to yell and explain. They all arranged according to Liu He's instructions, but they were still crooked and could not stand upright.

In the process, other people come one after another, but Zhu Ye stops outside according to Liu He's order.

Until a quarter later, all 230 people arrived, and 68 of them were stopped by Zhu Ye.

"Line up the latecomers!"

At the command of Liu He, the 68 people stand in line under Zhu Ye's supervision.

However, after standing well, they are still whispering, whispering and even laughing, but they don't take this seriously.

Although it is justifiable, Liu he does not blame them, but if you want to train into a elite soldier, of course not. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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