Liu He looked at them coldly, as if he were looking at a group of dead people.

"A group of clowns are just a bunch of clowns. Mole ants are mole ants after all. Do you think they can intimidate me Liu He if they are connected together? I'm not ho Jin, not to mention Dong Zhuo. I want to play a little trick in front of me. It's ridiculous. "

Chen Ji did not show weakness, holding his head high and blocking Liu He.

"The great general is as powerful as the sun. Who dares to offend you? Where can I stand up to you? We can't thank you enough for not bothering us on weekdays. It's just that the general's covering up important criminals is against the national law. The old man and others have to give up their old bones and say to the general

"Yes, there was Wang Han who invaded Wei's daughter-in-law. His brother-in-law came to ask for advice, but he was beaten out of the government. Although the general was Dong Zhuo, it was hard to compare with him. Since we are officials of the Han Dynasty, we should share the worries of your majesty. "

Two people in front of Liu He, one left and one right, Yin Yang strange.

"Dong Zhuo? You two old men have the face to mention Dong Zhuo in front of me

Liu He looked at them coldly.

"Shi Chang Shi, he Jin and Dong Zhuo have been troubling the court for many years. Where have you been


They were speechless.

"Xianbei, Xiongnu, Wuhuan and Qiang people have repeatedly violated our border. Where have you been, loyal officials?"

"This time when I went out to the northern part of the Great Wall, Yuan Shao colluded with the remaining evils of the Yellow turban to invade Bingzhou. Did you loyal ministers ever say anything about this overt rebellion? A plan and a half? "

"The loyal officials of the Han Dynasty keep their mouths open and shut up to share the worries for the country. The country has suffered many times. What are you doing? In poetry, in the enclosure of wealth, in marriage, and even collusion with thieves, in order to protect the generation. How dare you talk to me about the country, the country and the people

"I outwitted Dong Zhuo to stabilize the world. Luoyang is prosperous again. The court is becoming more and more stable. We expel the Hu, recover the lost land and make the people rich and happy. What about you? I only know that in the back, Yin is mixed and obstructed and power is used for personal gain. What kind of face is there to say about loyalty, filial piety, benevolence and righteousness? "

"Well said!"

Huang Fu Song couldn't help but praise.

Chen Ji and other people's faces were blue and purple. They didn't know whether they were angry or had any conspiracy.

Liu he didn't care what they thought at this time. He looked at Liu Xie on the Dragon chair, and then looked at the ministers.

"I'll put my words here today, whether it's Wang Han or Zhu ye, if they really commit crimes, I will never be selfish. If there is someone in the end, I will pursue Liu He! At that time, no matter who it is or what kind of family it is, it will be severely punished! "

Speaking of this, he suddenly looked at Zhao Yan and other people who came in behind to "testify".

"Well, if you want to harm my brother Liu He and my loyal officials, you have made a wrong calculation. After you have taught me to find out the truth, you will never give up."

Finally, Liu he almost said these four words with his teeth clenched. The voice of speaking and the voice of grinding teeth were introduced into the ears of those "witnesses", which made them shiver.

"Don't be alarmist and threaten your ministers."

Zheng Tai stood up.

"So many ministers, with one word in common, testify against Zhu Ye. The general deliberately confused the public and the public, which was clearly the result of a different mind. What proof do you have that Zhu Ye was wronged? Who saw it, who heard it? "

When Zheng Taiyi spoke, Chen Ji and others were all relieved from being reprimanded by Liu He.

"Yes, who can prove that the ministers are perjury? What's more, with the great general's power at present and today, are we trying to make things difficult for you, are we not trying to kill ourselves? What the general said is not tenable. "

"Yes, we are dedicated to our country. Today, the general can order the imperial army to drag us out and cut us off. We will never frown."

"For the sake of justice, for the sake of your majesty, and for the survival of the four hundred years of the Han Dynasty, we shall die without regret."

"If the general does all the evil things and bully the young master, we will surely be punished by heaven, but we can be famous in history. Why not do it?"

Yang Biao and others were angry and anxious and helpless. In the present situation, there seems to be no alternative but to use power to suppress it. These people on the other side obviously put on a cheeky posture, can't really kill them all?

Just then, a faint voice suddenly came from outside the palace.

"That Maidservant I have something to say... "

Liu He and others were stunned and looked out of the hall, but he was a young eunuch with a sallow complexion.

Chen Ji and others feel something is not good, hastily drink rebuke way.

"Be bold! A small yellow gate, how dare to participate in the imperial court's affairs, come on, drag down and behead

"Ah Don't kill me... "

The little eunuch was so scared that he knelt down and kowtowed repeatedly."Slow down!"

Zhu Ye suddenly shouts out. Of course, those royal guards are more willing to listen to his orders and Liu He's orders. When he yells, they immediately retreat.

"Brother five, what's the matter?"

Liu he asked curiously.

Zhu Ye walks over quickly, picks up the little eunuch, and takes a closer look,

"ah, it's your boy. Your name is It's called Well, what's it called? "

The little eunuch nodded, "back to the general, the maid's name is Gong saner."

"Oh, yes, yes, Gong saner!"

Zhu Ye pats his thigh and remembers his name.

"Elder brother, I have seen this little eunuch. I didn't go to the toilet before going to court. I ran so fast on the road that I knocked down this little guy. Don't look at this young boy. He's a eunuch, but he has a responsibility. After his parents leave, he goes into the palace and tries to support his brother. Hey, it's much better than some people who are in high positions and talk big. "

"Who are you talking about? How dare you compare an important official of the court with an eunuch!"

Many ministers were furious.

"Well, I didn't name you. You think I said it like you. Don't depend on me."

Zhu Ye doesn't take them seriously. He supports Gong san'er and goes directly into the hall.

"Bold, without your Majesty's call, how dare you bring a small yellow gate to the court meeting without your Majesty's call?"

Liu he glared at Zheng Tai.

"This person just claimed to have something to say, which must have something to do with what he just said. What's the harm of listening to him?"

"No way!" How can Chen Ji and others be willing?

"He knew Zhu ye, so he should avoid suspicion. What he said didn't count."

"This is not true."

Zhong Yao came out and said, "Zhu Xiaowei said that he and xiaohuangmen are only one side of each other. Just now he can't remember the name of xiaohuangmen. How do you know each other? In terms of acquaintance, these ministers who came out to testify had a deeper friendship with you than this? There are also some people who have old grievances with the general and Zhu Xiaowei. When they testify, why don't they say they want to avoid suspicion? "

"You..." Zheng Tai was speechless for a moment.

Liu he went to Gong san'er and said with a kind face: "Gong san'er, right?"

Has gong san'er ever seen such a big scene and a big man? In front of Emperor Xian and Liu Xie, he was so nervous that he forgot to kneel down and speak. He could only nod his head.

"I don't know the etiquette..."

Zheng Tai is about to drink a reprimand, but Liu he a look in the eyes, hard to stare back. Even Liu Xie, the emperor of Xian, was all huddled in the Dragon chair and began to get nervous.

Zhu Ye grinned and said to Gong saner, "you just said you have something to say? Come on, say it. Don't worry. No one can do anything to you. "

Gong saner looks at him and swallows.

"That I was waiting under the steps of the hall. Just before General Zhu was called into the hall, I heard that the front, oh, no, it was the back, it was not right, it was They are in front of the slaves, but behind General Zhu Zhu. Anyway, they are the people who are at the bottom of these adults... "

Gong san'er gets nervous for a while. He looks at Zhu ye and Liu He without any sense of blame. Then he is relieved.

"I heard what they were saying, what would you like to do to make general Zhu difficult, and he was afraid that the general was so powerful. Others are persuading him that he can have a good life only if he overthrows the general. Some people say that we should get rid of the people who are close to the general, such as brothers and sisters, one by one. If there are any people who can support them, they will be well planned for a long time, and so on. Then he saw a man in front of him. He suddenly stood up and scolded General Zhu. Later, they were called in. I was worried about General Zhu, so I secretly ran up here. That's why... "

"Presumptuous! You, a little yellow gate, even make up lies and slander the ministers in the court. You should be beaten to death with a stick! "

Zheng Tai, Chen Ji and other people almost shout out this sentence with one voice, which frightens Gong saner into hiding behind Zhu ye and Liu He.

Liu he suddenly exclaimed, "the royal guards surround the palace. Without the general's order, no one can be released!"

"Here it is

The sound of orderly footsteps rang out, and a group of royal guards ran over and guarded outside the palace. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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