There were less than 1000 soldiers left in the palace gate, and they scattered one after another. When they ran away, they did not directly see the soldiers outside the palace where Wei Mei and others fled. They soon learned about the situation inside, and their morale dropped sharply.

The soldiers outside the palace ran away, naturally there was no barrier. After a while, the soldiers who were still trying hard to attack the palace gate had disappeared in the high houses and alleys of Luoyang north city.

Deng yuan killed a slow running rebel with one shot.

"These guys don't fight very well. They run away very fast."

"Woo hoo, woo, woo..."

Big fierce kill is on the head, can't help but learn from the crouch tiger's roar. Seeing the rebels escape, he ran after them.

Zhao Yun quickly called him back.

"Ah, Dameng, don't chase after me. Have you forgotten what the military division told you?"

Where can Dameng care about these: "I don't remember, Dameng knew that the military Master said that he had won the battle. He saved Liu's elder brother and went back to eat beef."

When Zhao Yun was answered by him, he was speechless.

Deng yuan looked at Zhao Yun's appearance and couldn't help laughing. He patted the big fierce shoulder.

"If you don't come back to the master's house, you will not have to come back to my Master Liu's

Da Meng patted himself heavily on the head.

"Yes, Da Meng Ben almost killed brother Liu. Dameng listens to you."

When they heard that, he could regret for "Harming Liu's eldest brother", but did not mention that he could not eat beef, which surprised them a little.

However, after a short period of surprise, they quickly took out Liu He's "general's seal" according to Xunzi's order, and showed them to the imperial guards in the north gate.

"I'm Zhao Yun and Zhao Zilong. This is Deng yuan and Deng Ziyang. You must be familiar with this one. He is general Wang Han. The three of us came to help the Royal Army, exterminate the rebels and stabilize the palace. All the officers and men followed me to all the gates to kill the traitors

These royal guards are strange to Zhao Yun and Deng yuanduo, but they are familiar with Dameng. With the seal of the general in Zhao Yun's hand, they believe him completely.

In this way, Zhao Yun left a part of the royal guards to take care of the wounded soldiers, the rest of the soldiers, all follow him and Deng yuan, head to the east gate and south gate.

Luoyang city is the largest city in the Han Dynasty. It covers an extremely large area. From the imperial palace to the east gate of the city, Chen Ji and his party did not go there for two quarters of an hour. Finally, the aged Chen Jishi was hard to support. The soldiers had to find a carriage to carry him on.

The rising wars inside and outside the city had already made this city, the most prosperous city of the Han Dynasty, become a danger to everyone. As they walked along, they saw that their families were closed and the streets were in a depression.

He was about to get to the gate of the city. The fighting in the palace behind him had already disappeared. However, the faint cry of killing from the front made Chen Ji and Zheng Tai more excited.

They quickened their pace and killed at the east gate of Luoyang City, outside which was the official road leading to Hulao pass. Therefore, in Chen Ji's mind, this gate was naturally the first one to be broken.

At this time, the sun was already noon, and three hours had passed since the start of the court meeting. The weather was early summer, and Chen Ji Nian was old and frail. All the way from the palace, he was panting and sweating. But for all that, it was hard to conceal the joy on his face.

Rushed to the city gate under, sure enough, outside the city gate killing sound, the city tower on the sword. After the gate, more than a dozen soldiers stood against the gate. It was obvious that some heavy object was hitting the gate, which made dust fall from the gate.

"Good, Liu He, you're done!"

Chen Ji was so excited that his old face was almost distorted.

"Kill the guards and open the gate!"

The soldiers behind the gate, as well as the soldiers who were fighting in the city tower, were shocked to death when they saw that Chen Ji was commanding thousands of soldiers to attack.

"What's the matter? Why do some of the adults lead troops to attack the city gate

"Did they rebel?"

"We can see the direction of the palace on the tower. It seems that there is something wrong with the direction of the palace. Is there a battle there? What can I do? "

No matter what, keep the gate

"But the tens of thousands of troops coming out of the blue are attacking the city. There are too many people on the other side. We have to work hard. We are in trouble now."

Chen Ji was overjoyed to see the soldiers in chaos.

"Good, good, the city gate is about to be conquered. Quick, kill them!"

However, the dozens of soldiers who stood against the gate were in a panic, but they were soldiers who had followed Liu He for many years, and soon calmed down. Several of them stabbed their spears into the ground instead of holding the gate temporarily. Then they drew out their swords and stood in a row, occupying the narrow land of the gate and fighting with the rebels who had been killed.These soldiers responded calmly and cooperated with each other. In a flash, they even killed dozens of rebels who rushed over.

"Damn it, it's a bunch of rubbish!"

Chen Ji became angry.

Zheng Tai advised: "Duke Chen, they can't encircle them from all sides, they can only fight head-on. But how can these domestic slaves under our command be enemies of these elite soldiers? However, ants often kill elephants. They have been fighting for a long time, and soon they will be exhausted. "

That's what he said. But for some reason, Chen Ji suddenly felt some palpitations in his heart and his right eyelid jumped for no reason.

"No, I always feel that something is going to happen..."

Zheng Tai looked at him with some wonder: "what did Chen Gong say? Now the situation is in our hands. At the beginning, the army had gathered in Huguan. After taking Luoyang and Hulao pass, we sent troops to attack Shangdang from the rear and defeated Guan Yu in one fell swoop. After that, the overall situation can be determined. What else can happen? "

Chen Ji felt a little flustered. He looked back at the palace, then walked back and forth a few steps, and then suddenly ordered.

"No matter what, block up! If you trample on them, you must open the gate as soon as possible! "

"This..." Zheng Tai hesitated.

"Lord Chen, the gate of the city is so narrow that thousands of soldiers rush up, not only helpless, but may trample their own people to death."

"Oh, I can't care about so many. Hurry up and kill those who disobey the orders."

His last four words almost roared out.

Although the thousands of soldiers behind him were puzzled and did not agree with it, who let others be the master and himself the servant?

However, thousands of people had to brave their heads and rush to the gate together.

But Chen Ji thought too well. Thousands of people rushed to deal with more than a dozen people. It was easy to change to an ordinary place. Even ten Liu he couldn't resist.

It's just that the gate is more than two feet wide. The more people come, the more chaos it will become. The army of these temporary domestic servants is a bit chaotic. If it is dragged down like this, it will not take a quarter of an hour to kill dozens of soldiers, and it will naturally be able to attack. However, at this time, all the people rushed to make the battle more chaotic.

Thousands of troops, you push me, I step on you, that scold me, I scold you twice, in a twinkling of an eye, is a mess.

At this time, several figures appeared behind Chen Ji and Zheng Tai.

"Chen Shangshu, Jingwu, you and I have met again."

As soon as they heard the sound, their hearts jumped.

They opened their eyes wide, turned slowly, and then seemed to see something frightening, and their expressions became shocked and frightened.

"You How do you... "

"Aren't you dead..."

Yang Biao and others, who were escorted by soldiers not far from them, showed a look of surprise.

What appeared in front of them was not others, but Liu He, who they firmly believed that even if he did not die, he would have only one breath left.

Just now in the palace, Liu He, who was clearly "weak in breath", stood in front of them in such a good way. Don't say that he is dead. He is not hurt at all.

"How possible, how possible! Who are you? Why are you pretending to be Liu he

Chen Ji and Zheng Tai retreated again and again. They couldn't believe that Liu he was real.

Liu he just laughed and did not speak to them. Instead, he turned around and waved behind him.

Then, he heard a roar of animals, which could be described as earth shaking and awe inspiring. A dark shadow suddenly leaped out and jumped directly from the top of Liu He's three people and came to Liu He.

"Ah Tiger... "

The black king is now in his prime. He is full of muscle and fat. In addition, he has been fighting with Liu He for many years. The horses and soldiers who died under his tiger claws and fangs are numerous and murderous. Even ordinary wild tigers can hardly be compared with each other.

At the moment, he looked at the two old men in front of him with a bloody mouth and an attack posture. His tiger hair almost stood upright and his face was ferocious and terrifying. Chen Ji and Zheng Tai were scared to the ground.

The roar of the black king subdued the disordered rebels on the spot. The soldiers guarding the city on and off the tower, seeing the black king and the appearance of Liu He, all of them were in great spirits.

"It's him It's him Black Tiger Mount, only he can command... "

Zheng Tai was so frightened that he stammered.

"Hey hey, these two old men, the black king has not done much, just bared his teeth and almost scared them to urinate. We should show them their virtue."

Zhu Ye sniffs at them.

"You How can you humiliate me, you young boy

Chen Ji is scolded by Zhu Ye."I was humiliated and scolded. How are you going to treat me?"

Zhu ye not only scolds, but also walks towards Chen Ji step by step.

Chen Ji and Zheng Tai were so scared that they even sat on the ground and moved back.

At this time, Chen Ji turned his head and saw Yang Biao and others tied tightly beside him. He was stunned. Then he stood up again and ran behind them. He put his sword on Cui lie's neck.

"Don't come here! One more step, I'll kill Cui lie first

Zhu Ye has to stop for a moment.

"Fifth brother, step down."

Liu He calls in the back, and Zhu Ye retreats to his side.

Liu He walked forward two steps, Chen Ji immediately exclaimed, "don't come here, or I'll kill him!"

"Good, good, I won't go."

Liu He raised his hands, stopped and looked at Chen Ji and Zheng Tai with a playful face.

"Both of you are elders. What do you think of Liu's going through the dark?"

His words made their faces red, purple and white. They did not know whether they were shy, angry or anxious. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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