"Ha ha ha, follow me, Cheng Liang, kill the enemy and build up your achievements."

Cheng Liang waved Tiangang soul chasing halberd and roared excitedly to kill the city gate.

It was obvious that some of the soldiers who were going to hit the gate of the city with their own cars were going to hit the gate of the city.

But a few generals not far behind were overjoyed and cried out to them.

"Chen Gong and others must have succeeded in planning. They have come here to earn money and open the gate. Hurry in!"

At this time, the morale of the soldiers who had been fighting against the city wall had been damaged for a long time.

However, just as the first rebels ran into the gate

"The rebels are dead!"

A bloody light rose to the sky, and then a head flew up. Finally, it fell into the mighty rebel troops outside the city and was trampled to pieces in an instant.

The roar of the beast, as well as the fierce and bloody air peculiar to the beast, gushed out from the gate.

"What is it?"

Where have the rebels seen such a situation?

The God tiger rode out of the city gate, just like a group of wolves into the sheep's pen. After a fierce fight, hundreds of rebel heads landed in the blink of an eye.

"Come on, surround them with shields, don't let them rush out..."

Several generals like men were shouting hysterically.

At last, a group of shield soldiers surrounded the tiger and pointed their spears at them. Although all of them were trembling with fear, they had some effect after all.

"Ha ha, you play, I'm back in town!"

Cheng Liang a big drink, 100 God tiger riding in the harvest of hundreds of enemy heads, suddenly turned around and ran back to the city gate.

The rebels did not expect that this fierce and chaotic army was so easily "blocked" back by itself. They were stunned for a moment.

The generals looked at each other and didn't know whether to be happy or not.

However, the shield soldiers and spearmen who were responsible for encircling the tiger were really relieved. They wiped the sweat from their brows, breathed deeply, calmed their hearts, and tried to calm their trembling hands and legs.

Because of this, the rebel attack on the city was greatly weakened, and a large number of hands were released from the wall, and they began to play with the wooden blocks and wooden wedges that had been transported up before.

The rebels at the gate of the city were sweating, and suddenly they didn't know who was calling.

"Why is the gate still open?"

When he called out, many rebels turned their heads and looked. Sure enough, the gate was still wide open and there was no one inside.

This scene made the rebels start to panic again.

"Why don't you close the gate? Do they want to come out again?"

"Those people must be the legendary tiger riders of the legendary general. They are a group of fierce people who dare to fight with the cavalry of ten thousand Xianbei Xiongnu with 100 people. If they rush out again, we will be dead..."

The shield and spearmen were all in chaos for a moment.

The faces of the generals were full of hatred.

"Asshole! We are here to attack the city. Where can we attack the city? On the contrary, we are afraid that the garrison will open the gate! Don't rush in

"The cavalry must have been so proud when they returned to the city that they forgot to close the gate and didn't take the opportunity to kill them!"

The generals kept shouting, urging the rebel soldiers to enter the gate.

However, these soldiers were improvised by domestic slaves and had no real training. After a sudden massacre just now, all of them lost their courage. At this time, they heard the order. Look at me and I look at you. No one wants to rush in first.

Seeing this situation, the generals finally had to bite their teeth.

"Those who rush into the city gate and rob the city head will be rewarded with ten thousand dollars!"

The reward instantly rekindled the fighting spirit of these people.

"Ten thousand dollars, with this money, I can go back to my hometown and buy a hundred acres of land and a house, and live a stable life!"

"Go all out, for money, fight for it!"

Many soldiers raised their courage, swallowed their mouths and took steps towards the city gate.

Just after the first group of people entered the city gate, the others did not see what happened, and quickly followed up.

"We won't have a garrison. We won't be able to fight for a garrison

The rebels, beaming with joy, were scrambling to run up the steps on both sides.

And just then, a thunderbolt and thunder startled them.

"Dong...""What sound? Is it thunder? "

These people looked up and saw the clear sky, not to mention thunder, there was no cloud.

"Strange, where is the thunder?"

"Well, aren't those people our own? Why are so many people kneeling on the ground? Why are they standing still

Some soldiers saw the other rebels on both sides of the street. Instead of helping themselves, they all looked at them with a sympathetic look. They were very puzzled.

These soldiers in the city have already known that Liu He is not dead. On the contrary, they are trapped in Liu He's plot, so they have no intention to fight. What's more, they have seen the power of the black king and the terror of the God tiger riding. In addition, they have understood the source of the Thunder God. Of course, they are full of sympathy for the "comrades" in front of them.

In the distance, Liu He and others looked at this scene coldly, while Chen Ji and Zheng Tai were very anxious.

"Fool, fool! If you dare to enter such an obvious trap, get out of here

The two of them yelled loudly, but they were too far away from each other. There was the sound of fighting outside and the interference of thunder. How could those rebel soldiers who were preparing to win the "first prize" hear their voices?

The soldiers were about to climb up the tower, when the thunder began to ring continuously.

"What's going on, noisy..."

Some soldiers were so upset by the noise that they were about to say a few words, but when they turned around to see the scene, they were completely speechless.

"Ray Lei Lei Lei Thor

"I've been caught in a trap again. Get out of here..."

Just now, these rebels tried to climb up the city tower, and even wanted to be the first one to win the first prize. At this time, they kept running back. However, the steps were narrow. In this panic, many people were pushed down directly. Even though they felt that they were going down too slowly, they jumped down on their own initiative. Even if they sprained their feet, they would limp out of the city and run for their lives 。

"Eat me a hammer!"

Zhu Ye's double hammers, one on each side of the horse, run all the way to see a figure flying.

The five hundred Thor riders, almost without any hindrance, rushed straight out of the gate.

The generals and many rebels outside the city saw why the city gate had not been closed just now.

After the Thor rode out of the gate, he took the gate as the center and killed him in three directions. Wherever he went, the rebels gave him the head and the blood flowed like a river.

Chen Jimu gaped and even looked at everything in front of him with some desperation.

"It's over, it's all over..."

He suddenly remembered something, staring at Liu He.

"You Why did you bring both tiger riding and thunder riding to the east gate

Liu he shrugged his shoulders: "soldiers, false and real, you 50000 or 60000 troops at the same time to attack the four gates of Luoyang, is it hard to guess

What he didn't tell Chen Ji was that this was not what he thought of, but that Xunzi had sent someone to tell him that even Chengliang and Zhao Yun had arranged for him, so Liu he was able to launch a counterattack so quickly.

Chen Jiwen's eyes were dim.

"Providence God's will... "

Liu He is suddenly step out, right hand out, forward a grasp.

Before Chen Ji could react, he felt that his right hand holding the sword was suddenly seized by a huge force. Then he twisted his wrist, and Chen Ji felt a pang of pain and instinctively released his sword.

"Come here!"

Liu he gently pulled, Chen Ji was directly pulled to the ground by him.

"Tie it up!"

Zhang Yong himself ran over and tied up Chen Ji.

"Liu He, you..."

Chen Ji also wanted to say something, but Liu He took the cloth out of Cui lie's mouth and put it into his mouth.

Seeing such a sudden change, Zheng Tai couldn't relax for a moment. When he realized that he was about to escape, Liu He and Zhang Yong had blocked him one by one.

"Persevere, please."

Zhang Yong motionlessly waved the rope in his hand. Zheng Tai looked at Chen Ji lying on the ground, and then looked safe.

"Well It's a mistake, but it's still a mistake... "

All the cloth strips of Yang Biao and other people were taken off. After holding for a long time, they were released and gasped for breath.

Zhu Jian further said: "general, although the Thor ride is very brave, the rebels are numerous and can not fight for a long time. It is better to return to the city quickly and defend by the city."

Liu he said with a smile: "the old general is right, but he has his own way to deal with it."

Zhang Yong blows the horn again. After a while, Zhu Ye rushes back to the city.

"Cool, so cool! If the fourth brother doesn't blow the trumpet, the younger brother can directly destroy these rebels. "Zhang Yong glared at him: "is afraid that you kill addiction, bad event."

Liu He looked up at the tower.

"Let's go. Please follow Mr. Liu up to the tower."

His mysterious appearance aroused people's curiosity.

"Well, I'll go and see how amazing the secret means the general prepared."

Under the leadership of Liu He, all the people boarded the tower together. The scene of the tower immediately shocked everyone. Chen Ji and Zheng Tai, including Chen Ji, also seemed to see something mysterious. The panic in their eyes was even more than three points.

"This is..."

Yang Biao and others were stunned to see what the soldiers were playing with.

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