Just a few days later, a shocking news spread quickly.

Luoyang chaos, I do not know where the troops from, surrounded the city, even the palace was once attacked.

Liu He, the general, was assassinated in front of the court in full view of the public. He was assassinated in the middle of his abdomen and spattered with blood for seven steps. However, he appeared in the city without any harm and sent his troops and troops to wipe out the tens of thousands of troops who were in disorder.

When all the people were talking about it and guessing who was so bold as to lead troops to rebellion in Luoyang City, the imperial edict was issued.

, led by Chen Ji, Zheng Tai and Zheng Tai, beat up the great generals and forced the emperor to attack the Imperial Palace and the city of Luoyang. The general army took charge of the plot and killed the traitor. After that, the rebels were killed and more than 50 ministers and dozens of family owners were arrested.

As soon as the news came out, it was like a stone stirring a thousand waves.

It's being talked about all over the country.

Shangdang County, the eldest son of the city, looking at the imperial edict sent, Guan Yu heartily laughed.

"Elder brother's courage and wisdom are even worse than those in those years. Chen Jipi has been scheming for a long time, but he has not been captured by him at one fell swoop? A few flies, insects and rats also want to rebel against the imperial court. They can't do enough. "

"I can't believe that such a big event happened in Luoyang in a few days. Fortunately, it was a false alarm that God protected the Lord."

Qian Ning looked happy.

At this moment, another voice came up.

"Please wait a moment, generals. Although there is no danger in Luoyang, the matter of joining the party has not been solved. You should not take it lightly."

You can see that the speaker is Meng Jian.

Guan Yu asked, "what Gongwei said is Jizhou soldiers stationed in Huguan? It's just a delicate disease. Yu will send troops tomorrow. If you don't take back Huguan, you will not return it! "

"Willing to go to war with general Guan!"

All the generals stood up and cried out in unison.

Guan Yu stroked his long beard and nodded his head happily.

However, Meng Jian said, "don't be careless. It's true that Zijin dragon riding is extremely powerful. There is no match in the world. This is true. But the two previous attacks failed to win. Why? "

Without waiting for Guan Yu to speak, Zhang Liaoxian refused: "it's just that our army lacks siege equipment. If we really fight face to face, hum, even though Jizhou has 20000 troops, we will never be able to withstand our two-hour attack. "

Meng Jian kept shaking his head.

"The enemy occupied the natural danger of Huguan, so why come out to fight head-on?"

Zhang Liao was young and vigorous. Meng Jianyue said so, and the more unconvinced he was.

"So what? Now our army has also got a lot of siege equipment in the eldest son City, such as stone throwing carts and Jinglan chariots. We don't believe that we can't attack a Huguan pass. General Guan, the last general, can't attack Huguan within ten days. I'd like to see you here! "

With such a cry, Qin Chu, Yan Quan and Zhou Yuan all stood up and fought with one voice.

"Well, I'm worthy of being the general of my great man, and his courage is praiseworthy."

Guan Yu was very pleased to see them. He reached for the flag on the table and ordered them.

"General Guan, stay with me, this matter..."

Meng Jian and Shi Tao tried to persuade Guan Yu at the same time, but before they finished speaking, a soldier came rushing outside.

"Newspaper General Guan, there is a report from flying pigeons. Jizhou takes Yan Liang as the commander and Zhang jaw as the vanguard. He leads 40000 soldiers and comes to Huguan for reinforcement, which is more than a hundred miles away from Huguan! "

Luoyang City has reappeared its former prosperity. Except for dozens of official residences which were closed suddenly, the rest are the same as before.

In the general's office, these days are jubilant.

On this day, more than 20 ministers, including Yang Biao, Wang Yun, Cui lie, Zhong Yao, huangfusong, Luzhi and Zhu Zhe, who had always insisted on standing by Liu He, gathered in the mansion for a banquet. Although Cai Yong did not go to the court on that day, he was undoubtedly also a member of Liu He's camp, so he was also at the banquet.

"Cui Sikong's son, a famous scholar of the Xunzi family in Yingchuan, are worthy of their reputation. They are not only extremely resourceful, but also have extraordinary courage. If they were not calm and calm on that day, we would be dead under the sword today. I would like to respect them."

Huang Fu Song has always admired heroes, but now he does not hesitate to condescend to the nobles. He personally goes to the table of Xun Yu and Cui Jun and toasts them.

Where dare two people, stand up, even road dare not.

Yang Biao said with a smile, "you don't have to refuse. Old general Huangfu drank a bottle of wine for us to show our respect. Would you like me to wait for a moment? Ha ha... "

Even he said so, Xunzi and Cui Jun did not dare to refuse. They took up the wine bottle and drank it down.

Cui Jun said with some embarrassment: "in fact, this time it's still Wenruo's merit. Jun just helps from the side. After this difficulty, Jun felt that he lacked the courage and courage, and he had to make more progress in the future. "Seeing that his son said so, Cui lie did not feel upset, but showed a very pleased look.

Lu Zhi said: "I've heard for a long time that there is a strange army under the general's command. It's only famous before and never seen it personally. The troops of Hangu pass, Hulao pass and Mengjin port were able to come to rescue Luoyang city so quickly and capture all the rebels. I think it must be the contribution of this army? "

After the rebels fled in all directions, it was absolutely impossible to capture them back by the garrison in the city. However, before they ran far away, the soldiers from the three places surrounded Luoyang City. Facing the encirclement, the rebels could not raise any morale any more and finally surrendered.

Lu Zhi and others did not understand that it was less than four hours before the rebellion. They were riding alone and running back and forth from the city. They could not catch up. How could the soldiers and horses from these three places get news so quickly?

After thinking about it, there is only the legendary secret army.

Liu he did not deny this.

"I can't hide anything from Duke Lu. These people were recruited by me many years ago and trained secretly. They have always made great contributions, but few outsiders know about them."

Even in the face of Lu Zhi and others, Liu He only acknowledged the existence of this secret army. As for its name, number of people, specific use, organizational structure and ownership, only the five brothers of Liu he knew, and the you brothers, commander-in-chief of feiyingwei, only Liu he could command.

Lu Zhi's several people were also sensible and interesting, and did not continue to ask about it.

At this time, Zhong Yao opened his mouth.

"General Hui, I have tried all 216 people involved in the treason case these days. Although Chen Ji and others refused to disclose a word, many small family owners, some ministers, and dozens of rebel leaders inside and outside the city all confessed one by one. "

"It was planned by Chen Ji, Wei Mei and Zheng Tai. It lasted nearly a year. There were 56 courtiers, 187 officials at other levels in the Sili area, and 43 aristocratic families who had no official career. By the way, I would like to ask you how to deal with these people? "

Liu he couldn't help looking up at Zhong Yao. However, Yang Biao and others did not seem to have any difference in this question.

Cheng Liang yelled, "what's the difficulty? The chief culprit committed the crime of conspiring against the family, and the accomplice beheaded and beheaded in public. Even I, the boss, know that. Why do you have to ask such a question? "

"Yes, if you follow my temper, you should kill all of them. They have done no harm to the court

Zhu Ye shouts indignantly.

But Yang Biao and other people, but all looked at each other. Obviously, they didn't agree with what they said, but no one stood up and said anything.

Liu he noticed the strange atmosphere and couldn't help asking.

"What? Is there any difficulty in this matter? "

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