His words, like in the dry on the grassland lit a fire, in an instant in the two ethnic youth lit a raging fire.

"I would like to sever my friendship with Wei!"

"I testify that on that day, it was the clan elder who told us that as long as we didn't step into the palace gate 50 steps away, the royal guards would never kill people."

"The old people also said that as long as we make trouble about this, we will be able to make the general's reputation disgraced. At that time, we will let the yuan family and other foreign princes do some benevolent and righteous deeds. The common people and scholars will naturally go to run for them. Then the princes can not only accumulate their strength, but also denounce the general. No, they are rebellious against the imperial court!"

"By the way, I passed by the old clan's room that day, and I overheard what they said. I thought it would be a bad thing to do something together with the family members and old officials of all the great families. The general must be on guard."

"That's right. They have ulterior motives and attempt to disturb the world. We are committed to serving the country, and we will never join in with them."

Looking at their younger generation, one by one jumped out to blame themselves. Wei Yong and Wang Kun were infuriated beyond words.

"You You Adversity, adversity... "

The two people were frightened and angry, and finally couldn't help it. A mouthful of blood spurted out, and then two people fell to the ground successively.



Both of them were lying on the ground with only half breath left. Their hands were powerless to grasp into the air, and they did not know what they were looking forward to.

Cui Jun looked at it with a sneer.

"Loyalty, filial piety, benevolence and righteousness, propriety, righteousness and shame, tut Tut, it's really a good family education."

"According to the order of Luoyang, take them all down and have a strict trial. Those who have performed meritorious deeds can be dealt with lightly, while the others cannot be forgiven. All of the Wei's and Wang's families will be copied and their property confiscated. "

Liu he was still in a dilemma about how to deal with these families, but now he has made up his mind.

"Since you want to play with me to the end, then I Liu he should accompany me and keep you. It's really a disaster to keep you. It's a disaster to cut the grass and not to remove the roots. The spring wind blows again. How can I forget the truth learned in the previous life?"

Wang Chen accepted the order and immediately let the Yamen servants run over and take down the two clans one by one.

The people around, as well as the royal guards in front of the palace, cheered and cheered one after another.

Xun Yu looked at Liu He's face and seemed to notice something.

"My Lord, have you made a decision?"

Liu He looked at him and said, "yes. Since they are doomed to be unable to share the same heart with me, what's the use of staying? "

I didn't expect that Xunzi felt relieved when he heard this.

"What? Has Wenruo thought so already? "

"The Lord is wise, and his subordinates can't reach it..."

"Well, you don't have to flatter me. I don't need to use this set of self-protection in front of me. You and I are both masters and servants and close friends. Why beat around the bush."

Listen to Liu he said so, Xun Yu rare cunning smile.

"Since the Lord has said so, he will be frank. Zhou Ping and I have long thought of this festival. The Lord is different from Yuan Shao, Yuan Shu and Cao Cao. Any one of them, standing in the position of the Lord today, can choose to forgive the more than 100 families, so as to make them work for themselves. But my Lord can't

"Well, it's reasonable. I've thought of that. Go on."

"Even if the Lord is willing to compromise, it is too late. The way the Lord took was to win the hearts of the people, not the gentry. Scholars, peasants, businessmen and businessmen are the first among the people, but they account for only a fraction of the total. If we get their support, we can quickly master a large number of talents, land, grain and grass, even the source of troops and equipment. However, once we have laid down a river and mountain, it will inevitably be shared with many families. "

"The trouble we have today is that many families have been in charge of government affairs for a long time in the imperial court, and they have no end in local affairs. As a result, a large number of land have been merged, and the common people have become poorer and richer. However, the taxes paid by these families are very small. If there are more than three officials with thousands of stones in their families, the annual salary paid by the imperial court will probably exceed the taxes paid by their families. In this way, the country is weak and the people are poor, but the aristocratic family is strong. Is there any reason for the world not to be in disorder? "

"The way of the Lord is destined to make the country strong and the people rich. In this way, there will be conflicts with them. If we compromise today, we will only lay the root of greater conflicts in the future."

Liu He nodded frequently.

"In that case, why didn't the two military divisions give me advice earlier?"

Xun Yu and Cui Jun looked at each other with a smile, and then Xun Yu said, "what others say is not as profound as what the Lord himself realized. What's more, many ministers have advised me that since the Lord is still wandering, no matter how much I talk about it, I will only add chaos to the Lord's mind, and I can't make him make a decision. The two of us expected that there would be successors in many families. It would be sooner or later for the Lord to make such a decision, so we didn't have to worry about it. "Liu he was dumbfounded.

"You two..."

Of course, he knew that there was another reason that Xunzi did not say.

After the destruction of these families, a large number of official vacancies inevitably led to Liu He's strong dependence on the talent supply of these families.

Although Yang Biao said that it is absolutely impossible to make up for the vacancy of these hundreds of officials by pooling the strength of many families, the more so, the more dependent he will be on them, because he has to rely on them to contact many neutral families so far.

Once Liu He is successful, their families will be comparable to the 28 meritorious families in Yuntai of Emperor Guangwu. So they can still support themselves so firmly after knowing their political inclination.

But because of this advantage, the more they want to keep silent on this matter, and even like Yang Biao and others, they persuade themselves to forgive Chen, Wei, Zheng and other families. Because they firmly believe that they will never choose to forgive, they dare to say such words, so as to show their generosity and wholeheartedness for the public.

Of course, Liu He will not doubt their loyalty. Everyone will have selfishness. As long as the public interest of the other party can surpass his selfishness and share the same boat with himself in terms of interests, Liu He will continue to attach importance to and trust him. If you blindly ask your subordinates and allies to be selfless saints, you will only betray your relatives.

Wang Chen had already escorted all the people of the two families. He was about to come over and report to Liu He, but he was robbed by another voice.

"Newspaper Bingzhou disaster, Bingzhou catastrophe... "

A messenger was riding a horse, waving a roll of cloth with one hand and shouting in a hurry.

Wang Kun and Wei Yong, who were not far from their last breath, burst into brilliance as soon as they heard the sound.

When Liu he heard of the disaster in Bingzhou, he hurriedly went over and stopped the messenger.

Liu He, the messenger, jumps.

"Bingzhou disaster The Yellow River Jizhou... "

The messenger was out of breath and couldn't say all of it.

When Liu Heyi heard the word "Yellow River", he became nervous instinctively and directly seized the parcel of cloth in the messenger's hand.

As soon as the cloth was detached from the messenger's hand, the man suddenly froth and fell directly to the ground.

Liu he was surprised: "what's going on?"

Xun Yu stretched out his hand and made a pulse for the messenger, then shook his head.

"It seems that this man has traveled day and night. His spirit and spirit have reached the limit of human body and are on the verge of collapse. When the letter was still in his hand, he held his breath by virtue of a belief. As soon as the Lord took the letter away, his message reached and his mission was fulfilled, so..."

Liu He listened and looked at the ordinary Messenger, and his heart suddenly raised a wave of respect. He bent down and took off the sword on the messenger's waist.

"If he has children, give him the sword and tell him that his father is a hero!"

After saying that, Liu he started the urgent report in his hand.


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