"It's natural. It's such a disaster. How can I not go?"

Liu He's tone is reasonable, but other people obviously don't think so.

Cui Jun quickly stood up and said in a serious voice, "No. Although the danger of flood is serious, it can not be cured in a short time. At present, the 60000 army of Jizhou is covetous, and may attack Shangdang at any time. Although general Guan has 20000 purple and gold dragon riders, Yan Liang and Zhang Maxi are brave generals of Jizhou, and they are both enemies and we are few. In case of a war, it is not to say that Shangdang county is in danger of being lost, and that general Guan is also worried about his life

Zhu ye also shouts: "elder brother, younger brother is willing to lead the soldiers to assist in river management!"

"My younger brother is willing to go too!"

Bingzhou is not only Liu He's base camp, but also the hometown of all generals. Although Taiyuan, Yanmen and other places have not been affected for the time being, everyone still feels the same about the disaster. Therefore, when it comes to disaster relief, everyone is very active.

Unexpectedly, Xunzi stood up to support Liu He.

"I think the Lord should go."

"Xun Junshi, you..."

Zhu Ye is about to yell, but Zhang Yong catches him.

Xunzi said: "most of what scholars in the world have learned are the words of sages. Naturally, they advocate loyalty, filial piety, benevolence and righteousness, and the people value the monarch lightly. No matter what these scholars think in the end, but this is the great righteousness, no one can deny. It is a benevolent and righteous act for the Lord to come to the rescue in person. We are subordinates, and there is no reason to stop them. If the princes attack at this time, they will fall into the bottom of the righteousness, and make those who still cherish the world see the current situation clearly. Isn't this the superior policy? "

"It's still Xun Jun Shi who is thoughtful. We have been taught."

Cheng Liang and Zhu ye can only agree with Zhang Yong's statement.

Liu he interrupted the crowd with a wave.

"Well, if Wen is right, I have decided. I went to Xihe County in person. The third brother, the fourth brother, the fifth younger brother, and Yuanqing, the three of you led the army to the Shangdang to reinforce. As for the number of reinforcements, it's up to two military divisions to decide. OK, let's go. "

Before long, a carrier pigeon flew out of the rear yard of the general's house and headed for Bingzhou.

Zhao Kui, who has the special attribute of "good animal husbandry", has been working together with Moda, who has the attribute of "Xiangma", and Zhan Lian, who has the attribute of "fine farming", to the pastures and farms scattered in different counties for a long time. However, in his nominal position, he was promoted to the rank of county Cheng of Yanmen because he successfully cultivated a divine colt.

Although the foal is still a cub, it will take at least another year and a half to ride, but even so, its foot strength is not inferior to any other horse in the army. It is just not as good as red smoke jueying, unicorn roar, silver armored beast, red rabbit and other adult horses, and its endurance is even comparable with these horses. Therefore, news has just reached Luo Yang was ordered by Liu He as his mount, and Zhao Kui was promoted accordingly.

However, two days ago, he was sent back to Yanmen by Qian Li. Now he is busy preparing money and food and is always ready to go to Xihe County for disaster relief.

Although Qian Li was the governor of Wuyuan County in name, only half a level higher than him, and he was not subordinate to each other, Liu he had a clear order. Qian Li was in charge of the whole affairs of Bingzhou. In addition, he was a minor of Liu He. He was gentle, gentle and resolute. He was loved by many officials and people in Bingzhou. Therefore, no one dared to disobey his orders.

On this day, Zhao Kui was outside the Treasury of yinguan City, busy with the allocation of money and grain, as well as various instruments that could be used for river regulation.

"Quick, quick! The Lord must have known that when the dike burst, he ordered that we should prepare all the materials in advance and arrive in Xihe county one day earlier, so as to save many lives. "

He had been directing for a long time, but he was so anxious that he finally lifted up his sleeve and moved it together.

"Puleng puleng..."

Zhao Kui instinctively stopped his work and looked in a direction. A white pigeon stopped on the ground not far away.

"Gugu Gu Gu... "

"Carrier pigeon? Is there news from the Lord? "

When Zhao Kui thought of this, he did not dare to neglect him. He took down the letter from the carrier pigeon's leg.

However, after reading the letter, he was very surprised. The content of this letter is not only irrelevant to the disaster relief, but it is simply fantastic. Zhao Kui wants to break his head and can't understand why.

"This What do you mean, my lord

He went over and over the handwriting on the letter and at the final seal.

"Yes, it's the Lord's personal letter, but this..."

There was only one order in the letter: to release two people who were imprisoned in the prison of yinguan city. They were Gao Lan, who was captured by Guan Yu not long ago, and the ox horn that had been locked in many years ago.

In addition, the letter also made it clear that they had to pretend that they had escaped by themselves, and that they should make sure that there were no mistakes in the two people's escape at the same time.However, although Zhao Kui couldn't understand it any more, Liu he had to follow his orders.

"How can they escape without being aware of it This is really hard to do... "

He wandered about for a long time.

"I have an idea!"

That night, in a corner of the city.

This is the prison of the prefect's office in Yanmen county. After Liu He's transformation in this area for many years, it is now heavily guarded and closely guarded. Even if Liu he himself wants to forcibly break into the prison, it is absolutely impossible.

Ordinary criminals are all locked up in the county prison. Those who can be put into this prison are either extremely evil, such as murder and arson, corrupt officials and bullies, and some big profiteers who cheat and commit evil acts. For example, two years ago, there was a big businessman who sold inferior salt after he bought the salt mining and peddling license. In addition, he violated Liu He's new ban more than half a year ago and secretly refined the iron ore They were transported to Jizhou and sold to Yuan Shao.

Among them, the two most closely guarded are Zhang Niujiao, who led the army to attack yinguan city in the middle of the night many years ago. As a result, Zhang Niujiao was captured, and Gaolan, Jizhou general, who was just captured by Guan Yu not long ago.

After defeating Gao Lan on that day, Guan Yu received a military order from Liu He, which made him, Meng Jian, Shi Tao, and other generals deeply puzzled, because the military order required Gaolan and Zhang Niujiao to be locked in the next cell, and no one else could be locked around their cell.

Not only that, but Liu He also told the jailers that they would talk about Jizhou from time to time. Today, Lu Bu was promoted, tomorrow Zhang jaw was rewarded, and the day after tomorrow, Yuan Shao was furious at Gao Lan's defeat, who was slandered in front of him, and wanted to arrest all the GAOs.

Although Gao Lan was angry and impatient in prison, he swore, smashed things and hit walls every day, but in the eyes of Guan Yu and others, he was totally superfluous. If Gao Lan killed the enemy general directly, he could not understand the intention of Liu He's move. However, because the military order was like a mountain, Guan Yu did not hesitate to implement it.

One day, a jailer who looked more than 30 years old suddenly came back from the outside.

Another young jailer saw this, looked at him, and suddenly smelled a breath of wine.

"Lao Jia, what's the matter with you? You are not allowed to drink alcohol while you are on duty. If you violate the rules, you will be punished by 20 big boards and half of your monthly salary will be deducted. You are also an old jailer. How could you make such a big mistake? Come on, drink some tea and wake up. If the warden sees it, it will be troublesome. "

The man kindly walked over and reached out to help the old Jia.

However, the old Jia pushed him away and sat down.

The man, who was kind enough to help, was pushed down and was about to break out. However, he saw a sad and indignant look on his face. In his heart, he guessed what had happened to him or Xu's family, and then he put down his anger.

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