Everyone believed that Qian had no choice but to compromise in the face of the collective troubles of his 18 county magistrates.

However, a cold voice suddenly sounded.

"Several county magistrates, when they were held accountable, dared to threaten the prefect. They were absolutely ungrateful."

"Who! What bastard dares to insult me like that

The county magistrates were so angry that they looked around and found that the voice came from the mouth of the dirty attendant behind Qian Li. They became more and more angry.

"You're a little bodyguard. How dare you speak ill of the imperial court's life officer? I think you're the devil's gall!"

"Governor Qian, it's too much for you to be an entourage. If you don't give me an account today, we will never give up!"

Qian Li snorted: "don't give up? The Taishou has just refused to give it. What are you waiting for? "

At this time, the county magistrate of Mongolia was not polite at all: "how dare we treat you? It's just that you slander me first and make the entourage say bad things later. If this matter is not explained, we can only take a rest from illness. At that time, we will have to worry about the disaster relief in various counties

In the words, the meaning of threat has already been expressed.

Qian Li was not afraid at all: "slander? If the governor does not have enough evidence, how dare he say that

The county magistrate of Mongolia and others changed color when they heard of it.

"What's the evidence of Qian's governor?"

Qian Li clapped his hands and exclaimed, "bring it in!"

After a while, a group of people of different ages, full of mud, swarmed through the door. As soon as they came in, they knelt down in front of Qian Li.

"Cao min and others have met with governor Qian."

Meng county magistrate seemed to have guessed the identity of these people, but he was still calm and asked, "who are these people? What if the governor Qian sent them in? "

Qian Li ignored him and said in a soft voice to those people: "you don't have to be alarmed. Before you stop me, I'll take charge of the grievances you've complained about. Even if you say so, I'll make decisions for you."

His voice just fell, Meng Taishou said in a gloomy tone: "who are you waiting for? If you dare to tell me the truth, my Meng family will never sit idly by."

As soon as he said this, the people trembled. They looked up at him and Qian Li. Finally, they bowed their heads and did not dare to speak.

Meng county magistrate glanced at Qian Li with a satisfied look on his face.

At this time, Liu he said: "fellow villagers do not have to be afraid. As long as you confirm this matter, he will kill the nine clans, and it is hard to resist his crime. If he can not prove his character, he will inevitably suffer from it in the future."

"You How dare you... "

Meng county magistrate was furious and was about to scold, but was interrupted by Qian Li.

"Shut up

The people looked at each other and finally made a decision.

"Good," said Cao min. Two days ago, the magistrate of the county issued a notice saying that the Yellow River may be in danger of breaking its levee in the west of our county. Therefore, people from Daliushu village and several surrounding villages, as well as some refugees, should be gathered in the village. It is said that the village is in the easternmost side of the city. It is not only the farthest away from the Yellow River, but also there is a hillside behind the village, which is convenient for evacuation at any time. "

"I don't doubt that we have him. We are all waiting in the village. He had promised that the government would be responsible for our rations these days, but after all the people gathered together, he never mentioned it again. The villagers in other villages were OK, and the refugees all depended on us to help them survive. At that time, the grass people and others thought that something was wrong. They wanted to go to the government to ask about it. But who would have thought that the thief... "

Speaking of this, the villagers began to get excited.

"He ordered the gate of the city to be closed and no one could get in or out. We had no choice but to return to the village. After discussion, we all prepared to go up the mountain for shelter. Unexpectedly, when we were packing up last night, the flood suddenly came and the whole village was flooded instantly, with more than 1400 people. Only I and other 50 people escaped to the mountain."

At this time, his eyes were red, his eyes full of anger, and he was staring at the Mongolian magistrate.

"That's him, this dog thief. He not only did not send people to rescue him, but also led his soldiers to gather all the bodies of the drowned people into a villa. Later, the flood became more and more serious, and the villa was flooded. The corpses floated out of it, and they were able to be seen by the governor general. You can see the grass people and others. This is where we can redress the injustice My Lord, you should make decisions for the grassroots... "

"Ask the governor to make the decision..."

At this time, Meng county magistrate's expression became a little nervous. What he said was true. He fully believed that these dozens of people were the surviving people of Daliushu village.

"Hateful, there are still people who have escaped. How could I not have thought of going up the mountain to search and kill the living people? It's really hateful!"

His heart is dark hate, turned to look at Qian Li, and then a trace of ferocity flashed in his eyes.

After hearing the villagers' complaints, Qian Li nodded.

"Meng county magistrate, do you have anything to defend?"Meng county magistrate had no fear at this time: "Qian Taishou bullies others, colludes with crooked people, slander lower officials, and has nothing to say."

"Well, you have nothing to say."

Qian Li clapped his hands: "come on

Soon, a team of Yamen servants came in.

Qian Li pointed to Meng county magistrate and others: "take all the 18 county magistrates and send them to Jinyang city to be detained."

Unexpectedly, these officers did not act after hearing this order. Instead, they looked at me and I looked at you. All of them were hesitating.


Chandler looked at them in surprise.

"Ha ha ha..."

Meng county magistrate looked up and laughed.

"Qian Li, Qian Li, you are so stupid that you make the county magistrate look at you. Did you forget? At the beginning, it was my Meng family who voluntarily surrendered to Liu He in order to get the post of county magistrate. Therefore, the Meng family's influence in the city was not damaged at all. "

"In addition to these years of hard work, my Meng family has been deeply rooted in this city. Although there are some loyal and even worshippers of Liu He, how can they have the courage to resist my Mengshi?"

Hearing what he said, Qian Li calmed down.

"What? Do you think you can resist the general with just one Mong family? "

Meng county magistrate shook his head: "of course not. Am I such a fool without self-knowledge? But I can't, but yuan can. "

As soon as this was said, the faces of the other 17 county magistrates also showed a look of great confidence.

Qian Li then understood: "so you have colluded with Yuan Shao and many aristocratic families. If I am not wrong, you are the one who broke the Yellow River bank? Otherwise, with the strength of our supervision over the various river reaches, it is impossible to excavate so many river banks at the same time. "

Meng county magistrate also readily admitted: "yes, it is our plan for several months that we succeeded in one fell swoop. However, we dare not take the credit alone. This scheme is from the Autobiography of Chen Gong of Chen family in Yingchuan

Qian Li nodded: "well, that makes sense."

Meng county magistrate didn't panic at all and was surprised.

"What? Why are you not afraid of death? "

Qian Li was stunned: "why should I be afraid of you, such as the dog thief, who is dying? Now that you're telling yourself all your crimes, I should be celebrating. "

Meng county magistrate laughed.

"Ha ha ha, you are just two people. How can you kill me?"

With that, he glanced at Liu He behind Qian Li.

"You're a mere retinue? Hum, if he were Guan Yu, maybe we would still be afraid of three points. It's a pity that Guan Yu is in Shangdang. If he dares to come, Jizhou army will approach and Shangdang will be destroyed in an instant. It will be just one of our achievements. "

Liu He raised his head slowly: "Oh? Are you really so confident? "

Meng county magistrate gave him a scornful look: "that's nature. Even if we didn't have the help of many servants, we alone, including 18 county magistrates, would be enough to take you two down. You're just a slave. Do you want to kill me for meritorious deeds? It's crazy... "

The word "suddenly stopped.

They only felt a cold light flash, and then the blood light rose to the sky.

After the remaining 17 county magistrates saw the situation clearly, the Mongolian county magistrate had turned into a headless corpse and fell in front of them.

"Ah Killing people Come on, come on, get the thief! "

Dozens of errands swarmed in, and the villagers were in a panic and quickly hid behind Qian Li and Liu He.

"Quick, take them both and give them five thousand dollars!"

The officers were hesitant to arrest Qian Li, but when they heard that they were so rewarded, some of them also bit their teeth, stamped their feet and rushed up.

As soon as someone took the lead, others were unwilling to let the 5000 yuan be lost. They also killed Qian Li and Liu He together.

"Presumptuous, who dares to come up?"

Qian Li drank violently, then moved to the side of Liu He and bowed.

"Mr. Qian Li, I've met the general!"

With this sentence, everyone stood on the spot!

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