He cried so that his little son, who was just having a good time, was scared to cry.

Yuan Shao carefully helped the woman to one side of the seat, let her comfort his son, then stood up, glared at Tian Feng.

"If you act recklessly, you humiliate General Gao first, and then bully my wife and children. What's more, you have no respect for my Lord. I think you are arrogant and arrogant, and bully others with strength."

"My Lord, my subordinates are..."

"Well, there's no need to talk about it. If you go on, you will immediately remove Tianfeng Jizhou from his position of driving and demote him to Nanpi County Magistrate. Within one year, you can gather together 20000 new soldiers, 500000 stone grain and grass, and 30000 sets of weapons and weapons, or you will come and see it yourself!"

Tian Feng's face changed greatly: "Lord..."

"Somebody, get rid of this mindless fellow!"

Outside Huguan, the earth is shaking and the mountains are shaking.

Zijin dragon riding all out, toward the Huguan, killing the sky, threatening.

When he comes to the pass, Guan Yu drags the green dragon Yanyue sword. Danfeng's eyes are half open and half closed. He looks at the Chengguan pass.

"Yan Liang, you are the defeated general of Guan. It's better to surrender early. My Lord has always loved talents, or you may be spared your death. If you resist in a desperate situation, you will die today! "

Within the city gate, a tall general with full body armor was enraged.

"Red faced old thief, bully me too much, come on, prepare for war!"

"Wait a minute!"

A man came quickly and grasped Yan Liang's right hand, which was ready to carry the weapon.

Yan Liang turned his head and saw that it was Zhang jaw.

"Why did you stop me?"

Zhang jaw advised: "general Yan, that Guan Yu is clearly deliberately angry with you, want to lead our army out of the pass decisive battle, we must not be fooled."

Yan Liang shook off his hand: "so what? On that day, I was only ambushed and was attacked by him, and I was injured. I will not lose to the enemy today. "

"General Yan is a fallacy. Huguan is a natural danger, easy to defend and difficult to attack. We are in an invincible position to defend this pass without opening a thousand people. Before we left, Tian Bujia gave you four words -- waiting for work with ease. Did the general forget it? It's hard to hold the Huguan pass and wait for the opportunity to move. With Guan Yu's character, it will be difficult to hold on for a long time. Sooner or later, we will come to attack. At that time, our army will have a natural danger in hand, and our army will be three times as strong. Is it unreasonable? But once we leave the pass for a decisive battle, our troops and horses in Jizhou are by no means the enemy of its heavy cavalry. I hope the general will think twice. "

Zhang jaw tried to persuade him, but Yan Liang couldn't hear a word.

"Well, don't talk about it. On that day, our army was defeated by Guan Yu for a moment, which was regarded as a great shame and disgrace, and the morale of the army was greatly reduced. Now Guan Yu, a conceited soldier, is doomed to defeat. When general Guan kills him, the enemy will be in chaos, and the first world war can be determined to go to the party. "

"General Yan, do not..."

"Open your jaw!"

Yan Liang began to get impatient: "this time, I am the commander-in-chief, and you are just the vanguard general. If you dare to say more and affect the morale of the army, I will deal with you according to the military law, and I will not retreat! After the general wins, you will lead 20000 troops to pursue the enemy together. There must be no mistake! "

"This..." Zhang jaw knows that it is difficult to persuade, so he can only accept his orders with his fists.

The abuse broke out again.

"Yan Liang, Jizhou, is not a real name. He is as timid as a mouse. It's better to go back and study for a few more years and fight with general Guan of my family again."

"Yes, a cowardly bandit is not worth dying in the hands of general Guan."

Yan Liang was furious and took his long gun.

"The bandits have been deceiving others too much. I swear to kill you!"

Guan Yu was stroking his beard outside the pass, looking at the pass in front of him with pride, while a group of soldiers under him were shouting all kinds of insulting words to Yan Liang.

Suddenly saw the door open, a member of the general riding a yellow horse rushed out.

"Yan Liang comes, Guan Yu comes out to die!"

Guan Yu's half closed eyes suddenly opened.

"Good come!"

As soon as he mentioned the green dragon Yanyue sword, he was about to fight, but Zhang Liao suddenly stood up.

"General Guan, why kill a chicken with a knife? Yan Liang is nothing but a defeated general under the general. General he Lao will come out in person? I'll go and clean him up later

Guan Yu took a look at Zhang Liao, nodded, and closed his eyes again.

"Well, Wenyuan's martial arts are getting better and better. Yan Liang's shooting skill is good. It's just a match for you. Check one or two."

Zhang Liao was overjoyed at the speech: "thank you, general!"

Others, such as Zhou Yuan, Qin Chu, Yan Quan and Qian Ning, looked at him enviously.

To be able to fight a fierce life and death battle with an enemy whose martial arts are similar to his own will be of great benefit to the improvement of the general's martial arts, but this opportunity is rare.

However, the admiration goes back to envy, and everyone knows that Zhang Liao's martial arts are second only to Guan Yu in Zijin dragon riding. Besides Guan Yu, he is the only one qualified to fight against famous Jizhou generals such as Yan Liang.Zhang liaoyi beat his horse and rushed out of the camp.

"Yan Liang's children have come to their fate!"

Yan Liang saw that someone was killed. He was interested in fighting. He was about to fight. He looked carefully, but it was not Guan Yu.

"Who are you? I'm Yan Liang, general of Jizhou. I'm here to take Guan Yu's head. Would you like to die as a white faced general? "

Zhang Liao was furious. At least he followed Liu He and Guan Yu for many years. From Yanmen to today's general, he was underestimated by Yan Liang. How can he not be angry?

"Ignorant man, I am Yanmen Zhang Wenyuan. Look at the sword!"

Xuanhuang hook sickle took a burst of yellow sand, lifted up from below, straight to Yan Liang's facade.

Yan Liang's instinctive and murderous instincts made him say "good Sabre skill". When his right hand shook, his long spear was like a dragon, and the tip of the spear spat forward like a poisonous snake, which blocked Zhang Liao's attack.

Seeing this, Zhang Liao couldn't help but shut up his underestimated heart: "this Yan Liang is worthy of being the head of the four court pillars in Hebei Province. His martial arts and shooting skills are really worthy of his reputation."

Yan Liang said, "you are Zhang Liao and Zhang Wenyuan. You really have some skills. Since you want to die, some family will take your life first, and then kill Guan Yu and take my shot!"

After that, he stabbed.

Zhang Liao hums a voice coldly: "big talk is shameless!"

After arranging the disaster relief work in Lin County, Liu He, who was going to Yuanyang and Yuanyin counties, was about to inspect the disaster situation there. Suddenly, he heard a hint from his mind.

"The system indicates that Zhang Liao fought against Yan Liang, Zhang Liao's basic force was 95 points, weapons and armor were increased by 1 point respectively, and the special effects robbery camp did not meet the trigger conditions, so the current comprehensive force was 97 points."

"Yan Liang's basic force is 96, and his weapons, armor and horses have no bonus. He triggers the stunt bullying: when facing a general whose basic force is lower than his own, he will reduce the opponent's force by 1 point and increase his own force by 3 points."

"Under the influence of Zhang Liang's military force, he was reduced to the comprehensive point of Yan Liang."

Liu he said in secret: "Yan Liang is better than I thought. I didn't expect that he had special effects. It seems that Zhang Liao will suffer. But with his second brother there, Yan Liang can't make a big wave. "

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