However, these archers are far from comparable to shenjiying in terms of shooting skills and bow and arrow equipment. Although it is very inconvenient to move and climb the city, the protection of Zijin dragon is incomparable.

These arrows rain down one after another, and only a hundred soldiers of Zijin dragon riding were wounded.

"Damn it, is Guan Yu crazy to attack the city with such heavy armor?"

Zhang jaw said indignantly. Then he bent his bow to build an arrow, moved left and right under the city wall, and finally aimed at Zhouyuan.

Among the first group of generals, Zhang Liao had seen the martial arts of Zhang Liao with his own eyes. The rest of them were also heroic. They were only around. Although they were wearing armor, their faces were very white, and their bodies were not as big as the others. They looked more like a white faced scholar, but they didn't look like great generals with superb martial arts.

"It's just you. Killing one person first will boost morale."

Zhou Yuan was still climbing up. Yanquan, on one side, was the first to find Zhang jaw, and immediately exclaimed.

"Xuanwei, be careful..."

As soon as the voice fell, Zhou Yuan had no time to respond. Zhang jaw's tight bow string was released instantly, and an arrow burst out of the air.


Zhou Yuan dodges not to be able to, can only a side to avoid the key. Although his armor is also very good, the arrows of ordinary archers are very difficult to penetrate. The bow that can be opened is a strong bow with three stones, which directly penetrates the right arm of Zhou Yuan.


Zhou Yuan's right arm was aching and out of force. He fell down from the ladder. He covered the wound and looked at the jaw opening angrily.

"Jizhou generals can only stab people in secret."

"Not dead?"

Looking at Zhou Yuan, Zhang jaw was helped up by several soldiers again and retreated in a hurry.

He then took another arrow, put on the bow string again, and aimed at Zhou Yuan.

Yan Quan below hated and said: "dog thief, hurt my colleague, but also want to repair an arrow. When I am riding purple gold dragon, there will be no marksman?"

He also took his long bow from his back. His feet clasped tightly to the ladder, bent his bow and arrow, and aimed at his jaw.



The sound of releasing two bowstrings.

Zhang was wondering why there were two blasts. He saw that the arrow that he had shot out had just flown out a short distance before being toppled by another arrow shot from below.

Zhang jaw was startled and looked down in a hurry. He saw that Yanquan had already set up the arrow again and aimed at him upward.

"Among such heavy cavalry, are there people with such excellent shooting skills?"

Zhang jaw can't help but exclaim.

However, he was surprised to see that the other side had already pointed his bow and arrow at himself, and then the other side shot his own arrow from the top. He had already lost for a while. How could Zhang jaw, the first archer in Jizhou, be willing to admit defeat?

"That's better than who can shoot!"

He was superior to the others. Zhang jaw was full of confidence. He bent his bow and arrow and aimed at Yanquan.


Two people at the same time in the heart of the silent cry of such two words, after the two arrows shot at the same time.

When they shot their arrows, they also dodged to one side. The two arrows passed each other in the air, and then flew from their sides.

"Come again!"

The two archers frequently arched at each other. If the two archers retreated at this time, they would have admitted defeat. Therefore, both of them started a shooting battle up and down the city wall.

However, because both of them are skilled in bows and crossbows, they can always avoid each other's arrows in advance. After more than ten times of shooting, they are still undamaged.

"Hum, I thought Ye Xiang should be the most skillful shooter in Bingzhou army. I don't want you, a mere nobody, to have such skills. If you have a chance in the future, Zhang will definitely compete with Ye Xiang."

As he spoke, he set up the arrow again.

At this time, Yanquan secretly glanced at several soldiers beside Zhang jaw, and then sneered at Zhang jaw.

"You can't even fight Yanquan. If general Ye comes in person, you can shoot you under the city with one arrow."

"You..." Zhang jaw has always been proud of his shooting skills. It is hard to avoid his anger when he comments on himself.

"Then I'll shoot you first!"

The arrow, full of his anger, shot down with a faint cry of breaking through the sky.

At this time, the corner of Yan Quan's mouth is a smile, he suddenly turned the direction of the bow and arrow.

Zhang jaw is in a bad situation: "not good, hit the target!"

With a slight sound, a Jizhou soldier beside Zhang jaw was shot in the neck and fell directly into the city.

"Since you and I are fighting, why did you shoot my soldiers?"

Yan Quan sneered: "you are a mean person who is used to stabbing people in secret. How can you scold me? Look at the arrowZhang jaw also rushed to fight back, Yanquan instinctively avoided, but the next moment he found something wrong.

"He aimed at Qin Chu

Yanquan watched an arrow shoot into the shoulder of Qin Chu, who was about to climb to the head of the city next door.

Qin Chu screamed and fell down the wall like Zhou Yuan.

"Bo Qing..."

Zhang jaw hurt two people, Yanquan's anger has risen to the extreme. He is about to turn his head to deal with Zhang jaw. He has once again aimed at Qin Chu, who has just barely stood up.

Yanquan was shocked.

"Be careful, Bo Qing..."

Before he finished, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his left shoulder.

From above came a wild laugh of jaw opening: "ha ha, fool! Do you think you are the only one who can use it? "

With that, another arrow shot straight at the door of Yanquan.

"Hateful! It's not too late for a hero to take revenge if he doesn't suffer from the immediate loss. "

Yanquan glared bitterly at his jaw. He held on to the ladder and waved a long bow with his right hand to block the arrow. Then he jumped back to the ground.

However, it was time for Yanquan to land again.

"Are you still alive this time?"

Yanquan was aware of the fierce murder on his head. He cried out in his heart that it was too late to dodge. He could only roll on the spot, which was enough to hide.

However, before we could celebrate, the second arrow followed.

Yanquan is greatly surprised that the third arrow should also follow him.

"What, this jaw can shoot so fast?"

At the gate of the city, Zhang jaw was very proud.

"I'm a new student of serial fire skill. I'm just beginning to learn and practice it. Please give me your instruction."

Yan Quan was completely desperate.

"It's a mistake. It seems that I'm going to die here today..."

The thought flashed through his mind. The time was so short that he couldn't make any dodges.


After an arrow pierced his right thigh, his strength was not exhausted. He continued to fly forward. Yanquan was unable to resist. He was directly carried forward by the arrow and nailed to the ground.


Around the generals saw this scene, all red eyes, tearing heart and lung, exclaimed.

And Zhang jaw looked at the third arrow, his face showed a victory smile.

"I had expected this scene before I shot the arrow, and it would go straight through your head."

He was looking forward to seeing the explosion of Yanquan's brain. The arrow was shooting at the back of Yanquan's head and was about to shoot into it.

Just then, there was another "whoosh..." An obviously longer arrow shot from a distance, which was obviously later than the arrow of jaw opening, but it was able to hit the arrow directly.

But what surprised Zhang jaw most was that the arrow not only hit his own arrow, but also didn't bounce it off. Instead, it went straight through the middle of the arrow and split his arrow into two pieces!

Almost in the next moment, three arrows were fired at the same time, one shot through the other arrow in Zhang's jaw, and two arrows respectively hit the other two Jizhou soldiers who wanted to shoot down at Chengguan.

Zhang jaw was about to look in the direction of the arrow when he saw that the fourth arrow was shooting at him. He was so surprised that he quickly squatted down and heard the arrow shoot into the wooden post behind him.

He got up to have a look, and nearly half of the arrow body fell into the wooden pillar, which made Zhang jaw scared and a cool air rose from the bottom of his feet.

"Hiss Who is this? How can he be so divine? Though he was raised by Ji, and Li Guang was born again, it was just so! "

Yan Quan had been waiting for his death. After a long time, he saw that he was safe and sound. When he opened his eyes, he saw the two arrows falling on both sides of himself.

"This is..."

He suddenly thought of something, and looked in a direction with great surprise.

I saw a group of people appeared on a small hill not far away, a figure was holding a long bow to this side of the city pass.

"It's him, it's general Ye Xiang, it's general Ye Xiang coming!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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