After 30 rounds of fighting, the two men were relaxed.

"It turns out that you are just like this. If Guan Yu and Zhu ye were here, I would die today. It's a pity that your martial arts skills are not home yet. You've just done some credit to some family. Come and take your life."

Zhang jaw crescent halberd a thorn, Qin Chu in a hurry to block.

Unexpectedly, Zhang jaw suddenly laughed: "I expected that you would be like this, in my plan."

His crescent halberd suddenly trembled, changed direction, and stabbed down. Qin Chu was unable to defend himself. He was stabbed by a halberd on his thigh, and immediately his blood flowed like a stream.

"Go down..."

Zhang jaw clapped Qin Chu from the horse's back with a halberd.


The crescent halberd stabbed at the gate of Qin and Chu.

At this time, only a sound of "whoosh" was heard, and an arrow shot out of thin air. The blade of the crescent halberd was in the middle of it. Zhang jaw couldn't hold it for a moment. His hand almost lost his strength and threw it away.

Although he finally grasped his weapon, Zhang jaw was shocked by the pain from the mouth of the tiger.

"Good bow."

He looked at the direction of the arrow with full vigilance, and saw a young general in his early twenties, holding a bow and arrow, aiming at himself.

"Who has such a superb shooting skill? Is it general Ye Xiang who was in front of Huguan on that day?"

Zhang jaw didn't see ye Xiang's true face that day. However, with this skill, he decided that the person in front of him must be ye Xiang.

The man replied, "I am Ye Xiang. My martial arts, tactics and archery are among the best in the world. Why did I commit myself to Yuan Shao, who was jealous of the virtuous and envious of his ability, cronyism, narrow-minded and forgetful of justice, why not give up the secret and submit to the court? My Lord, the famous works of benevolence and righteousness are all over the world. He is no less capable than general Gao Boping. He worships generals and Marquises. It is not empty words. "

If you had said this a few days ago, Zhang jaw would have only sniffed at it. However, these days, he had been bullied by Gao Lan. He had no place to complain, and he did not dare to say it. At this time, ye Xiang's words moved Zhang jaw.

Seeing that he did not speak, ye Xiang was only moved by himself: "if general Zhang can lead the army to surrender, I Ye Xiang should personally introduce him to the Lord."

"There's no need to say more." Jaw opening interrupted him in time.

"How can someone easily rebel against the great favor of the Lord?"

Ye Xiang said with a smile: "the general might as well look around. If you don't surrender, can one of you escape from the 10000 thousand troops?"

Zhang jaw looked around. Several rounds of arrows rained down, and his soldiers had been killed and wounded by thousands. Now, the 3000 heavy cavalry of the other side rushed back and forth, and his own Jizhou soldiers and horses were almost powerless to fight back.

Zhang's face was in a hurry. His eyes turned and he called out to Ye Xiang: "Zhang is inferior to Zhang for his skill of shooting under his feet. However, he doesn't know how his martial arts are. Come on, eat a halberd."

Zhang jaw slaps the horse, the crescent halberd roars to attack in the past.

Ye Xiang smiles and holds the Dragon gun tightly in his right hand.

"He is a young man. If he has such shooting skills, his shooting skill must be ordinary. When I catch him and use it as a threat, I can't say it will be a chance to turn the defeat into victory in this war."

Zhang jaw heart made up his mind, a crescent halberd, straight thorn Ye Xiang door.

"It's a jaw opening. It's a pity that you've made a wrong calculation."

On one side of Ye Xiang's body, the fire dragon suddenly shakes out a spear flower and bounces off the crescent halberd. The blade of the halberd can pierce through his chest. Although the surface is leather armor, it doesn't overflow like the blood in Zhang's jaw imagination, but it makes a light sound of metal touching.

"Gold silk armour!"

Zhang jaw has long heard that Liu He and others are protected by gold wire armour, and they are not able to be stabbed. Originally, he did not take it seriously. Seeing such a scene at the moment, he could not help but believe it.

Unable to allow him to think about it, ye Xiang's Dragon gun took the initiative and stabbed him in the chest.

"The system indicates that ye Xiang's basic force is 92, the king of war and king a each increase 2 points of force, mount does not increase force, no special effects bonus, and the current comprehensive force is 96 points. The comprehensive force of jaw opening is 93 points. "

At the beginning, ye Xiang was busy with the attack, but later he found that ye Xiang didn't defend his foot several times.

At this time, a shrill cry came from behind.

"General Zhang, help Ah... "

As soon as he heard the sound, he immediately recognized that the owner of the voice was his deputy.

He looked back in a hurry. It turned out that his deputy was besieged by three purple gold dragon riders. Soon, he was stabbed on the shoulder and under the ribs, and the blood flowed.

Zhang jaw was about to turn around to save, but ye Xiang shot him.

"You'd better take care of yourself."

Ye Xiang's fire dragon spear is just like a fire dragon. The scarlet head of the spear is constantly stabbing at it. He can only parry Zhang jaw.

He was injured in two places, and then unable to resist, was beaten down.

"I would like to go down, I would like to go down..."The deputy general fell to his knees and begged for mercy again and again. Hearing this, he was immediately furious.

"How can you bend your knees and surrender!"

Some of the adjutants did not dare to face his eyes, but he still explained: "general, the last general advised you. Yuan Shao is not the leader of Ming Dynasty. Gao Lan is determined to fight this time. Our army will be defeated. It is better to surrender as soon as possible..."


Zhang jaw was about to scold him, but he was interrupted by the gun head that ye Xiang stabbed.

When he was in a hurry, he dodged back, but he was still hit by the head of the gun on his left arm, and a bright red wound immediately appeared.

"Oh, if it goes on like this, I'll be caught in a moment. In any case, I have to escape back to Huguan to have life. "

Zhang jaw glanced around and found that all the Bingzhou soldiers had already fought with their own troops. Many Jizhou soldiers had surrendered, and their battle with Ye Xiang was already on the edge of the battlefield.

"Give me a hand!"

He bit his teeth and looked at the fire dragon gun that ye Xiang attacked again. He even stretched out his left hand and grasped the head of the gun.


Ye Xiang was stunned by his action.

"Die!" Zhang jaw gave a big drink, waved the crescent halberd with his right hand, and cut Ye Xiang's head.

Ye Xiang's face changed slightly, and his hand shook. Although he had been prepared and let go in time, the palm of his hand was still twisted to pieces.

Taking advantage of Ye Xiang's turning back to resist, Zhang jaw suddenly retracts the crescent halberd, and then runs directly from the side of Ye Xiang's body with his legs sandwiched with his horse, and gallops forward without turning back.

Unexpectedly, ye Xiang didn't pursue him, and even his face didn't even show his annoyance.

He took a look at Zhang jaw's back, then turned around and called out to many Jizhou soldiers.

"Your commander has fled. If you don't surrender, you will be killed!"

All the remaining Jizhou soldiers knelt down without hesitation.

All the captives were tied up firmly. Ye Xiang took a look in the direction of the eldest son City, and then he exclaimed, "go back to the eldest son city and capture Gao Lan alive again!"

Zhang jaw, regardless of the scar on his left arm, ran all the way, and soon came to the pass of Huguan.

"I'm Zhang jaw, open the gate quickly!"

Until this time, he also kept looking behind him, the more he looked, the colder he felt.

"No one came out, the whole army was destroyed, the whole army was destroyed..."

Thinking of this, Zhang's heart is like a knife.


The gate opened slowly.

"General Zhang, enter the customs quickly."

Zhang jaw didn't want to, so he quickly ran into the pass.

As soon as he came in, he heard the sound of the city gate being closed again, followed by the sound of killing.

Zhang jaw suddenly thought of something, his face suddenly changed.

"No, I lost Huguan!"

"Yes, the Huguan pass has been captured by me. Ha ha, let's take it with your hands!"

A figure carrying a pair of hammers rushed out, opened his jaw and looked at the man, and his face was in complete despair.

In the twinkling of an eye, one rope sling was thrown from all directions, and soon he was caught in the jaw and pulled him off the horse. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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