Jizhou Mu Fu, the middle-aged man is kneeling on the ground, shivering, and Yuan Shao Zheng's face is iron blue, a pair of eyes to eat people looking at him.

"Waste, it's really rubbish. I can't handle such a small matter. The motorcade of Jizhou animal husbandry was robbed by a group of mountain bandits. Isn't it that people laugh when it comes out?"

He was so angry that he grabbed the table in front of him and smashed it. The middle-aged man couldn't dodge and was hit head and blood directly.

Guo Tu, Xu you and others stood on both sides of the line, and no one dared to speak.

The middle-aged man covered his head and cried: "kill me with pain..."

Yuan Shaoyue heard more and more fire: "bored to death, come on, drag down to cut, and then ordered Ju Yi to lead 30000 troops to exterminate the white wave army."

"My Lord, I'll leave you under the sword!"

Gao Lan ran over in a hurry. Seeing him coming, the middle-aged man rushed to cry.

Gao Lan looked at him with disgust, and then saluted Yuan Shao respectfully.

"My Lord, this is really too unexpected. Most of the motorcades are coachmen, and there are too few guards. In any case, they are not the opponents of tens of thousands of Baibo army. Please let the LORD go and spare my uncle's life."

Yuan Shao, however, was so angry that he could not listen to his words.

"No one can plead! An emissary of Jizhou's stockbreeding house was robbed of his property by a mountain bandit. He was scared to pee his pants and kowtow to the mountain bandits for mercy. What is the use of such incompetent people? I have the face to deliver letters to mountain bandits. I've lost face in Jizhou. I'm still in a daze. Let's go

The middle-aged man hugged Gao Lan's thigh in panic: "help me, help me..."

Among the many counsellors on both sides, some were cold eyed, some were gloating, some wanted to persuade, but they looked at Yuan Shao's face and finally stopped talking.

Gao Lan wants to save his uncle, but he can't find any reason. He suddenly sees a roll of cloth thrown aside and has a plan in mind.

"Slow down, my Lord, what did Xu Huang say in his letter?"

Yuan Shao gave him a bad look: "it's just a mountain bandit. What can we have? I guess it's just asking for money and food. "

Gao Lan Yi Xi: "so, the Lord hasn't read the content of the letter yet?"

"What can I see about these things?" Yuan Shao was very disdainful.

Gao Lan strode over and picked up the letter.

"The Bai Bo army's Xu Huang and his leading moves have always been known for their low-key and calm behavior. If they were just some pompous words, they would never have left the family uncle's life and sent him a letter. In his opinion, this letter is absolutely extraordinary."

Yuan Shao hesitated when he said so.

"Well There seems to be some truth. "

As soon as he saw yuan shaosongkou, Feng Ji immediately stood up: "Ji thought that General Gao was right. Since the other party had sent a letter, he might as well have a look. Jizhou is a big state. How can I be afraid of mountain bandits? If this person does not know good or bad, it will not be too late to send troops to collect the money. "

Yuan Shao just shook hands: "well, you and see what the letter said."

"Here it is."

Gao Lan quickly opened the silk string and slowly opened it.

"To Mr. Yuan Benchu of Jizhou: I'm Xu Huang, a member of the Wei Dynasty in Hedong, who first promoted Xiaolian to be an official in the county, but later he had no choice but to drop the grass. He and my brother followed General Yang Feng in Taihang Mountain. All they asked for were peace and fame. Bingzhou Liu He, killed my brother, killed my Lord, but also stubborn and heroic, for a time Xiaojie Jie, not its master. The Central Plains, with 100000 banners and thousands of good generals, is a strong man for a time. However, if he wants to win over Liu He, he will not be caught. Huang was willing to use the 40000 white wave army as the auxiliary wing of the public. He took Bingzhou and entered Luoyang. When he succeeded, he had to plan for a small county in Yanmen. He hoped that he could learn from him and think about it. If he was good enough to accept it, he would be lucky for each other. If we don't follow it, we will take more than that when we unify Taihang Mountain. Even if our father comes here, I will never see him again. "

After reading, Gao Lan's face turned black.


Xu you said angrily: "the mountain bandits in xuhuang District dare to talk to the Lord like this and threaten him. If he doesn't kill him, what's the face of the Lord?"

Yuan Shao was also furious at hearing this, and rose to his feet.

"What a Xu Huang, I really want to die. I will lead the army to capture Xu Huang alive!"

Some of them were alarmed and said, "no, my Lord. The terrain of Taihang Mountain is complex. Of course, bandits are mobs. They can take advantage of the land, and they can not be captured in one or two days. How can the Lord personally commit danger? It would be safer to send a general there. "

Yuan Shao also calmed down a little from his anger.

As soon as his face softened, every Ji immediately said: "Lord, Ji thought that Xu Huang's words were just for the benefit of the Lord."

"Well?" Yuan Shao waited for him with some displeasure.

"Such a arrogant person not only threatens me, but also dares to ask Yanmen county. He is ignorant and shameless, and it is not enough to vent my hatred if I don't kill him!"

"It's good. This man should be killed, and he must be killed! If not, the Lord should sweep the floor with dignity, isn't it tantamount to conniving others to provoke Jizhou wantonly

Xu you stealthily tilts every Ji one eye, seem to see through his intention."The picture also agrees with what Xu Ziyuan said."

Guo Tu bangqiang Dao.

Gao Lan stares at his uncle angrily and then moves forward.

"Lord, my uncle brought such disrespectful words for Xu Huang, which is unforgivable. At the end of the day, he would like to lead the army and invite two thieves to come to the Lord to redeem the crime."

He thought with hatred in his heart: "hateful Xu Huang, if you can succeed, then I can't easily use Zhang Niujiao's power to win the trust of the Lord. Isn't it going to be wasted? I swear to kill you

"Well, Gongyu, I order you to surround with Zhang Niujiao on both sides and kill Xu Huang."

Gao Lan was overjoyed: "my Lord, there will be another plan in the end. When he mentioned this, he thought that he would make a brilliant plan at the end of the day. After taking the Baibo army Shanzhai with Zhang Niujiao, they immediately attacked and killed Zhang Yan. In this way, the black mountain army and the white wave army, with a total of 100000 people, can serve our Jizhou and zhangniu horned melons. Can't they just make up for the losses of our army in this war? "

"Well, Gongyu is worthy of our great general of Jizhou."

Yuan Shao was very happy and was about to give an order. Fengji stopped it in a hurry.

"My Lord, I don't think it's right. Even if Xu Huang's words were arrogant, he came to the Lord. Instead of accepting them, he blamed them with his words and sent troops to destroy them. Who else would dare to join him in the future? "

Yuan Shao hesitated again: "it seems that What you said is reasonable... "

"You can't..."

Xu you was about to speak when Feng Ji interrupted him.

"My Lord, my subordinates think that Bai Bo's army had only 20000 troops, but they could defeat Zhang Yan's invaders many times. In a few years, it has grown to 40000 people, and has fought with Zhang Yan several times, but has not been defeated. Moreover, his weapons and armor are complete. Xu Huang leads the two men, both of whom are brave and resourceful, and good generals for a time. Today, although Zhang Niujiao and Zhang Yan support as many as 560000 soldiers, when it comes to fighting power, they should be inferior to the Baibo army. If they can win over this man, their use is far better than that of two Zhang. "

Yuan Shao nodded slightly: "well, I've heard a lot about Xu and Zhang. It is said that Xu Huang had fought with Yanmen Zhang Liao and was invincible. He was proficient in military tactics. He practiced everyday in the Shanzhai and never slacked off. He was indeed a general. "

Every Ji saw his heart, and hastened to add a fire: "my Lord, a good example. Xu Huang took the initiative to put forward the conditions. Although he was a bit arrogant, he showed his sincerity. He was by no means a hypocritical and untrustworthy person. There are a lot of business trips in Jizhou, and there is a lot of word-of-mouth about it. Yanmen is indeed rich, but after all, it is only a corner of the northern border. Even if it is granted to him, what can it do? Is it not good to make him guard the northern land for the Lord and guard against Xianbei and others

He said that Yuan Shao's eyes were shining and he kept twisting his beard.


A voice suddenly came from the outside, and then a man in his early twenties, with a strong body and a handsome appearance, came in.

"See your father

Yuan Shao was very happy to see the visitors.

"It's Xiansi. Didn't you go to attack Qingzhou? How did you get back?"

This is Yuan Shao's eldest son, Yuan Tan.

His face was full of contentment, and he clasped his fist and said, "back to my father, five days ago, my child has captured the whole territory of Anle County in Qingzhou, and the prince of Jinan has led his troops to surrender. Therefore, the child has made a special trip back to report the good news to his father in person."

Overjoyed, Yuan Shao immediately stood up and went to Yuan Tan.

"Well, my son is really brave."

Yuan Tan said: "just now the child just arrived at the door, he heard a demon saying to confuse the public, and then he said something to interrupt his father's business and asked him to punish him."

Yuan Shao waved his hand and said, "my son has made great contributions but has no fault. What is the punishment? But what yuan Tu said is reasonable. Why should I blame him? "

Yuan Tan smelled the speech and looked at Feng Ji. Although Feng Ji lowered his head, the resentment and discontent in his eyes were not concealed. On the contrary, when Guo Tu and Xu you see Yuan Tan coming, their eyes are full of surprise.

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