"Well, I didn't expect this guy to be so cunning. Fortunately, my second brother is very good at martial arts. Otherwise, I will hurt him."

Cheng Liang appears a little guilty to say.

"The three brothers have benevolence and righteousness. Don't worry about it. If you suffer from a fall, you will gain wisdom. You will be more careful in the future. Somebody, tie up these guys who passed out! "

At this time, Liu He and Zhu ye also rode to come to the scene, and after discovering this scene, they were very excited.

"My second brother is very good at martial arts. This is my first achievement. Ha ha!"

Guan Yu's eyes narrowed into a slit with a smile. He hugged his fist and said, "it's up to big brother to plan carefully. Ha ha!"

Soon, more than 100 people in the Shanzhai were all captured. No one on Liu He's side was injured. Only a few villagers suffered minor injuries. The result was very satisfactory to Liu He.

After counting, there are dozens of grains, dozens of livestock, more than 50000 coins, and a number of other kinds of sundries.

Liu He let all the villagers carry away, and all the people with the power of victory, accompanied by laughter, returned to the yellow water village.

The villagers came out to welcome the villagers. For decades, we suffered from banditry. Today, we finally rose up to resist, took the initiative to attack, and won such a great victory. We all raised our hope for the future one by one.

Zhang Yu suggested that all of them should be locked up in several vacant houses. Now that the morale of her side is high, and the news of the war will soon spread. At that time, it is bound to have an impact on the morale of other Shanzhai, especially the Hongye village, which is not much different from Lianghe village.

Therefore, Zhang Yu thinks that we should take advantage of the victory to pursue the attack. At least, we should take advantage of the red leaf stronghold at one stroke, and then deal with them. If they are guilty, they should be admitted without serious crimes, so as to shake the hearts and minds of the people and the army of the five wolves and five tigers mountain strongholds, and then attack again, we can achieve twice the result with half the effort.

This proposal was unanimously agreed by Liu He and others, so they found four abandoned empty houses and locked up more than 100 people. They sent 30 villagers and some spontaneous villagers to guard together.

Liu he asked Liu Qian, Qian TingChang and Lu TingChang, who is in charge of Shigou village and nearby areas, to prepare for registration and other matters together. However, it will be prepared sooner or later. If we do this now, we can pacify more than 100 people.

After arranging these prisoners, Liu He and others began to discuss the next target.

Originally, Zhu ye and Cheng Liang both said that they would take the Hongye village directly and draw gourds according to the pattern. However, Guan Yu, Zhang Yong and Zhang Yu disagreed.

"When we attacked Lianghe village at night, the main reason why the mountain bandits fell without fighting was to surprise them. The other side was unprepared. When they were attacked by their strength, they would suddenly collapse."

"But now the news that Lianghe stronghold has been broken is estimated to spread to the other three Shanzhai in half a day to one day. The other side must be on guard. If we use this move again, we may have to ambush. Even if we can win, we will win miserably."

Zhang Yong and Zhang Yu's brother and sister said their ideas one by one.

"Yes, my fourth brother and sister are right." Guan Yu stroked his beard and said.

Zhu ye and Cheng Liang frown. They can't think of any other way.

"Well, how do you do it? A strong attack is no good, and a night attack is not good. What should we do? "

"Or shall we wait for a while and wait for them to relax?"

Cheng Liang touched his chin and suggested.

Liu He waved his hand and said, "this is not good. If they move the Shanzhai away, it will be easy for them to find us, but it will be very hard for us to find them. "

Cheng Liang was helpless: "Oh, my old Cheng still likes to fight. I can't think of any good way to do this kind of brain work."

They all focused their attention on Liu He and Zhang Yu. In terms of resourcefulness, they were the best.

However, Liu He also patted his head and looked bitter. He was inexperienced in the end. When he encountered such a problem, he couldn't think of an idea that he could conquer the Shanzhai quickly without causing him too much loss.

At this time, Zhang Yu pursed her lips and said with a smile, "we still attack at night!"

This word one exit, let a few people all around some inexplicable.

"Ah? Just now, sister, you said that the night attack would be found out. Why do you say it's ok now? "

Zhang Yu was a little nervous when she saw that everyone was staring at her, but then she saw Liu he smile at her, and then she got up her courage.

"We are going to attack at night, but not really."

This made several people even more confused.

"Not really? Can we just go over and yell at night? "

Liu he understood it first and patted his thigh.

"Ha ha, you are still smart. Women are not inferior to men. I understand. I'll do it like this!"

Zhu ye and others are puzzled and ask Liu He to explain.

Liu He, however, laughs with a smile."You guys, you can think about it by yourself. It's not interesting to say it directly. Let me talk about the next deployment. "

As soon as we heard that it was business, we didn't have the mind to investigate any plans.

"Let's have a good rest today. Tomorrow night, we'll take dozens of village warriors with us to Hongye village. We don't want to attack, we just want to kill the sky. The louder we shout, the more fierce we are. We will retreat as soon as the enemy comes out."

Some of us don't know what to do, but Liu He has given an order, and no one will object to it.

Just after midnight the next day, Liu He and Zhu ye together led 50 village braves to Hongye village. They saw that the lights were bright in Hongye village, and there were many bandits patrolling the front and back gates of the village, which showed a high degree of vigilance.

Liu He and others did not attack, but each of them had a torch, so that everyone could spread out a little, and yelled "arrest the thief! Catch the thief! ".

Almost at the first moment, the whole Shanzhai people picked up their weapons and rushed out. However, Liu He and others just stepped forward and retreated immediately after a little fight. The mountain bandits were afraid of ambush ahead and did not dare to chase them all the time.

On the evening of the second day, Liu He sent Zhang Yong and ye Xiang to draw gourds according to the same pattern, and they would withdraw if they did not fight.

On the third day, Guan Yu and Cheng Liang, and on the fourth day, it was Liu He and Zhu Ye's turn. It was so repeated that it was enough for the village for seven days.

"Damn it, the people in Huangshui are really Ah It's so hateful! Even harassing us Ah I've been harassing you for seven days, and it's not over! "

In the red leaf village, a man more than eight feet tall was yawning and shouting angrily.

Next to a man is also a tired face, but the man's angry clapping on the table to wake up.

"This Leader, there is no way Ah Ah Whoa I can't do it without precaution. "

The leader spat on the ground, and his face was filled with indignation.

"Damn it! Is there no way to deal with it? Think about it

When he heard the order, the man, known as the military master, suddenly looked sad.

However, it may be that he was inspired by his potential in a hurry. Suddenly, the military division really thought of a way.

"Yes, chief. Since they come to feign attack, let's turn the false into the real, and let's have a real Ah Come on

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