
Liu He's loud voice spread all over the country.

The mighty army attacked the gate of Yecheng recklessly.

"Shoot the arrow, shoot the arrow!"

On the top of the city, Yuan Shao, dressed in armor, was in charge.

A rain of arrows fell frequently. Under the command of Gao Shun, although many soldiers put their shields on their heads to resist it, one by one fell down.

"Shangjinglan chariot, fire beast!"

with the military order issued by Liu He, more than 30 Jinglan vehicles wrapped in iron sheet, and a fire beast siege vehicle the same as those in Huguan before appeared in the field of vision, and then slowly opened to the city gate.

"Raise the cowhide frame and pile up the boulders!"

Above the city wall, pieces of raw cowhide were opened in an instant. These raw cowhide were specially treated and wrapped with several layers of coarse linen cloth on the back. They were thick and thick, and the surface was glossy and glossy, so they didn't leave hands.

After the gate of the city, two huge stones were pushed past. It took seven or eight soldiers to push each boulder forward. Then dozens of soldiers were dead behind the two boulders, and the pressure was greatly reduced.

Most of the crossbows and arrows shot by Jinglan chariot fell down on the cowhide. A few who could shoot through the cowhide stopped quickly under the heavy entanglement of the cowhide and the several layers of coarse linen just as the arrow pierced. It was difficult to shoot them through at all. Jizhou soldiers hid behind them and were very safe.

The stone behind the gate is not only heavy enough to block the impact of the chariot, but also fearless of the fire.

"Ascend the city."

Gao Shun followed the military order, and the heralds around him immediately waved the flag.

Nearly a hundred ladders, carried by soldiers, rushed over and drove to the wall. Taking advantage of the other side's sight being covered by cowhide, hundreds of soldiers scrambled to climb up quickly.

After a while, climbing the front of a group of soldiers, has been close to the wall.

Liu He and Gao Shun saw this, but they didn't smile. Instead, they were very dignified. They knew that Yecheng was so well prepared this time that he would not be so easily captured by himself.

Sure enough, the cowhide suddenly reversed and turned to the side. The soldiers of Jizhou had already been waiting for the back. They were throwing stones into the city.

"BAM Bang Bang..."

One by one soldiers were hit by these stones and fell down the city wall. It was tragic.

Next came a pot of hot oil pouring from the wall and pouring it on the soldiers who attacked the city. In an instant, the screams were incessant and people were shocked.

"It seems that they have understood the frequency of the catapult used by Jinglan chariot, so they can suddenly withdraw the cowhide and start to fight back in the gap between loading the catapult and stopping the attack."

Liu he said something.

Sure enough, after a short pause, another wave of catapults shot out of the Jinglan vehicle, killing hundreds of enemy troops in the tower and falling down heavily.

The cowhide turned back again, blocking the attack of the crossbow.

Zhang Yong said: "elder brother, Yuan Shao was so well prepared that he attacked the city for a long time. So far, no soldier can rush to the tower of the city, and the gate of the city is almost motionless. Moreover, the second elder brother has not arrived. It seems that this battle is much more difficult than that at Huguan on that day."

Liu He took a look at the North: "just a flying eagle urgent report came, the second younger brother was led to Handan city by a troop of Jizhou. In that generation, there were many mountain roads outside the city, which were not conducive to Zijin dragon riding and fighting. I think it was also the plan of Yuan Shao's advisers. The rotten ship still had three jin of iron. Although Yuan Shao was not worth mentioning, it is not easy to attack his base camp now. It is not easy to destroy it. All the other departments, for the time being, don't be impatient, just continue to attack the city according to the attack in front of you. "

"Here it is

Ye Xiang thought of something, came to Liu He and deliberately lowered his voice: "my Lord, last year, in order to relieve the Yellow River disaster, our army spent more than half of its grain. Now, after months of hard work, there is not much left in the camp. If we can't quickly attack Yecheng in a few days, I'm afraid..."

When he said this, Cheng Liang and others also thought of this problem.

"Yes, big brother, it's a big problem to have no food. I thought Yuan Shao was so useless that ye city was already in our hands. I didn't expect that it would be so difficult to attack. If we delay here, we will be short of food and grass, and the morale of the army will change. "

Zhu Ye has always had the best appetite and the largest amount of food, so naturally he is most concerned about the problem of eating.

Liu he was not in a hurry: "don't worry. I have my own way to solve the problem of food and grass. I think I will respond in the last two or three days. Remember not to reduce the daily rations in the camp, otherwise the soldiers will be aware of this, which will inevitably affect the morale."

As soon as he heard that he had already had a solution, the people were relieved.

After a day's storming, the army still made no progress. At night, both sides occupied and returned to their own camp to rest. Naturally, everyone in Jizhou was happy.

Yuan Shao looked at the crowd with a red face: "today's World War I has made Liu He disheartened and disgraced. He has gained nothing. He has greatly raised the morale of our army. All these are the contributions of the generals. After the enemy has retreated, everyone will be rewarded!""Thank you, Lord!"

"Ha ha, Ziyuan, gongze, you two have made the greatest contribution this time. Ziyuan proposed to divide troops to resist Liu He and Guan Yu, and the Duke offered cattle hide and huge stones. If not, would you have achieved today's war? In the future, I will make a great contribution for both of you. "

Xu you and Guo Tu immediately stood up and said, "the Lord's mispraise is actually the Lord's Hong Fu. My subordinates have done a little bit of contribution, which is not worth mentioning."

"Hehe, good, good! This is what you should do. If you work together, why worry about Liu He's not going to die, and what's the matter? Now, Mr. Yuan has fully understood that the reason why he failed so many times in the past was that some people, such as Ju Shu and Tian Feng, were so treacherous as to be loyal, had ulterior motives, and confused the public and the public, which made the army unstable. Is there any reason to be invincible? Now that all the thieves have been removed, it is up to our army to revive its prestige! "

"God bless the Lord, the Lord Hong Fu Qi Tian, hegemony can be achieved!"

At this time, Feng Ji stood up and said anxiously: "my Lord, my subordinates have some doubts. Liu he supports 70000 soldiers and can clearly attack four gates at the same time. Why only one Ximen attack? I think today, Liu he himself, as well as Zhang Yong, Zhu ye, Cheng Liang, Gao Shun, Zhao Yun, and other generals, have never moved out. Seventy thousand troops, only about 20000, have been moved If you don't do your best, you still have to guard against it. "

Yuan Shao was in the mood. Listening to his disappointing words, he was unavoidably unhappy and his face darkened.

Guo Tu quickly chided Feng Ji: "Yuan Tu is really worried about the world. The Lord's eyes are like a torch. Naturally, he knows the situation of the other party. Seeing that he could not break the city, Liu heding had no way to deal with it. Naturally, he would not send the rest of his troops to death. In spite of this, it is difficult for our army to annihilate its main force in the first battle, but it shows that it is unable to deal with our army. Is it not a victory

"Well, that's right. The words of gongze are very agreeable to me, ha ha!" Yuan Shao's face turned angry into joy.

Every Ji see Yuan Shao so, also can only compliment Guo Tu: "or Gong is careful, admire."

While the crowd was jubilant, a soldier ran in from outside the temple.

"Newspaper The garrison at the South Gate found that a horse was stealthy. It came from the South and seemed to be heading for the Bingzhou camp. Therefore, the garrison came out of the city to stop him. This is a secret letter from the man. Please check it! "

"Oh? Come on. "

Yuan Shao can't wait to open the secret letter, followed closely, his face is a burst of anger.

"Cao ahan, the most hateful, I swear to kill you!"

Xu you and others were very puzzled and asked, "my Lord, why are you so surprised?"

Panting for breath, Yuan Shao said, "this letter is a secret letter sent by Cao ahan to Liu He. There is nothing else in the letter. It is because Liu He spent nearly three million stone grain relief because of the flood of the Yellow River last year. Later, he fought with Jizhou, and the army's grain reserves were exhausted. Therefore, half a month ago, he wrote to Cao Cao to borrow grain, and Cao Cao immediately agreed. Now that the grain truck is on the road, Cao Cao asks Liu He to send troops to meet him two days later. "

Speaking of this, he looked extremely indignant: "Liu He's army is short of food. This is a great opportunity. As long as we continue to delay the war, will our army not be able to win without a fight? Now, Cao ahan, how dare to fight against me and support Liu He, should he not be killed? "

With that, he dropped the secret letter on the ground.

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