Xun you came to Liu He: "it seems that Yuan Tan brothers had a dispute and killed Gao's mother and son, so Yuan Shao killed Yuan Tan. The yuan family, known as the leader of the world's scholars, did not want to be in the family, actually dirty so far, ridiculous, pathetic

Looking at the fire in front of him, Liu he sighed: "three years ago, Yuan Shao was the leader of the Alliance forces in Kanto. Now he has no body left."

Guan Yu walked by and said, "hum, a shameless villain, this is the end."

"Ha ha, the elder brother and the military division had a plan to break the enemy for a long time, but they just kept it from us, which made my younger brother worried these days. Especially when the news of food shortage in the army spread all over the army, I was scared."

Zhu Ye pats himself on the chest and looks happy.

Xun you said with a smile: "the grain in the army is only enough for three or five days, and there are no motorcycles from Yanzhou. However, we broke the city tonight and seized the granary of Jizhou. This matter of grain and grass will be solved naturally. It's just a matter of great importance. I'm afraid that there will be too many people to know about it. I'm afraid it will be inconvenient. I hope you can forgive me. "

"Well, Gongda helped my elder brother to seize Jizhou successfully. I thank you. I admire you too late. How can I blame you? By the way, Gongda, do you have a daughter? "

Xun you was confused by his sudden question: "er Now, I have only one son and no daughter. The five generals ask why? "

Cheng Liang came over and patted Zhu ye on his head: "what else can he do? I must have taken a fancy to the knowledge of the military master. I want to match his son with your daughter, and change his tradition of "five big three coarse". Ha ha, don't be fooled. In the future, you will have a daughter, and you will definitely marry his son. Otherwise, it will be a great misfortune. By the way, my central son's talent... "

"Hey, third brother, because you are disrespectful to the old, you even rob your brother's daughter-in-law, looking for a fight!"

The two men wrestled with each other directly and made the people around them laugh.

"Hehe, you two guys, Gongda has no daughter now, so I'm anxious to make you two like this. If you really give birth to a daughter in the future, you two will not have to fight to the door of Xunzi's house? Don't be shameful. If I were honest, I would not dare to marry my daughter into a door like yours. "

"Yes, my elder brother has just captured Yecheng, and there are still many cities in Jizhou. I have to go and recover them. Don't make any mischief."

Guan Yu also pretended to be angry and yelled.

Two people this just stop, but still refuse to admit defeat, made a face at each other.

Liu he said, "Gao Shun, listen to the order!"

"The end will be there!"

"Order you to lead the army to recover the rest of Wei County, and replace all the garrison generals and garrisons. If you do not follow, you will be beheaded on the spot."

"Here it is

"Listen to Zhang Yong!"

"The end will be there!"

"Command your army to recover all the cities of Julu."


"Guan Yu obeys the order!"

"The end will be there!"

"Command your troops to recover the Qinghe River, and at the same time investigate the trend of Qingzhou next door, especially closely monitor the movements of Juyi's 30000 soldiers and horses, and report in real time."


"Zhu ye, listen!"

"The end will be there!"

"Command your troops to recover Anping. Remember that the border with Hejian and Zhongshan still needs to be heavily guarded. Although I have an agreement with Gongsun Zan, he is ambitious and needs to be careful. "

"Don't worry, big brother. How can a guy like Gongsun Zan get into my younger brother's eyes? If he dares to come, he will be beaten by a hammer and he will return to Youzhou by the way."

"The fifth younger brother should not act rashly. Our army's goal in the future should be to take back Luoyang, and not to use force against Gongsun Zan for the time being."

"I understand."

"Xu Huang, take the lead and listen to the order."

"The end will be there!"

"Today, I officially correct your name for both of you. Xu Huang is the commander of Changshan and leads 30000 troops to Changshan. He took the lead of thirty thousand soldiers to stay in Zhongshan. It's unnecessary for Zhongshan to say that the eastern Hejian and the northern Youzhou are the territory of Gongsun Zan, so we should be cautious. Even if Changshan has been surrendered, the soldiers and generals need to be dealt with. The common people should also pacify them. If they are not public, they are not competent. They should be cautious. "

"At the end of the day, I will certainly do my best and never bear the great trust of the Lord!"

Liu He looked at Xun you: "please clarify the materials in Jizhou, as well as the various government affairs, and report to me."

Xun you arched his hand and said, "my Lord, don't worry. It won't take three days for my subordinates to repay."

"Well, I heard that Xunzi was the grand guard of Julu under Yuan Shao. I have long admired his talent. Gongda can take me to invite him to Taiyuan for a visit."

"This..." Xun you hesitated: "my uncle of that clan has always been lofty, but I'm afraid that he may not be able to move."

Liu He waved his hand: "it doesn't matter. If he doesn't want to be an official in me, he can let him go home."

"I will try my best.""Good!"

After explaining everything, Liu He waved his sleeve and was full of energy.

"Now that Yuan Shao is gone and Jizhou is restored, all the officers and men will follow me back to Bingzhou. I will tell the emperor and reward the three armies!"

As Liu he was about to leave, Xun you suddenly approached him and whispered, "Xu you and Guo Tu are crafty and not good. These people know Jizhou like the palm of one's hand and have great reputation. It is better to remove them as soon as possible."

Liu He secretly glanced at the men who were on their way with the army. Seeing that they were all excited and intolerable, Liu He looked down upon them in his heart.

"Well, a few clowns are not to worry about. I said in public that I would let them live. If I break my promise, it would be bad. "

After that, he got off the black king's back and pointed to the wooden cage on a carriage not far away. The black king was very obedient. He jumped into the cage. Then two soldiers locked it, and Liu he changed into a BMW.

Xun you looks at Xu you and others and frowns slightly. Suddenly, Cheng Liang comes to him and says, "elder brother, do you want me?"

"Well?" Xun you is surprised that he has not called him.

However, he suddenly understood it and said to Cheng Liang with a smile, "it is true that although Jizhou has got the job now, there is still one thing to do, which cannot be accomplished by the three generals."

Cheng Liang patted his chest: "ha, or the military master has a vision, big brother has assigned them tasks, I am worried about nothing to do, quickly say, what is it?"

Xun you pulled him to a corner and lowered his voice: "this is so..."

Jinyang City, the temporary residence of the general, a child's voice came from the backyard at this time.

"Hum Ha... "

I saw a boy about ten years old, waving a big knife, practicing hard.

Compared with Guan Yu's green dragon Yanyue Dao, that Dao is obviously smaller than Guan Yu's, but it also looks like it weighs 60 or 70 Jin. Although the boy is sweating and his cheeks are flushed, he can finally swing freely, which is extraordinary.

A moment later, a woman came up. It was Zhang Yu. She came to the backyard pavilion with a tray of fruit and looked at her son with relief.

"Zhenger, take a rest and come and have some fruit snacks."

When Liu Zheng heard the speech, he put down his knife and said to Zhang Yu respectfully, "I know."

He put the big knife on the weapon rack aside and trotted all the way to the pavilion. When he saw the fruit and several cakes in the fruit plate, he immediately beamed with joy. He reached out and was about to catch it. However, Zhang Yu slapped his hand off.

"I didn't wash my hands. You're as dirty as rolling on the floor."

"Haha, I'm going to wash it now." Liu Zheng grinned, ran to the side of the well, hit a bucket of water, washed his hands and face, and then came back.

"Mother's cakes are really delicious."

One by one, he grabbed it and put it in his mouth.

"Ha ha, eat slowly, and no one will rob you." Zhang Yu reached out to wipe the residue on his mouth. Looking at her son's swallowing, she felt gratified, but at the same time, she could not help laughing.

After eating several cakes, Liu Zheng patted his round stomach with a satisfied expression.

"Mother, father, when will he be able to come back? These days, I just feel that my martial arts are very advanced, and I'm looking for my father to verify it. "

Zhang Yu said with a smile, "you, how long has your father been away? It was less than a month since I saw him last time. You can't be ashamed to boast so much about your martial arts in such a short time."

Liu Zheng immediately put on an unconvinced look: "what the child said is true. In the past, a child could only dance this broadsword for about a quarter of an hour, and then four of them were extremely sore. Now, it has been able to wield it for nearly two quarters of an hour. In sum, the child's martial arts skills have doubled. "

Zhang Yu took his hands and kneaded them for him: "although I seldom practice martial arts, I only learned the swordsmanship that your father gave me, but I know a little about it. The so-called martial arts pay attention to strength, speed, durability and skill. Your second uncle Guan's green dragon Yanyue Sabre is famous all over the world. Your fifth uncle's Hunyuan thunderbolt hammer looks heavy. When it can be wielded, it is as powerful as thunder, as fast as lightning. Moreover, with such a huge double hammer, he can fight for several hours in a row, which is beyond the ability of strength. "

Liu Zheng understood what he didn't understand and thought with his lips pouting.

Zhang Yu went on to say, "this big sword is only for you to practice your physical strength. Although you have made some progress now, it is only based on strength and supplemented by endurance. The other two have not made any progress. You must not be complacent."

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