Liu He called Xunzi and Cui Jun along the way. The four came to the study and took their seats respectively.

"Gongda, how about the inventory of population and materials in Jizhou?"

Xun you stood up and said: "back to my Lord, in this expedition to Yecheng, our army, together with Bai Bo's army's injuries in Zhongshan County, killed more than 14000 soldiers, seriously injured more than 9000, and slightly injured more than 8000. There are more than 87000 garrisons in Yecheng. Among the garrisons scattered in various cities of Jizhou, more than 14000 troops have been surrendered. The situation of the rest of the cities will not be known until all the generals have cleared up. "

"Well, Jizhou really has a lot of troops and horses. If these two parts are added together, it will be more than 100000. What about the population, food and other things?"

Liu he asked.

"There are more than 5.7 million people in Jizhou, but there are about 1.9 million people under the jurisdiction of Gongsun Zan. In other words, it is under the control of our army, and there are about 3.8 million people. At present, there are more than 3.6 million stones, more than 40000 sets of weapons, more than 18000 rings of armor, and more than 27000 horses, more than 6000 Jin of gold, and more than 840 million yuan of money. "

Even though Liu he was also well-informed, he was still slightly shocked by these figures.

"Tut Tut, I've heard for a long time that Jizhou is the richest place in the Han Dynasty. I thought it was enough to compare with Jizhou after operating in Bingzhou for many years. Now I know that Jizhou is still half as rich as Sili Guanzhong. So far, there is no place for me and I to sit in the two places. "

"It's not over." Xun you said.

"These are only the materials in Jizhou's Mufu Treasury and military Treasury, not counting the private wealth of Yuan Shao and many other civil servants and military generals. After checking the prefectures, the mansions of several princes of Yuan Shao, the families of Wen, Yan, Gao, and Guo and Xu, who had surrendered and secretly assassinated, were given slaves, guards and maids. More than 37000 people, more than 8000 pairs of weapons, nearly 500000 stones of grain and grass, more than 1000 Jin of gold and about 100 million coins were obtained. As for good farmland, it is distributed all over Jizhou, with hundreds of thousands of mu, all of which are first-class paddy fields. As for silk cloth and jade, there are countless treasures. "

"Oh! My Lord, you have made a lot of money Cui Jun made a joke.

Xunzi said: "the words of the Lord are right and wrong. Jizhou is rich, of course, but Yuan Shao and others can hoard such a huge amount of wealth, or they will exploit it. In the short run, the natural income is not as good as it is in the short run. But when it comes to the degree of wealth, today's Bingzhou, as well as Luoyang in the past, are not below Jizhou. "

Liu he said with a smile: "if you have Wen, I feel much better. Now that Jizhou has been decided, what do you think we should do now? I want to send troops to recapture Luoyang and take advantage of the situation to annihilate Yuan Shu. As for Cao Cao, if he is willing to surrender, he can still stay. If he has a plot, he can also eliminate him. "

"Then he recruited Tao Qian, Ma Teng, Kong Rong and other generations, and then went to the south to capture Yanzhou, Yuzhou, Yangzhou and Jingzhou respectively. In the end, most of the world belonged to me. I dare them not to surrender the rest of the land. In this way, if it is fast, it will be three years, and if it is slow, it will be five years

At present, his mind can be said to be incomparably inflated. In Jizhou, 100000 soldiers and horses have returned, and the Baibo army has officially returned. In addition to the soldiers who are used for guarding all over the country, he now has more than 300000 soldiers who can be mobilized at any time. He is extremely ambitious and feels that there is no match in the world.

However, Xunzi immediately opposed it.

"I don't think it's right."

Liu he frowned slightly and looked at him: "Oh? What is your opinion? "

Xunzi stood up from his seat: "although the Lord is powerful now, the people of Jizhou are not attached to him, and the soldiers are not trained. The military discipline is not strict, and he is in a hurry to attack, for fear that the morale of the army will be unstable. This is one of them. "

"Second, although our army seized Jizhou's grain and grass supplies, it could only solve the difficulties for a while. One hundred thousand soldiers and horses in Jizhou must be provided for. In the past, Baibo soldiers and horses could obtain more than half of the supplies by themselves by cooperating with business travelers. The Lord only needed to provide the remaining half. Now he got rid of the identity of bandits, and naturally he could not trade with business travelers. In this way, the logistics pressure of our army has increased greatly. The army has almost run out of food. It is difficult to hold on to more than 3 million stone grain and grass in Jizhou for a long time. "

"Thirdly, in addition to the 20000 soldiers assigned by the Lord, the rest of the soldiers are mostly Zhang Niujiao, Zhang Yan's subordinates and many wandering bandits. In the Shanzhai, there are nearly 300000 old and weak women and children. Now they are out of Taihang Mountain, how these people will be placed is also a problem."

"Fourth, after the two Luoyang riots, most of the ministers and local officials killed, arrested, fled or resigned. Now there are nearly 20 counties without county magistrate in Binzhou. All the prefects, county Chengs and Duwei have been trusted by the Lord for many years. Moreover, the people's hearts are attached to them. However, there are many images of difficulties in the land of Sili. The local powerful people begin to ignore the law and discipline and run rampant. The common people have many complaints 。”

"Fifthly, according to the reward from the front, although Yuan Shu and Cao Cao had a lot of friction since the Spring Festival, they had a fierce and bloody battle, but only once. Yuan Shu took the initiative to send troops from Luoyang to attack the Hulao pass occupied by Cao Cao. On the contrary, Cao Cao never sent troops to attack Luoyang City, so the damage of both sides was minimal. Moreover, I think Cao Cao is ambitious, resolute and ruthless. If he can adopt Jia Xu's series of strategies, his ambition may still be higher than two yuan. If the Lord attacked at the moment, he would not choose to join hands with Yuan Shu to fight against him. Even if you can't do it on the surface, you will have some means in the dark"If these five points can not be solved properly, it is not a good policy to rush out again rashly."

After hearing this, Liu He also fell into a burst of silence.

"The system suggests that Xunzi launched the stunt" Wang Zuo "to assist the host to deal with domestic affairs. Xun's intelligence was improved by 3 points, and the host's intelligence and politics were improved by 2 points. Xunzi's comprehensive intelligence is 100 points, the host's comprehensive intelligence is 94, and the comprehensive politics is 81. "

With the sound of the system, Xunzi's words circulated back and forth in Liu He's mind, just like a lingering sound. With the sound of these sounds, Liu He only felt that his thinking became clearer and his mind became more and more clear.

"Yes, these five points are really the most difficult problems today. Ah, if Wen Ruo didn't remind me, I would have been confused by this victory and made a big mistake. "

"The Lord is wise and wise. He is a wise and wise man. However, he is not a sage. He is careless for a moment. In reason, the Lord does not have to worry about it."

Xun Yu was relieved.

Liu He nodded slightly and said, "all these five points are difficult problems that can not be solved in two or three years. Can't our army send troops in recent years? In the long run, will not soldiers be indolent? "

Cui Jun also frowned: "it's easy to handle the matter of demoting soldiers. It's just that all the generals have to practice hard. In less than half a year, it should be all right. Jizhou, Qingzhou, Youzhou, and our army have been fighting for years. The common people have suffered a lot. It is easy to pacify the people. All we need to do is to send officials, strictly enforce laws and regulations, straighten up public order, and exempt from taxes and corvee for another year. Naturally, everyone praises the Lord and returns to the court. But in this way, it will inevitably be more difficult for us to deal with the issue of military grain and grass. "

For a moment, there was silence in the study. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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