After leaving the palace, Liu he didn't go back to his house directly. Instead, he went to the barracks to watch the soldiers drill. After that, he ate with the soldiers in the camp. He and other generals such as Guan Yu have been used to eating and living with soldiers in the camp for many years. The soldiers have long been used to it. Many people who have doubts about their use of weapons or cooperation in the battle are all around Liu He for advice.

It was at the beginning of the Hai dynasty that Liu he returned to his residence.

Back in the bedroom, Zhang Yu has just coaxed her little daughter to sleep. Now Liu Zheng has been sleeping alone in a room. Only Liu Qian, who was born a few months ago, shares the same room with them.

"My husband is back. Wash up and have a rest early."

Zhang Yu said and brought a basin of hot water.

Liu he went to his bed and sighed softly.

Seeing that he looked dignified, Zhang Yu asked, "what's the matter with her husband so worried? In the afternoon, I went into the palace to see the emperor? Is there something difficult? "

"Hehe, you can't hide anything from yu'er." Liu he saw his wife and daughter, a warm feeling rose in his heart and drove away the trace of worry.

Zhang Yu handed him the hot towel: "it's OK to discuss with the three military masters tomorrow. Why bother? If we can't help, we can summon Mr. Meng Gongwei and Mr. Shi Guangyuan back, and all of us are united. What can we do to defeat the generals? "

Liu he wiped his face. The hot towel rubbed against the skin on his face and neck, which made him feel comfortable all over.

"Well, it's not difficult. It's just that some things happen suddenly, which makes it hard for me to accept at the moment."

"Oh? I'm so curious. " Zhang Yu put the towel away, poured the hot water into another bucket, and added more hot water to it. She took it in front of Liu He and was about to reach out to take off his boots.

Liu he grabbed her: "ah, today in the camp with the officers and soldiers to practice fighting, sweating a lot, or come by yourself."

Zhang Yu laughed at him and broke away from his hand: "old husband and wife, still pay attention to these?"

She took off the boots and socks for Liu He, put his feet in the barrel, kneaded and cleaned them carefully.

After Liu he became a general, Zhang Yu was still in charge of taking care of his daily life. There were less than 20 maids in the house, most of them were for the care of three old people. Zhang Yu proposed that the government should control the expenditure of the government and not extravagant and wasteful, so it was deliberately so.

"I, Liu He, can have a wife of yu'er, and I am really worthy of it."

Zhang Yu raised her head and gave him a bashful look: "how old are you? How old are you?"

Liu He sat on the bed and conveniently took off his clothes: "yu'er may have thought that the emperor and many ministers summoned me today, but why?"

Zhang Yu lowered her head and did not look at him. She said, "my wife is not a fairy. How can you guess? However, I think it's better for my husband not to talk about the government affairs in the central government and concubines

"I can't do it. I'm afraid I won't be able to sleep this whole night if such things are kept in my mind. Yu'er, just listen to me. After tonight, I'll say nothing about it. "

Zhang Yu thought for a moment, "well, my husband said it. I just don't think I heard it."

Liu hepong gave a drowning smile and then said, "well, if someone else says it, I'm afraid they won't believe it. Today, his majesty has negotiated with all his ministers that he has called me to go to the gate of Yanmen to release my horse

Zhang Yu's hand, which was washing his feet, stopped suddenly, but soon recovered.

Liu he saw that she didn't speak and asked, "why, is it so important that yu'er has nothing to say?"

Zhang Yu shook her head. "I don't hear anything."

Liu HENU nuogued: "well, I can't beat you. In fact, your majesty had this intention for a long time. Now we are in troubled times. Although we are royal families, we are also brave and brave. As a child with a weak crown, he will inevitably be frightened. It is reasonable for us to face such a chaotic time. There's just one thing that really puzzles me

Speaking of this, he looked at Zhang Yu again and found that she was still unresponsive and uninteresting.

"I really don't understand, such as Taiwei, situ, Sikong, Tingwei, jingzhaoyin, Taichang, Weiwei and other important officials of the imperial court for their full support. I am very grateful for this. But how can such a consensus today force me to be emperor? At that time, I was surrounded by a lot of people, and I didn't want to let me go High is not low. I don't understand. I really don't understand. "

At this time, Zhang Yu raised her head and looked at him again. Liu he thought that she wanted to say something and asked, "what does yu'er want to say? If you have any good advice to offer to your husband, listen to it

But Zhang Yu patted his leg: "I asked you to lift your legs. It's time to pour water after washing."

"Er..." Liu he was speechless for a moment and could only lift his feet.

Zhang Yu took the bucket and went out to pour water. Then she put the bucket away. After washing her hands, she came back.

Liu he saw that she did not say a word, a little stuffy in his heart. Originally, she wanted to give advice to her wife, who was as intelligent as 90. But she didn't say anything, which made Liu he feel frustrated."Well, sleep."

Liu he mumbled and lay down.

"Liu Lang...." Zhang Yu suddenly opened her mouth and called out a name that Liu he seemed to have never heard of for many years. This made Liu he think that she was going to make an "important opinion". However, Zhang Yu's next words made him even more disappointed.

"It's time to change the lid of the hot water bucket every night."

Liu he carelessly and casually dealt with a sentence: "a lid is just, what matters, I don't think it's very good to use it, for what."

Zhang Yu said, "for a long time now, the barrel seems to have been stretched out for some reason, but the lid is still the same size. The bucket is so big and the lid is small, so it can't be covered. How can it be convenient?"

Liu he curled his mouth and said, "yu'er is kind enough to consider such a small wooden bucket. I'll have the cask tightened up again

However, Zhang Yu said: "this is the case with wooden buckets, especially those filled with hot water all the year round. They are either bulging or blistering. Sooner or later, they will become bigger. They are hooped today, but only for a while. They will continue tomorrow. Isn't it troublesome? The lid and the barrel are dependent on each other and support each other. One side will change, and the other side will inevitably have to change for it. "

"Well?" Liu He seems to have heard something in this.

Zhang Yu went on: "it's just that the lid also has its difficulties. If you want to widen it, you have to take apart several pieces of wood, add some fine materials, sticks and wedges in the middle, and then put them back together. If there is anything wrong with it, it will fall apart. However, if the lid is not said, it is difficult to know the barrel. Even if you are willing to help, there is no place to help 。”

"Casks and lids are dependent on each other and support each other If you don't say it, it's hard for the other party to know Well... "

Liu he seemed to have some understanding, and Zhang Yu looked at his meditative appearance and also showed a smile for it.

"Ah, I see!" He suddenly yelled, and Zhang Yu quickly covered his mouth.

"Keep your voice down. If you wake up qian'er, you can coax him."

Liu he was overjoyed and gave Zhang Yu a good kiss.

"I see. I am the lid, and the ministers are the cask. They are loyal not to the emperor, but to me, Liu He. Now they think as much as ever. They want more and more. They are not satisfied with their current status. As the barrel is getting bigger and bigger, my lid is still this size, so it is hard to match. "

"Behind them, there are children of younger generations and so many families, all of whom are attached to me. Now that I am in a stable position, they inevitably want to arrange many children into the court one by one, and then promote them to occupy important positions in order to keep the family evergreen. However, they suffer that I am a great general in the end. Only they support me to become emperor. At that time, I will reward meritorious officials, and the family behind them will rise. Oh, no, it's big and big. It's good for analogy. Yu'er is good for metaphor. "

However, Zhang Yu was innocent: "my wife didn't say any metaphor, just a trivial matter in the family. If my husband has some understanding, it has nothing to do with my wife."

"Good, good, I know. It has nothing to do with yu'er, ha ha." Liu He looked at his smart and extraordinary wife and was extremely happy.

"It seems that I should also tell them about this difficulty, so as not to make more suspicions and probe into them in private, and it will be bad if there is a rift in this life. Well Didn't they want to arrange for the family members to join the court, but they didn't have such a good opportunity? Haha, I gave them this opportunity, which also solved my problem... " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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