Qingzhou, Beihai, Ju, Taishou.

The prefect of Beihai is the well-known descendant of Confucius, Kong Rong. Therefore, he is also known as Kong Beihai.

Now, in the prefect's mansion, Kong Beihai is entertaining guests, and this guest is not someone else, but Liu Bei and Liu Xuande.

"I've heard for a long time that the two brothers of Xuande are brothers. Jiang Wude is skillful in military tactics, and Zhang Yide is not brave enough. Before Hulao pass that day, I also personally witnessed General Zhang's bravery against Lv Bu. Now general Zhang has made extraordinary efforts to kill Ju Yi, which has completely solved the danger of Qingzhou. I should like to propose a toast to General Zhang."

Zhang Fei raised his glass and laughed. He was very proud: "ha ha, you old man..."

"Well? Don't be rude Liu Bei scolded him, and Zhang Fei changed his mouth.

"Zhang Jing, you're not right, too

"Ha ha, general Zhang's pure heart is rare and rare."

Liu Bei said, "don't praise this fellow. My three younger brothers are used to climbing on the pole. What's more, the military division's strategy is the only way to kill Ju Yi and seize his 30000 army's military power. If it was not for the military division's expectation that Yuan Shao would soon be defeated, and Ju Yi would not be able to know the details, so he sent people to pretend that the defeated army of Jizhou came to take refuge and lead Ju Yi out of the city. How could the third younger brother win so easily? "

He pointed to the trial match and Tian Feng. Kong Rong looked at the past and said with a smile, "although you served Yuan Shao, the treacherous minister, it's a great honor for you to abandon the secret. I respect you, too

But Tian Feng was not happy: "although I and I followed the Lord, Yuan Shao was the old lord at the end of the day. I dare not show any disrespect. Now that the old master is dead, please forgive me for not drinking this wine."

Kong Rong's wine cup was held in mid air, which was unavoidably embarrassing.

Liu Bei saw this and hastened to pick up the wine glass: "prepare the Yuan Hao to respect the prefect."

Kong Rong didn't care about it either: "ha ha, Tian Yuanhao's loyalty and righteousness are really true. I admire him."

After drinking a cup of wine, Kong Rong asked, "now that Xuande has collected the troops of Ju Yi, it can be said that the troops are strong and powerful. What are the plans in the future? Do you want to leave Qingzhou and go to Bingzhou to join the general? "

At the beginning, Liu Bei was expelled by Yuan Shao from the office of supreme party chief. Kong Rong naturally knew that, so he thought so. After all, today's discerning people can see that Liu He, the general, is in full swing. After all, Liu He is the most powerful general in the world, and he is also the official of the imperial court. Liu Bei has such strength. In addition, he has the status of the Han clan. If he wants to take refuge, he must be put into important use and has a promising future.

Unexpectedly, Liu Bei shook his head: "under the command of the general, there are plenty of troops and food, and the generals are brave. Even more importantly, it is useless for me to go to Bingzhou. It is better to leave this remnant and plan a foundation outside, so as to echo the imperial court from afar."

After hearing the speech, Kong Rong nodded: "well, Xuande Gong's words are reasonable. Qingzhou is also the hinterland of the Central Plains. It is still rich. In his early years, Emperor Xuande also served as Linji county magistrate in Anle county. Why not stay here? I and Jiao Shishi are old and not good at military affairs. There are many pirates in the East and Taishan bandits in the West. We can all be at ease if we have Xuande here. If the public wants to, I should play together with the governor to recommend Xuande as the prefect of Anle. How about that? "

When Jiang Huan and Zhang Fei heard the words, they were both happy. However, Tian Feng gave Liu Bei a dark look and shook his head slightly.

Liu Bei understood and said, "if you can stay in Qingzhou, you can't get it. However, although Anle county is close to the sea, it can be heard that there are many pirates causing trouble. They are Donglai county and Chengyang county. Since Bei wants to guard the side of our court, how can they covet the rear area's comfort? It's better to go to Donglai. "

Kong Rong's eyes were full of appreciation and approval: "Oh, they all say that Xuande is incomparable in benevolence and righteousness, which is worthy of its reputation. I should respect Xuande again. "

Liu he replied: "the governor of Confucius has been praised too much. After he was appointed to the Han Dynasty, this is his duty. Why bother?"

At this time, the judge asked, "dare to ask the prefect, I don't know how the customs, products and armaments of Donglai county are? My lord inquired clearly, and after taking office, he could also start to rectify the weak points. "

Kong Rong did not doubt that he had him. He immediately said, "Donglai county is on the east side of Beihai county. I know more about it. There are about 110000 people in this county, with a population of more than 400000. Except for Changguang County, the rest of the counties are all along the coast. Most of the people live on fishing, hunting and farming, not to mention the rich, but it is also a land of fish and rice. This is why the pirates gather here. As for the armaments, I don't know the details of the soldiers of counties and counties, but the total number should be between 30000 and 40000. Because of resisting the pirates all the year round, I am not good at horse fighting, but quite proficient in sea fighting. "

Liu Bei bowed his head and pondered for a moment. Then he said, "so, Bei has already thought about it."

"Oh? Xuande is a real talent. I wish Xuande a great talent in Donglai

At the same time, the tiger prison Guanzhong, Cao Cao assembly of the general assembly.

"Gentlemen..." Cao Cao, a pair of tiger eyes, glanced at the next station.

"At first, Zhongde's plan to show the enemy to be weak is now effective. Our army guards more than attacks. Yuan Shu has long regarded us as nothing. Now that Yuan Shao is dead, he is the only successor of yuan family. He thinks that he has fought with Yuan Shao for many years. Now he has won and become more and more rampant. The time for our army to enter the army has come. What suggestions do you have? "Xia Houdun said excitedly, "what more advice? All the generals under Yuan Shu's command were incompetent. They were Ji Ling, who had a little skill, but they were not afraid. "

"Yuan rang said it well." Cao Hong also echoed: "our army's two armies have deliberately shown weakness for several months, and the officers and men have already held back their breath. Now if they launch an attack, the soldiers must fight hard. Is there any reason why they can't do anything?"

As Cao Cao nodded, he looked at the counsellor. Jia Xu lowered his eyebrows and said nothing. Cheng Yu was eager to try. Guo Jia seemed to be thinking about it. His face was flat.

Cao Cao didn't think much about it. He called his name directly: "Zhicai, what do you think?"

Xi Zhong stepped out one step: "back to my Lord, what the two generals said is true and reasonable. If we go to war now, our army will be able to win. However, after winning, there is a big problem. "

"Oh? What a problem? " Cao Cao asked.

Xi Zhong said: "the hero's ambition is not to kill Yuan Shu, but to strengthen the strength of our army. If we attack the city by force, we will surely win. However, on the one hand, our army will suffer heavy losses; on the other hand, the protracted time of the two is not a one-day feat. Taking Luoyang, the general led a large army to take over Luoyang and Yuzhou. The LORD was bound to have no resistance. At that time, all the efforts of our army fell into the hands of Liu He. Isn't it a pity

At this time, Xia Hou yuan cut in a word: "at the beginning, it was not advice to be filial piety, to deceive Liu He into the palace, and then ambush a knife and axe man to kill him? I think it's a good plan. "

Xi Zhong still had a plain face: "the plan of filial piety is really wonderful. The Lord always pretends to be loyal to Liu He. Even if Liu he does not fully trust him, he will not doubt that Luoyang City will be in front of him. Only in this way, can general miaocai think about the consequences? "

Xia Houyuan was confused: "consequences? What are the consequences? Kill Liu He, annex his power, and then seize the world. What else can we do? "

But Cao Cao seemed to understand: "well, Zhicai is right. If Liu He is killed, he must face the counter attack of his subordinates and hundreds of thousands of troops. This is the difficult problem. "

"Yes, my Lord." Xi Zhong goes on.

"Not to mention that Guan Yu and Cheng Liang, who had forged a friendship with Liu He for more than ten years, had a profound friendship. They were also loyal. Liu He's troops were brave and brave, and their military spirit was equal. Liu He's death could not have deterred the masses and led them to surrender It will make him furious and determined to fight our army to the death. "

Cao Cao nodded: "well, this is where Cao admired Liu He. His generals, from the junior commander to the general, were promoted and trained by Liu He from the rough places in the army. The reason why he dared to give his own military talisman to Dong Zhuo at that time made Dong Zhuo defenseless was that even if he had no amulet in his hand, all the troops under his command would obey him and never pay attention to Dong Zhuo, who was holding the amulet It's rare. "

There is one more thing that Cao Cao didn't say. In his army, most of the children of the big families came to take refuge in the army with their own songs, ranging from hundreds to thousands. Less than half of the soldiers were recruited by himself.

Even though he used to give both kindness and prestige, and because the Xiahou, Cao and other departments were their own relatives, it was considered that their military heart was united, which was better than that of yuan zhiliu's troops. However, he still believed that if he died suddenly at this time, most of the troops and generals in the army would definitely disperse, choose another emperor, and even turn to their enemies in a flash. At least in this regard, he was envious of Liu He's methods.

Xia Hou yuan frowned: "can't Liu he move?"

He looked at Guo Jia and expected him to come out and say a few words. Unexpectedly, he had a smile on his face and did not have any objection to the matter.

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