"Wang Taichang, are you..."

Liu Heben wanted to help him. Unexpectedly, Wang Qian knelt on the ground and refused to get up. He banged his head on the ground.

"The humble position has failed to teach the son, so that the dog bumped into the general. He really deserves to die. After the son returned to his house yesterday, his humble position had already imprisoned him, waiting for the general to be demoted."

"It's about it." Only then did Liu he understand.

"It's not necessary to do this too often. Although your son's moral conduct is at a disadvantage, he will be forced to educate him in the future. That is to say, I did not show my identity at that time. The so-called one who does not know is not guilty. Besides, he is only a teenager. How can I have a quarrel with him? Get up, please

Wang Qian got up and paid homage to Liu He: "thank you for your magnanimity and humble position. In the past, he devoted himself to teaching the eldest son. He did neglect this son. In the future, he will be strictly disciplined, so that he can serve his country."

Yang Biao also said: "originally Wang Tongshang was under 15 years old, and should not have been recommended as an official. But now that we are considering the employment of the imperial court, we have made an exceptional nomination. Now it seems that the humble rank is not well thought out, and we hope that the senior general will forgive us."

If Liu he doesn't understand what they mean, he is really stupid. This is not to plead for guilt, is clearly to give their own steps, let themselves borrow the donkey.

"It seems that these big families are full of strength. They want to take advantage of this time when I am enthroned by Zen to ascend the throne. I wish that all the family members would be promoted. It's just for the benefit of the family. It's really unreliable. I've always kept one eye open and one eye closed. Now, because Wang Tong caused the accident, I've come to block my mouth. It's a good idea. "

Although Liu he was very unhappy, the other party had already been so, he could not say anything more. What's more, it was not a big event. He really wanted to make a big fuss about it. Instead, he seemed to be a small general. Did they come here because they expected that they would be like this?

Although he was not happy at the moment, he still put on a smile.

"What's Taiwei's words? What's his crime? Wang Tong taught at home for a few years. If his learning and moral conduct improved in the future, he would still have the opportunity to become an official. As for the list, I have to ask the Taiwei to inspect 183 of them more, so as not to do anything harmful to the court after taking office. "

Yang Biao bowed down and said, "I'll take the order. After I go back, I'll certainly observe each other."

If he doesn't, everyone knows that Liu He will not pierce it.

"By the way, the captain said there were two things. What was the second one?"

Speaking of this, Yang Biao and Wang Qian face the color of respect more and more obvious.

"The old minister and Taichang, as well as many ministers, have been discussing for many days. Today, they have chosen a good day to receive the grand ceremony of Zen. Therefore, I have come to report to the general. If the general has no objection, he will immediately call on the emperor, and then he will cast the throne."

"Oh, it's about it. I almost forgot it."

Liu he had a spring night last night, but now his mind is still a little dizzy, and he almost has to forget about it.

Now, the star of Yangbiao is becoming weaker and weaker. On this basis, I infer that on the sixth day of the next month, this star will reach its peak, which is a lucky day. "

Liu he had no idea about the way of heaven, and naturally he had no objection.

"Well, since you have agreed, it must be good. Let's do it like this."

"Here it is. I will go to see your majesty with all the ministers. Please wait for the news in the mansion. "

"It's my pleasure."

After the two worshipped Liu He, they slowly withdrew from the study.

After they left, Liu He sat on his throne and looked at Xun Yu and other three people.

Looking at Yang Biao and Wang Qian's back, they all looked at each other's back. Obviously, they also saw the intention of each other this time, which was called congratulation. In fact, they just used this to make Wang Tong's guilt less serious and trivial.

Liu he did not want to investigate this matter, so he took the initiative to speak.

"Are there important events coming up from all over the country recently?"

Xun Yu stood up and handed over a pamphlet.

"Back to the Lord, the governor of Bingzhou River, Tong jianlai reported that he had visited every city and wilderness along the Yellow River from Bingzhou to Jizhou. Now he has learned from his half life's river management and combined with the" water control classic "given to him by the Lord, it took him more than a month to formulate a general plan for the Yellow River water control, which is now presented to the Lord."

Liu he was overjoyed and hastened to take over: "Zhong Kai's speed is extremely fast, which shows his intention. He has ordered Qian Li to allocate a batch of money, grain, cloth and silk to Zhong's family as a reward."

He looked through the book, which contains a lot of content. After reading the first few articles, Liu he knew that every word was perfect.

Xunzi said: "Tongjian's general plan lies in the word" Dredging ". There are three general strategies. One is diversion. Along the Yellow River, dams and new canals will be built every tens to hundreds of miles. Water will be stored and irrigated in case of drought, and floodgates will be opened to divert water when there is a flood. In this way, not only can great disasters be avoided, but also the planting of mulberry trees in cities along the coast will be greatly facilitated. ""The second is soil consolidation. Compared with the stars in the sky, the silt in the Yellow River is so numerous that it can not be worse than the stars in the sky. After years of years, the river bed is lifted up. In case of heavy rain, it is a serious disaster, and this disaster is more and more frequent. According to the summary of county annals presented throughout the dynasty, when Emperor Xiaoguang was in power, the Yellow River had a grand decision every 15 years. By the time of Emperor Shun and Emperor Chong, the decision was made once every 12 years. By the time of emperor huanling, it was less than ten years before the great decision was made. If we want to get rid of this damage, we must fix the sand and consolidate the soil, and clear the silt regularly

"The third is to avoid. Harnessing the Yellow River can not be achieved overnight. Even if we try our best, it will take years or even decades for the Yellow River to be effective. As for the radical cure, we are afraid that the efforts of generations will be exhausted. Therefore, cities and villages should be avoided within 30 Li along the Yellow River, so that even in case of disaster, people can be protected. "

"As for the detailed rules, there are detailed descriptions in this volume. When the Lord has time, he can refer to them by himself, and his subordinates will not repeat them."

Listening and watching, Liu he admired Tong Jian very much.

As a person who has passed through after generations, of course, I know that in my previous life, it took decades to harness the Yellow River, which was known as a small disaster a year and a major disaster in five years, in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. It has almost no direct disaster for decades, and the method used is similar to that played by Tong Jian.

Since I was a child, I have been working in the village, planting trees and other places.

He carefully read a few pages. Tong Jian gave a very detailed account of each of them. There were many examples, such as where to build dikes and dams, where to excavate canals, where to use the power of lakes and lakes, and which villages need to be moved as soon as possible. He also pointed out that nowadays, there are too many livestock grazing in Shuofang County, and the grassland seems to be declining, From this pamphlet, we can see how much effort he has devoted to it.

"Well, that's great. With this strategy alone, Tong Jian will be able to make a name in history."

Liu he couldn't put it down and was overjoyed.

"The system suggests that Tong Jian, the host, understands the special attribute of water conservancy: he is good at all aspects of water conservancy, water conservancy, drought and flood control."

"Oh, this Tong Jian is indeed a treasure. With his special attribute, the flood of the Yellow River on that day would not happen again. Ha ha."

Liu He's mood is like the three waves of the Yangtze River. One joy is higher than the other.

At this time, Cui Jun said: "my Lord, it's true that every sentence in this book is reasonable. However, if you want to do it, you must not only accumulate the strength of generations, but also spend countless money and food. Now the Treasury is afraid to be... "

Although he didn't finish his words, his meaning could not be understood.

Although many merchants helped, the construction of Yunhai county still consumed most of Liu He's existing money and money, and the grain was almost wiped out. When Yuan Shao was just wiped out, he was said to be the richest among the princes in the world. No one doubted it. But now he, not to say, is the poorest of the princes, but also not too much.

"Money, money I have never felt so short of money since I started my army in langdiao county. Alas, it's a real trouble. "

Liu he knocked on his forehead. "It's easy to hit the river and mountain, but it's difficult to sit on the river and mountain." now Liu He has completely understood the meaning of this sentence. He has occupied a part of Bingzhou, Sili and Jizhou. He has such a headache. It is hard to imagine how difficult it would be to be a wise monarch in the face of a unified world.

Seeing that he was so upset, Xunzi turned his eyes and thought.

"Sir, this strategy is not a one-day feat. In the view of his subordinates, he can divide it into priority, urgency, delay, emphasis and neglect. Now the Lord has Jizhou, which is one of the richest states in the Han Dynasty. When the business firm is stable, it will pay more than one billion yuan for the imperial court every year. It will not be too late to postpone or light matters. "

Hearing this, Liu He nodded slightly: "well, what Wen Ruo said is reasonable. In your opinion, which is the most urgent? "

Xunzi did not pretend to think about the cableway: "among all things, the most urgent thing is to remove the people along the coast. My subordinates have already discussed with Gongda and Zhouping, and Qian daozhun wrote to tell us that after the flood of the Yellow River last year, the people along the Xihe county have now been resettled elsewhere. Now the people who want to move are the people along the river in Dingxiang, Yunzhong, Wuyuan and Shuofang. There are 19 villages, involving only 3116 people. If you want to resettle, it will cost about 5.78 million yuan. Here is the detailed account book sent by daozhun. Please have a look at it. "

"Oh? The Tao Zhun is thoughtful and careful, which makes people feel at ease indeed. "

He took over the account books and looked at them carefully. Every account was clear and clear.

"Well, that's it. Daozhun had a lot of hard work and remarkable achievements in taking charge of Bingzhou in these years. After this matter is over, it is time to give him a reward or two. "

Qian Li has been the governor of the state in essence in recent years, but his official position has always been a prefect of Wuyuan County. He always has a name that is not right and his words are not smooth. It is time to correct his name. After all, he was young and well-known. His character and ability were all first-class. He was about to be enthroned by Zen. He always had to have several reliable civil and military ministers around him. He could not all rely on those important officials of the imperial court and their nephews and family members."What's more..." Xunzi then handed over a pamphlet much smaller than Tong Jian's water control strategy.

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