The next day, Liu he got up early in the morning and went to his study. As expected, Xunzi had not arrived yet.

"Come on, system boss. Come out and find something urgent."

"If the host has any instructions, go to the corresponding interface to find it. Don't call the system."

"Well You are still so cold. " Liu HSI make complaints about it, but since he grew up, he has rarely dealt with the system. In addition to some tips on triggering special effects on weekdays, there are few intersect, so that he soon forgot his gold finger crosses.

He quickly opened the system's "item exchange" interface in his mind, and then flipped all the way down to the list of items in the level 4 system.

I haven't looked at this list for a long time, and Liu He has almost forgotten it.

Exchange items of level 4 system:

1. Ordnance part:

warship manufacturing Atlas: 800 points.

Atlas of large military instruments: 600 points.

2、 Material part:

cooking record: 500 points.

Mineral record: 1000 points.

Shenlu: 1200 points.

Artifact: 1000 points.

City building Canon: 800 points.

Water control classic: 1000 points.

Secret record of pest control: 600 points.

3、 Special items:

Global nautical chart: 1500 points.

Upgrade Jingsi tower to spirit tower: 1000 points.

Among these items, the atlas of large military instruments, the general record of minerals, the book of water control, and the secret record of pest control, he had already exchanged them for three smelting masters, Qian Li, Tong Jian and Zhan Lian. On that day, outside Huguan, Jinglan chariots and fire beasts suddenly appeared. They were based on that manual. They were so powerful that they could be said to be astonishing. This is just the tip of the iceberg in the atlas. As for the other three books, they are also very effective.

In view of this, Liu He is naturally full of confidence in the items in the four level system and is extremely looking forward to it.

"Come on, come on, exchange the book of artifacts."

"Ding The host consumed 1000 points, and the item was exchanged successfully. "

In front of the desk, a flash of brilliance, there appeared a very heavy and delicate book, Liu he reached out to weigh it, afraid it would have to weigh five or six Jin.

When you turn to a few pages, you can see that the content is really complete, with pictures and texts, and the explanation is very detailed,. It is an encyclopedia of ancient handicraft industry.

"Ha ha, I'm afraid I can't make money with this thing?"

Liu he held the book as if he had got the best treasure, and he couldn't close his mouth with a smile.

"Well, it's a great treasure. It's too wasteful to give it directly to the business. I'd like to think about who is more suitable to give it to some of my parents..."

Liu he quickly calculated in his mind.

"Zhang and Su had two and three brothers as their pillars, and each had a son as an official in the local government. Both of them became county officials. After I ascended the throne, it was natural for them to become Prefects. For a while, there should be no need for support. It's the Zhen family... "

Her eldest son, Liu Zheng, and Zhen Mi of the Zhen family have a baby relationship. Although Zhen MI has a brother, she is only 13 years old. She can't become an official at all. Her father, Zhen Yi, inherited the position of Cai Ling, but most of them are false titles. Her family is still mainly engaged in business and has little influence. After taking over the power of the central government, she has not given them special treatment The existing class a VIP merchants in the commercial banks are all accumulated by themselves.

"Well, this is my own family. I should always take care of it. The Zhen family has a wide range of businesses. It's the most appropriate thing to do. It's settled. After a while, he sent people to Zhongshan to take Zhen Yi to Luoyang and discuss the big deal with him. "

Liu He looked at the book in front of him, just like looking at a golden mountain, smiling and overjoyed.

He was just about to close the system page when he saw something.

"Well? This is... "

When he saw the book of the city building Scripture, he was immediately interested.

"Look at this name, it's obviously a book related to the construction of the city. Ha ha, I haven't used the system for a long time, and I've forgotten what's in it. If I exchange these treasures earlier, I'm not sure there will be no trouble in Yunhai county now. I'm really confused."

He didn't say a word, and spent 800 points to exchange this "city building scripture".

After the flash, another huge book appeared in front of us.

He opened the table of contents directly, looked it up carefully and looked it up word by word. His eyes were getting closer and closer to the book, hoping that his whole head would get into the book.

"Ha, I found it, and sure enough there is!"

He pointed to the place where he pointed, and there were several words on the Catalogue: "all kinds of building materials - cement."Liu he can't wait to turn to the corresponding page, a line of words, a picture, into the eye.

He read it carefully. Although he didn't understand the content completely, he could understand it more or less by comparing with the pictures.

After reading, he was a little disappointed.

"It turned out to be a simple version of cement and concrete, not the kind seen before."

But this disappointment is only a small part, excitement and excitement, still occupy most of Liu He's mood.

This simple version of cement and concrete, on the basis of the realization of this era, uses some other materials to replace the chemical materials of later generations. Although there will be obvious differences in hardness and other aspects, according to the description in the book, it can completely achieve the effect of "automatic caulking, quick drying and quick hardening" that he Chang thought.

The most important thing is that this kind of simple cement and concrete is easy to make and the cost is not high. Once it can be produced in large scale, it can not only save the cost of building a city in Yunhai county and control the construction period smoothly, but also make a good profit by taking advantage of it.

"Developed developed, developed, ha ha, bad strategy, how could I have never thought of looking for help from the system? Stupid, really stupid, ha ha!"

Liu he was smiling and took the two books in his arms.

"I sent someone to send the book to Yunhai county. After the completion of the project in Yunhai County, according to the previous promise, They rewarded the merchants and craftsmen who had made contributions. Then, they gathered these craftsmen together to form a team of craftsmen belonging to me. According to the law in the book, when the court needed, they would share the worries for the country. In my spare time, whether it's to build roads or build houses for others, even if it's to build tombs, I'm afraid I won't make any money? "

If this can be implemented, I will be equivalent to having the first regular and professional large-scale engineering team in this era. It can not only make a lot of profits, but also make the roads in his sphere of influence wider than others, and the city is stronger than others. Tut Tut, when Liu he thinks about it, he is almost happy.

"Well, it's so precious that I can't trust to send it to ordinary people. I'd better order someone to copy it first, and then give the copy to feiyingwei, so that they can make a trip."

Liu he was so happy that he came back to Zhang Yu's courtyard.

A few days later, the carriage of the Zhen family stopped at the gate of the general's mansion. After a long time, the servants in the mansion heard the sound of laughter from the study, which scared the servants and maidens in the mansion. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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