They are in between the banquet, a group of maid money and, for the public table, put a number of new dishes.

"Well? This is Preserved meat? This is a precious thing. Your majesty is very generous this time. How much salt does it take to marinate such a large piece of meat? I have a good taste today

Wang Yun said with a smile.

When he said this, Liu He also noticed that there was a plate of meat in front of him. The color and color of the meat really looked like salted meat.

However, it was very expensive to use salt for a year, which was very expensive for Liu's family It's no surprise.

Liu he saw that the cured meat was exquisite, but his heart was dripping blood.

"My money..."

After Wang Yun took a bite, he was surprised again.

"Well? It's not salty, isn't it meat? And it's like beef. It doesn't taste like seasoning, but it tastes surprisingly good. It's fresh. "

He said so, the ministers and Liu He also mentioned the heart of curiosity, have started to taste.

"Well? This is... "

Liu He is not familiar with this flavor.

"Beef jerky?"

Other people can't eat it. Liu He, as a person who has passed through the 21st century, how can he not know the taste of beef jerky?

Beef jerky is very rare in this era. First of all, cattle are used for farming. There is a rule for the number of cattle that can be slaughtered every year. Therefore, beef is rare. As for beef jerky, it is unheard of.

Of course, the beef jerky that Liu He ate in his previous life was made after a lot of processing. In terms of taste, it was still quite different from the one in front of him, but it did not affect his recognition immediately.

Yang Biao took a bite and was very satisfied.

"I've heard for a long time that your majesty grazes in Bingzhou, and there are countless cattle and sheep. Now he is making such delicious food. I really admire him very much."

"Yes, the beef jerky tastes very different from the ordinary cooked meat. It's wonderful. It's really wonderful."

Cui lie praised each other.

Liu He looked at the beef jerky in front of him, and thought a lot. This is the first time I saw this kind of food, which is very common in the past life, which inevitably reminds him of some things in his previous life.

However, at this time, an idea suddenly flashed into his mind, which made him a little ecstatic.

"Yes, why didn't I think of it?"

In the middle of the night, Gong saner led two men to a brightly lit palace.

"Grassroots kowtow to your majesty!"

Liu he saw them and said with a smile, "don't be polite. Get up."

These two are the current operators of Lianshan restaurant and one of the owners, Ning Lian and Wang Shan. After the wedding banquet, people came to the palace and said they would take them into the palace.

Although they knew that the emperor was the general at the beginning and one of the shareholders behind the restaurant, they were acquaintances, but they were still nervous when they first entered the palace.

"Your Majesty, is it Is today's feast unsatisfied? "

Ning Lian opened his mouth very uneasily.

Liu he saw their worry and laughed.

"Don't be nervous. I have nothing to do with the banquet. I want to ask you something important. The beef jerky, but you two make it? "

Hearing this, they knelt down immediately.

"Your Majesty, this beef was slaughtered according to the imperial court's regulations. The grassroots would never dare to kill the farm cattle privately..."

Liu he saw them like this and knew that they were frightened.

"Hehe, I don't blame you. What's more, even if it's killing cattle, it's also the duty of the Luoyang order. What's the matter with me? I just see that the beef jerky is very novel. How did you think of the way to make meat like this

When they heard it, they were a little relieved.

"In reply, your majesty, it's a coincidence. Not long ago, Cao min saw a snake in his home. He had been dead for a long time, and his body had been dried. At that time, the grassroots thought that if the food was dried like this, how would it taste? So I tried more, and then I made this jerky

"So it is. You have a heart for it."

Liu he praised.

"By the way, this beef jerky is dehydrated, and I don't know how long it can be stored without rot?"

Ning Lian replied honestly: "back to my highness, the grass people are also the first time to dabble in this, and their skills are not good. This dried meat can only be stored for about ten days. With the many dehydration methods that grass people try today, if they are completely dehydrated, it will affect the taste and is difficult to chew. If not completely dehydrated, then at most about 10 days, will mildew"Only ten days?" Liu he frowned slightly.

When they heard this tone, they were obviously not happy, and then they were afraid again.

"Your Majesty If your majesty gives the grassroots some time, they will find a way to... "

Liu He looked at them and suddenly remembered something.

"You two are here later. I'll go and get something."

Two people dare not not not from, ten Bureau urge ground to stand in place.

Liu he got up and left, came to the side of the side hall, and then opened the system interface in his mind.

After entering the "item exchange" interface, scroll down.

"Oh, yes, you are!"

He picked out a copy of Pao Chu Dian Lu and immediately spent 500 points to exchange it out.

"Oh, this book is much thinner than the previous two works, i.e., the records of artifacts and the canon of city building. No wonder it's so cheap."

make complaints about it, and he quickly looked up.

After a long time, he exclaimed: "ha ha, sure enough! This method of making various kinds of jerky is so detailed and comprehensive that it deserves to be a treasure book produced by the four level system

He walked out quickly and waved to Gong saner.

"Come, give them this book."

Gong san'er took the book and handed it to the two.

The couple's eyes lit up when they saw the name of the book.

"Your Majesty, this is..."

"This book was given by a senior man a few years ago, but I have been fighting abroad for years, so I left it in the corner and forgotten it for a long time. Today, I think of it and I will give it to you. There is a method for making dried meat in the book. If you study it well, you must make dried meat that can be stored for several months. If this is done, I will reward you very much."

The couple are both typical kitchen fanatics. After reading this book, they are already excited and eager to try. Let alone the reward, Liu he wants to stop them. I'm afraid they can't stop them.

"Your Majesty, don't worry, the grassroots will do their best to do it!"

"Well, that's fine. Gong saner, send them out of the palace. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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