"Well, second, if you're hurt, don't get excited. Before, we underestimated the enemy too much. We didn't expect that such a group of powerful people came out of this yellow water village. They were 100 times better than those bullshit County captains. If we had defended the Shanzhai at the beginning, we would not have been so defeated. Unfortunately, we despised the enemy, gave up the dangerous place, and took the initiative to meet the enemy. How can we be invincible if we exposed our weaknesses? "

After all, Gulian fought with many other Shanzhai and the government for so many years, and soon summed up the problem, and several other people were also very convinced.

"Big brother, what can I do now? We all listen to you

Gu Lian's eyes turned and he pondered for a long time.

"Well, there is only one way to go now, which is to unite with Wuliang Mountain stronghold. Now we are grasshoppers on a rope. No one can run away. We must unite against the enemy to have hope. Otherwise, in a short time, we will be defeated one by one by the yellow water town. There is no need to say much about the end

The other three immediately bowed their heads.

For many years, they and Wuliang Mountain stronghold have not invaded the river. They are mainly in Yuxian County and rarely go to langdiao county to plunder. There is no conflict between them. Now that they suddenly want to unite, they are a little worried.

However, I was so worried that I couldn't think of any better way to do it.

"Well, let's make a decision. Originally, the second brother was quick in thinking and most suitable to talk about it. But now the second brother is injured, so he can only bother the fourth younger brother to go there. The three guys in Wulang stronghold are not fools. We can see this relationship. We can only extort some food and grass from us. As long as it is not too excessive, you can make your own decisions and you can save money from disaster. "

Gu Lian gave an order, and Gu Tian took orders. After several people discussed some other things, they helped the second and the third to go back to the room to have a rest.

However, to their surprise, Liu He and others left their Wuhu mountain stronghold and immediately went straight to Wuliang Mountain stronghold. In the same way, they angered Dou Quan and other three people.

Zhu Ye is slightly injured, and Liu He lets Guan Yu out.

Dou Quan was more shrewd than the five brothers. Instead of going out to war, Dou Quan stopped the two brothers from fighting. Instead, he sent several men with outstanding skills, but they were all cut into two sections by Guan Yu, which shocked all sides. After that, Dou Quan quickly closed the gate of the village and guarded the gate with bows and arrows and iron thorns. Liu He and others retreated.

Zhu Ye is extremely strong. He is not seriously injured. He just needs to rest for a few days. However, the two villages suffered heavy losses, and their faces were sad.

"Big brother, let's unite with the Wuhu village. With our own efforts, it seems that we can't deal with the village brave team. Don't hesitate, elder brother."

Dou Quan's two brothers, Yan Heng and he Da, pleaded with their elder brother. They were frightened by Guan Yu's sharp sword technique and the strict military appearance of the Xiang Yong team.

Dou Quan, however, did not speak. He just tapped a corner of the table with his fingers, his eyes slightly closed.

Seeing that he didn't make a statement, they were more anxious.

"Big brother..."

"Well, don't make any noise..." Dou Quan waved his hand, and they did not dare to say more.

After a long time, Dou Quan's eyes suddenly opened and flashed a fine light.

"Well, I also know that it is imperative for the two villages to unite."

When they heard this, they were overjoyed and came forward one after another, expressing their willingness to be the emissary.

Dou Quan shook his head and said, "don't worry. Let's wait. I think the Wuhu stronghold must have suffered. We'll wait here for them to come to us, and then they will ask for some money and food. "

They were puzzled, but Dou Quan didn't want to explain to them, so he just told them to obey their orders.

In Dou Quan's eyes, Liu He and others are really strong, but their own wuliangzhai is not vegetarian. Although the other side has taken advantage of some advantages, they have a tight defense. After the other side retreats, they will not be reconciled.

The most likely result is to go to Wuhu village.

Based on this consideration, Dou Quan specially sent several scouts to investigate. In the evening, the scouts came back and reported that the whole village was in mourning clothes. After careful inquiry, it turned out that the five kings were killed by the Xiang Yong team, and two other kings were also injured. The loss was much more severe than that of his village.

After receiving this information, Dou Quan was more convinced of his own judgment.

As expected, at noon the next day, the guard came to report that the four kings of Wuhu village had come to visit with several attendants.

"Ha ha, big brother! I admire you so much Yan Heng flatters Heda.

Dou Quan was also very proud, waving his hand to let the pawn invite him to meet in the chamber of gukhotan.

Gu Tian went to the door and motioned for several attendants to wait outside. He came in alone.

"Three leaders, kutian, see you

Gu Tian came in, stood up straight and held his fist. After all, everyone was of the same age. There was no need to pay a big ceremony."You are welcome, old leader. Please have a seat." Dou Quan said politely.

After the other party sat down, Dou Quan asked in a voice, "we have two Shanzhai, we don't have much contact with each other on weekdays. I don't know what advice the four kings have come to our Wuliang stronghold today?"

Of course, he asked this question knowingly. This matter must be told by the other party himself, so that his side can strike a hard stroke.

Gu Tian smell speech, complexion a red, then bow head to sigh a tone.

"I will tell you the truth. In recent years, Huangshui township has trained the village's valiant team. In a few days, it has broken through Lianghe and Hongye mountain strongholds. Now it has supported four or five hundred soldiers. Surely the three of them have also known about it? "

Dou Quan nodded and nodded: "yes, this village naturally knows. The stronger the yellow water village is, the more troublesome the Wuliang village will be. Fortunately, you Wuhu village usually activities within the scope of Yu County. If you want to come to this village, you should not threaten you? "

Dou Quan's question made Gu Tian's old face red again.

"This Alas To tell you the truth, yesterday the village brave team came to our Wuhu village, and my fifth brother was hammered and killed by one of the teenagers. Four of our brothers fought together, and the boy was defeated and returned. The second and third brothers were seriously injured. The strength of the village brave team is really so strong that it's a bit outrageous! "

Gu Tian's words startled Dou Quan three people.

The scouts sent out before only heard that the five kings of the other side were killed by the village brave team, but they didn't know that they were selected by one of the other. After all, where can such a scouting in a Shanzhai have such professional ability?

Although Dou Quan several people are very clear about the strength of the village brave team, but now it seems that the strength of the other side, but also beyond their own expectations.

"Hiss Is the other side so tough? We thought it was just a group of spontaneous farmers, but we underestimated it

Dou Quan looks very surprised, but this surprise is only three points true, and the remaining seven points are just pretending.

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