Wang Yun said, "I am a great man. I value courtesy and trust. I have made a promise to the people. How can I suddenly repent because of something unexpected? How can I continue to win the trust of the people in the future?"

"Your Majesty inherited the mandate of heaven, Weijia all over the world, and benevolence returned to the people. Only then did hundreds of merchants, craftsmen and hundreds of thousands of people come to answer the call. This is the embodiment of your Majesty's benevolence and righteousness, and it is also a clear proof of the prestige of our Dynasty. It is enough to show that your Majesty's obedience to the heaven and the people is a wise king of all ages. Is it not a sign of the prosperity of the Han Dynasty that the Ming dynasty ruled the country and the people supported it? What is the trouble and danger of the world? "

Although Liu he was a little surprised at Wang Yun's statement, many ministers in the imperial court began to head consciously or unconsciously when he said this, so he was very satisfied with him.

Cui Jun stepped out and said, "Your Majesty, I think what situ said is reasonable. Although the imperial court did not expect so many merchants and craftsmen to come to help, the imperial edict did not mention the number of places for conferring knights. Since all the people have made contributions and there are imperial edicts in front of them, it is natural for the imperial court to reward them accordingly. What's more, it's just a few nominal and illusory nobility. It's really hard for me to understand why all the ministers oppose it so hard. "

"I'm sorry to disagree with the words of situ and Shangshu."

A man fiercely refuted the way, but it was the great Honglu Guofang.

"Merchants, craftsmen, geisha, and actors are those who have no virtue and no talent. Since ancient times, it has been difficult for them to enter the imperial court. In the past, his Majesty's edict showed that the reward given to the Marquis was only a matter of urgency and an exception was made. However, the title of more than 400 people can be granted at one time, which is unprecedented in scale. It is quite different from the ancestral system, and even runs counter to the words of sages. His majesty should uphold the Great Han Dynasty's ancestral precepts and govern the country with the way of sages. How could it be a mere last resort and disobey the imperial guidelines? Even if I die, I will remonstrate with your majesty! "

"Ai Qing's words are heavy." Liu He's tone of voice, has been clearly a bit unhappy. This kind of sophistry that always mentions the ancestral system and the way of saints makes him very unhappy.

However, Guo Fang said in a positive voice: "it is not the minister who is alarmist. Don't you hear that the Bank of thousands of miles is destroyed in the ant's nest. This is a small matter. However, it moves the whole body with one hand. I look forward to your majesty and think twice! "

"What dahonglu said is biased. Lu is also familiar with national laws and Confucian classics. How could he not know that there was a trade craftsman who could not be awarded state-owned merit in the ancestral system? Why did the sage say that there should be no more than three or four hundred titles? I don't know where dahonglu saw it. May I give you some advice? "

Lu Zhi was the master of Confucian classics in the world. This sentence was a direct attack on the key points, which made Guo Fang speechless for a moment.

"It's a big fallacy to say that Lu Che is riding."

One person came out to refute Luzhi.

Lu Zhi, however, was Cao Ling, one of the imperial servants of Jiuqing. He was over sixty years old and had been in Jiuqing's office for more than twenty years. He had almost successively held the nine official posts, so he was quite famous in the imperial court.

Lu Zhi looked at him coldly: "what's your opinion?"

Cao Ling said, "whether ancestral system or sage, how can we predict today's affairs? Naturally, there will be no advance. However, the sages were enlightened by rites and laws. Scholars, farmers, businessmen and businessmen are the first of all the people. They should assist the emperor and control the people. Now your majesty has promoted hundreds of industrial and commercial apprentices to the rank of nobility, which is not a violation of the saints' etiquette, but what is it? "

"Not bad." Du Ji echoed.

"In the past, Emperor Wu deposed a hundred schools of thought and respected Confucianism only. It was Changlong, the Great Han Dynasty. Guangwu respected rites and valued scholars, and built the foundation of the Han Dynasty for 200 years. Your majesty should follow this instruction and revive the Han Dynasty. You must not listen to the words of merchants and villains. "

"Nonsense!" Meng Jianshi can't listen anymore.

"You are all important officials of the state. For their own personal interests, they coerce the words of the ancestors and sages of the Great Han Dynasty and criticize the monarch for no reason. Do you have the way of being a minister and the heart of etiquette and law? What kind of ancestral system, your Majesty's move conforms to the hearts of the people. When the imperial edict was issued, all business people went to tell each other, calling his Majesty the Ming king of the world. In Luoyang City alone, hundreds of merchants distributed food, winter clothes and other things for the winter to celebrate. "

"Your Majesty's wise and benevolent act has made the crafty and treacherous merchants feel so much that the act of giving back to the common people shows his Majesty's good education and makes him abandon the secret? Now Yizhou is a rebel against the imperial court. His majesty has made all the people unite to discuss Liu Yan. It's really a wise and holy act. "

"I think we are just afraid that if these people get the title of nobility, they will have their family sons who will compete with their nephews and nephews for the throne. Why do you have to say such high sounding words?"

"Presumptuous!" Cao Ling, with an old face and red with anger, pointed to Meng Jian's nose and yelled.

"We are deeply favored by the imperial court. We should rectify our gains and losses and offer our loyal advice. As a Yin of Henan Province, just because of different political opinions, you would speculate and slander our loyal officials without authorization. It's really out of line!"

"Yes, the emperor Yin of Henan slandered the important officials of the imperial court with sinister intentions. Please surrender your Majesty's guilt!"

"I look forward to your Majesty's acceptance of your advice to meet the hearts of the people!"

Meng Jian gave a cold smile: "why, have you become angry when I say the central thing? I, Meng Jian, followed his majesty at the end of the day. From Yanmen to Bingzhou, I listened to the words of the people. I knew his majesty well and how the people looked at his majesty. If you have lived in the temple for a long time, and you have not seen the people's face or listened to the people's words, you dare to speak out here and speak out to represent the hearts of the people. You are really shameless. ""Bold!"


All the ministers were filled with indignation and criticized Meng Jian. However, Meng Jian stood up and was not afraid.

Qian Li, Shi Tao and others all stood by Meng Jian's side to show their support and were angry with many ministers.

Qian Li turned his eyes and said, "Your Majesty has just said that the court admonishes each other and does not incriminate him. What's more, there is no mention in the law of the Han Dynasty that the court should blame other ministers. You are so eager that you openly disobey your Majesty's will and ask your majesty to punish Henan Yin. I don't know which law comes from? Or... "

Speaking of this, he glanced at many ministers: "or is it because of a guilty heart that I am so excited?"

"You..." When he said this, the ministers suddenly fell into silence.

I believe that all of you are in a hurry, but I believe it is just from your heart

Qian Li and Meng Jian bowed down and said, "what your majesty said is very true. I have been taught."

After that, the two men bowed to the ministers and said, "I've been offended by my words just now. I've been awakened by your Majesty's rebuke. I'm here to confess my guilt to you."

Although those people were still very dissatisfied, Liu He and he both sang double roles and said that they were on this. As elders, could they still hold on to it?

"It's just that they are loyal to the country. What's the difference between them? There is something wrong with me and others. "

Liu He looked gratified: "well, this is the demeanor of an important official of the country. Each of you Aiqing's plays is reasonable. However, I think that all the people in the world are my people. The so-called "make the best of everyone's ability and make the best use of everything.". Why not use a few empty titles to get merchants to work hard for the imperial court? Otherwise, how can the Yunhai county be successfully completed now, and how can the imperial court save more than 3 billion yuan

The ministers had nothing to refute.

However, Liu he saw their looks, still some unwilling, and then guessed what they were thinking.

"However, what you Aiqing said is also reasonable. The government should rely more on scholars, merchants and craftsmen for their own purposes. Although they are given the same academic background today, they have little study. How can they be compared with the sons and nephews of Aiqing? Even if they can be recommended to become an official, their chances are slim. It is even more difficult for them to get into the temple. Why should Aiqing worry? Or do you think that I am the one who has no knowledge of people and despises the virtuous but values the crafty and the sycophant? "

Liu he said all these words, and those ministers pleaded guilty one after another.

"I dare not think so. Your Majesty's insight is like a torch, but I can't reach it."

"Hehe, in this case, does Aiqing have any objection?"

Many ministers looked at each other, and finally bowed down.

"Your Majesty, your majesty, your majesty, your majesty, your majesty, your majesty, your majesty, your majesty, your majesty, your majesty, your majesty, your majesty, your majesty, your majesty, your majesty, your majesty, your majesty, your majesty, your majesty, your majesty, your majesty, your majesty, your

Liu He looked at these kneeling ministers, and a smile appeared in the corner of his mouth.

Outside the palace, Yang Biao was about to get on the bus and go back to the palace. A group of ministers, such as Du Ji, caught up with him.

"Tai Wei, when we discussed this matter, you were clearly against your Majesty's action. Why are you pretending to be in a bad mood and not say a word today? What's your intention?"

"Yes, Taiwei's reputation is very high. If you are willing to speak, why are you so prosperous?"

Yang Biao looked at them, shook his head slightly and sighed.

"You are so full of poems and books that you have lived in the temple for a long time. How can you not even have this insight? The reason why I shut up today is because I see that your majesty has been prepared for this long time. Even if we break our voice, it will be useless. Why bother your Majesty in vain? "

The crowd was stunned: "have you been prepared? What do you say, captain

Yang Biao said: "when you wait for the performance, I can see that your majesty has always looked as usual and calm. It is obvious that you have a plan in mind. Besides Lu Zhi, all the people who came forward to refute them were the younger generation in the imperial court. This is clearly to use Lu Zhi's qualifications to lead this matter to the discussion of ancestral system and code of law, and then Meng Jian and others will directly slander and scold you

"When you wait for the quarrel to start, your majesty will come forward to be a peacemaker. Such a topic will lead to a quarrel between the ministers and the court. But you are all elders, and most of them are in high positions such as Jiuqing. When it comes to official positions and powers, they are also above them. Can you be in trouble with some younger generation? In this way, it is only natural that the court discussion should be suspended, and your majesty will determine the overall situation with one word. "

When he said this, Guo Fang and others suddenly realized.

"No wonder, today Er Xun and Cui lie did not speak. Cui lie is one of the three princes, and is of the same generation as the Taiwei. The second Xunzi holds great power. If he makes such speculation and slander, he will lose his status. "

"It turns out that your majesty has already made plans and is waiting for you and me to dance."

Du Ji suddenly said: "no, today Wang situ also stood up to speak."

As soon as Wang Yun was mentioned, Yang Biao's eyes narrowed and said, "this is beyond my expectation. However, if I look on today, Wang Yun's words may be his own opinions. I'm afraid it's not your Majesty's instruction. As for the reason... "He looked deep into the palace: "I'm afraid it's something to do with the harem..."

Cao Yiling seems to have thought of what it is. Now that the queen is pregnant and can't sleep, Wang Yun shows his loyalty to his majesty. His majesty is happy. Naturally, he goes to Zhaoyi palace and becomes more diligent. When Zhaoyi gives birth to his majesty, Wang's status in the imperial court will be greatly different. "

After his explanation, everyone understood.

Yang Biao looked into the palace and whispered: "it seems that we, the son of heaven, although we have been monarchs for the first time, are already quite sophisticated in their tactics..." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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