Outside the west gate of Luoyang City, a large troop of cavalry is coming quickly.

Ma Dai, Ma Xiu and Ma tie were all excited and whispered to each other as if there were endless words.

"Luoyang City, this is Luoyang City. It's really magnificent."

"It is said that Luoyang is the prosperous place of the Han Dynasty, which is 100 times stronger than the cold and bitter place in Xiliang. Now, if you look at the high-rise city walls and the huge commercial caravans that you see from time to time on the road, you can guess a little bit, and you can't bear to think about it."

"After I arrived in Luoyang, I wonder if I can see the emperor? It is said that it was his father who met with his majesty, who was a general at that time, just outside the Hulao pass

They had a good chat before. After Ma tie suddenly mentioned Ma Teng, the mood of several people immediately fell down.

Pound patted Marty on the head: "you mouth..."

After the shooting, his eyes floated to Ma Chao in front of him. Several people looked at him and saw Ma Chao's head lowered. He looked like he was out of his mind. Obviously, he was suffering from grief.

Step on

A scout quickly came to Zhao Yun.

"After returning to General Zhao, his majesty sent Cui Jun, a captain of Sili, to meet him outside the gate of the city."

Zhao Yun Yi Xi: "Oh? It turned out to be Mr. Cui himself

He turned to Ma Chao and other people and said, "it seems that you have a lot of face. Cui Junshi has been following his majesty for more than ten years, and his position is aloof. There are only a few people who can meet him in person out of the city."

Pound and others are also very excited, but Ma Chao is still in a state of lack of interest. Pound secretly stabs him in the back.

"Meng Qi, you are about to enter the city. You can't look like this. It's not good to teach your majesty to blame."

Ma Chao woke up from his emotions.

The party soon came to the gate of the city. Sure enough, Cui Jun was waiting here with a guard of honor.

"All of you have been working hard for a long time. Your majesty wanted to meet you in person. However, the state affairs are busy, so I hope you can not blame you for sending Jun here."

Seeing that Ma Chao didn't speak, pound had to step forward to reply: "it's very kind of you, Captain Cui. Your majesty is so kind. I'm very grateful."

Cui Jun looks at Ma Chao. Seeing that he looks gloomy and angry, he goes over.

Pound poked Ma Chao again.

Cui Jun said: "this must be General Ma Teng's eldest son, Ma Chao? Your majesty knows everything about your father. Han then openly rebelled against the imperial court, took refuge in Yizhou craftsmen, and killed General Ma by despicable means. This is not only Meng Qi's personal hatred, but also the imperial court's national hatred. Sooner or later, your majesty will send troops to fight against him. Meng Qi should keep his spirits up. Otherwise, how can your majesty trust you to appoint the vanguard general to you? "

Ma Chao was listless all the way. Now Cui Jun has only a few words to cheer him up.

He looked at Cui Jun in the eyes, full of gratitude.

"Thank you very much, Captain Cui."

Cui Jun nodded with a smile: "children can be taught. Let's go. Your majesty has been waiting in the palace for a long time. We'd better enter the palace as soon as possible. "

The party came to the palace and met Liu He.

Liu He looked at Ma Chao's five men, and he was very satisfied with them.

"In those days, I and Shou Cheng met outside the Hulao pass. At that time, I secretly crossed Hangu pass with the help of Dong thieves. Only Liu Xuande, Tao gongzu, Kong Wenju and your father accompanied me. Your father is loyal to the imperial court. It can be seen from the day. It is my fault that you don't want to be harmed by Han Sui. "

Then he sighed and bowed his head in silence.

Ma Chao several people are moved by his words, sad feelings, surging to the heart.

Ma Chao knelt down directly, kowtowed and asked, "Your Majesty, Japan will send troops to exterminate Han Sui! Ma Chao is willing to be a pawn and fight for your majesty. If you don't take the head of a Korean thief, Ma Chao will not return it! "

"Your Majesty, please send troops to beg for the thief!" Ma Dai and others also knelt down.

"What are you doing? Please get up quickly." Liu Hedan sits on the throne and reaches out to help him.

Ma Chao and others couldn't get up on their knees: "please send troops to your majesty!"

Liu He shook his head: "Han Sui is a national thief. Do I have any reason not to attack? But now it's not the right time. First of all, you have to wait for your body to recover before you can fight again. Second, there is not enough grain in the Treasury. If we want to fight again, we must at least wait for the summer harvest this year before we can have enough military grain. Therefore, it is not urgent. "

"This..." Ma Chao and others also hesitated.

Cui Jun stepped forward and helped them up in person.

"The so-called sharpening knife does not miss the wood cutting workers. Han Sui is just a rat. If you want to kill him, why worry?"

At this time, Liu he said: "Ma Chao, pound, come forward and listen to the seal."

Two people smell speech, hasten forward one step.

"Ma Teng, general of Pingxi, is the pillar of the country. He has made many contributions. Now he has been harmed by anti thieves. I am deeply distressed. I hereby grant his eldest son Ma Chao the title of Marquis of langshui Pavilion. He is also conferred the title of captain of wolf riding school. When he goes on a expedition to Xiliang in the future, I will order you to be the vanguard."Ma chaogong said, "thank you very much."

"Pound, the guardian of the young Lord, is worthy of loyalty, and he is conferred the title of majestic Duwei."

Thank you

Liu He nodded: "as for the three men of Ma Dai, they are still young and will not be sealed for the time being. However, I can promise you that you three will be allowed to fight with your brother in the western expedition in the future. If you have made great contributions to return to the dynasty, there will be a reward. "

"Thank you, your majesty, Ron!"

After several thanks, Liu He waved: "I have prepared your residence in the city. You will go down to have a rest first, and later you will have a doctor to cure you."

After several salutes, Ma Chao bows and retreats.

As soon as they left, Liu He's face became cold.

"Han Sui is so bold that he thinks he is far away from the border of Xiliang. What can I do for him? How dare you rebel against the court and kill the ministers? Hum, if you don't kill him, will the imperial court sweep the floor with dignity

Cui Jun said, "I agree with your majesty. Now, among the princes in the world, the rest of them are either subject to their majesty's heavenly power and dare not make any mistakes. Only Liu Yan in Yizhou and Han Sui in Xiliang openly oppose the court and should be killed. "

"What Zhou Ping said is very true. Han Sui is now attached to Liu Yan. If he can be killed, he can deter the other princes who want to turn to the puppet court in Yizhou. Kuang Yizhou is surrounded by mountains. If you want to attack Chengdu, there are only three ways to choose. Or go south from Liangzhou to Qishan. Or go to Jingzhou on Yong, West to take Hanzhong. Or from Jiangling along the river, take Bajun. Now, Liu Biao of Jingzhou, although not necessarily from his heart, was not able to attack. Only after taking Liangzhou, and then going south to Yizhou, Han had to be destroyed. "

"Well, to be more thorough. I don't know what good strategies the three love ministers have in Xiliang? "

Liu he asked.

"Your Majesty..." Xunzi stood up and said, "I don't think it's enough to be afraid of Han Sui. Even if he swallowed up Ma Teng's followers, he would only have more than 100000 soldiers with armour under his command. What's more, Ma Teng's new troops are unstable. However, Han Sui had close contacts with many tribes of Xiqiang all the year round. If he combined with the Qiang soldiers, his strength would increase greatly. He was afraid that the battle would not be easy to win. What's more, since he has vowed to join Liu Yan, Liu Yan is afraid that he will send troops out of Sichuan to help him in order to win over the rest of the hesitant princes. In this way, this disease has become a disease of both hands and feet. "

Liu He nodded slightly: "well, Wen Ruo is right. There are less than 100000 soldiers and horses in Yizhou, and only 230000 can go out of Sichuan to assist Han Sui. The Xiqiang tribe, on the other hand, has some troubles. Both Dong Zhuo and Han Sui had contacts with many Qiang tribes in the early years. They exchanged salt, iron, grain and other goods with Qiang tribes for horses, as well as strong and powerful men to fill the army. Although the Qiang people are uncultured and uncivilized, they have many valiant people and are familiar with the terrain in all directions

"Your Majesty's warning."

Xunzi said: "this Xiqiang is not inferior to Xiongnu and Xianbei. Although the latter is also inhabited by tribes, there are still leaders who command all the departments. Although they are relatively cohesive, they are powerful. However, as long as they win the first battle, they can be pacified. There are more than 100 chieftains of qiangxi, or they are the leaders of qiangxi. In this way, although the strength is not strong, it is extremely difficult to annihilate it because it is too scattered. "

"In the past, when Emperor Xiaoxuan was in power, he once attacked one of the Xianling Qiang people for years, and eventually almost exterminated them. However, his descendants moved all over the country. When Wang Mang was in the court and there was no time for him to look after the Central Plains, they took advantage of the situation and were defeated by general Fubo Ma Yuan. However, within a few decades, its members were incorporated into other Qiang tribes, and then revived again and again. Since the reign of emperor an, it has been nearly a hundred years since the reign of emperor an, and the border has been closed repeatedly. "

"In addition to the first zero Qiang, there are also many tribes, such as shaodang Qiang, FA Qiang, Zhong Qiang, Lao Qiang, Shen Di Qiang, etc. they all fought against the Central Plains Dynasty in China and led to a crusade. However, although they were defeated repeatedly by me, they were still hard to be annihilated. Today, the tribes of the Western Qiang people are scattered in Liangzhou, among the mountains to the north of Yizhou, and the leaders of the major tribes are those who are far away from the western regions or hide in Mobei. They may not be able to know how many tribes and how many people there are. "

"Because of this, no one, except Han Sui himself, knows exactly how many tribes he has allied with, and how many troops and horses he can mobilize to help if he puts all his eggs in one basket. The unknown is the most troublesome part. "

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