Jingzhou, outside Xiangyang City, a thin man about 50 years old, in a robe, standing under a canopy, is looking into the distance.

On both sides of him and behind him, the guard of honor was regular, and the civil and military lines were very solemn.

This man is now the Lord of Jingxiang, Liu Biao, Liu Jingsheng, who is in Jingzhou.

Among the group of generals behind him, the leader, who was in his thirties, looked very dissatisfied at the moment.

After several people have been waiting for more than half an hour, the man seems to be unable to help but take a small step forward and come to Liu Biao.

"When, who will wait for the arrival of the imperial court?"

But Liu Biao looked firm: "No. Since the court has sent a letter saying that the emissary arrived early this morning, how can we leave without authorization, or do we break the rules of etiquette? "

"But it's no way to wait like this. At the end of the day, the son of heaven clearly covets the land of Jingxiang and sends envoys to occupy Jingzhou. The Lord didn't agree to order the Lord to go to Luoyang. Now he sends someone to ask for it directly. It's just too much! Why should the LORD be so polite? If you don't want to kill him. We have a million strong soldiers in Jingzhou, and we have a long river and natural moat. How can we be afraid of Liu he? "

"Shut up!" Liu Biao was furious.

"Cai Mao, if you dare to say that there is no monarch or father again, you will be punished by law, and you will not retreat!"

Cai Mao was scolded and retreated.

However, he didn't see it. At the moment when he scolded him and turned his head back again, Liu Biao's look became more and more dignified.

After a long time, a group of men and horses slowly appeared on the horizon in the distance. Liu Biao's eyes lit up, covered his eyebrows with his hands, and looked carefully at the past.

As the team got closer and closer, Liu Biao saw clearly that it was a group of cavalry, standing on both sides, escorting a luxurious vehicle, which was coming towards this side.

"Well? Isn't that a Royal Princess can use a car? Who is the princess here? No, there are only a few prefectures left in the Han Dynasty. I haven't heard of any princes staying in Luoyang. "

Just as Liu Biao was puzzled, the carriage had already moved dozens of steps in front of him. Under the reminder of a scribe nearby, Liu Biao woke up from surprise and rushed to meet him.

"Welcome to the governor of Jingzhou

"Jingsheng, I haven't seen you for many years. You really make me look at you."

Liu Biao's face changed as soon as he heard an old voice coming from the driver.

"This This is... "

A guard cavalry lifted the curtain of the driver and helped an old man out of the middle. Seeing the appearance of the man, Liu Biao was shocked and saluted in a hurry.

"Little nephew Liu Biao, I don't know if Uncle Huang is here in person. If you lose your welcome, please forgive me!"

The old man, with a kind look, got out of the carriage and helped him up.

"Ah, I don't blame those who don't know. Since you don't know it's me, you can go out of the city gate to meet you in accordance with the court's law. How can I blame you for your loyalty?"

Liu Biao took his hand and asked, "I heard that your majesty transferred uncle Huang from Youzhou to Luoyang. I thought uncle Huang could enjoy his old age and is happy for him. Now I don't know what's important. Uncle Laogong has gone to Jingzhou to come to Jingzhou in person. However, my nephew has to obey all orders. "

It turned out that the old man was no one else, but Liu Yu. Among the existing royal clans, he and Liu Yan of Yizhou have the highest rank. Although Liu Biao is only a few years younger than him, he is still a generation younger.

Liu Yu said with a smile: "Your Majesty's long grace has given us the king's chariot. On the one hand, he is very considerate to the blood relatives of the clan. On the other hand, he also thinks that I, an old man, have been separated from other brothers and nephews for many years, so let me walk around and talk about my old love. When he is old, he is so nostalgic. In his mind, he often thinks of things happened when you and I were in Luoyang several decades ago. Hehe, when he is old, he is useless after all. "

Liu Biao looked puzzled and thoughtful after hearing his seemingly casual words.

Liu Yu took him by the hand: "go, take me to the city for a turn. I will also see how Jingsheng has managed Jingzhou for the imperial court these years."

Liu Biao then reflected, a warm look: "Uncle Huang can come, it's a great honor for my nephew, please come quickly."

At the same time, Han was entertaining a distinguished guest in the residence of the governor in Chengde, Zhangye county.

Han Sui seemed very happy and repeatedly toasted the distinguished guest.

"Come on, let's have another bottle for Mr. bookkeeper."

The man in front of him, who was twenty-eight years old, was dignified and gentle. His eyes did not straddle. He toasted Han Sui, but only returned a little. After they were drunk for 30 days, Han Sui was a bit drunk, and the whole person began to tilt down. However, this man was sitting upright all the time.

The man put down the bottle and said, "General Han, the purpose of Huang must be clear. Now that the food is used and the wine is drunk, should we talk about something serious? Mr. Huang will leave for Chengdu tomorrow and tell my Lord about the situation here. It is inconvenient to delay. ""Ah Oh Good, good... "

Han Sui's three points drunk, by his some serious words, said a little more sober.

"I thank Liu..."

"Well? General Han, please respect yourself. When you mention your majesty, you should call yourself Wei Chen. " The man scolded in a somewhat displeased tone.

Han then shook his head vigorously: "Oh, yes, it is a confused family. Minister Thank you for your grace. I have long advised maten to submit to his majesty, isn't it? As soon as I was obedient, my majesty granted me the general of the East, led the state herdsmen, and mianyun the country marquis. How many years has he taken refuge in Luoyang? It's just a rank of general Pingxi and tinghou. Tut Tut, such a fool, should have died early. "

The distinguished guest frowned slightly, as if he were not pleased with Han Sui's appearance, but he did not criticize him.

"Now the general has openly become the enemy of Luoyang. In Liangzhou, the general only occupies Weiwu, Zhangye and Jiuquan. Beidi, Anding, Jincheng and other counties were still under the control of the puppet emperor Liu He. Before long, he will send troops to attack. What's the general's strategy? "

Han then heard the speech, originally raised to the mouth of the wine bottle, suddenly stopped, and then he put down the wine bottle, grinning, "hey hey".

"Liu He in Luoyang has a strong military power. If you look at the world, I'm afraid it's impossible for him to compete with him. Han has few soldiers but few generals. In Xiliang, there is not enough food and grass. How can we face such a tiger wolf division? Now I submit to the Emperor Ming and guard the border for your majesty. If you want to be so wise, you will not sit back and ignore it. "

The distinguished guest looked at Han Sui with a look of disdain. He said in his heart, "I'm a master of Confucian classics in Shuzhong. It's disgusting that I should associate with such shameless people."

He resisted his dislike and said, "the land of Xiliang is the gateway of Yizhou. Your majesty naturally attaches importance to it. His majesty sent me here to find out how many troops the general had under his command, and then he could give support against Liu He. "

Han Sui heard that there was support, and the whole person came to the spirit.

"Ha ha, your majesty is very observant. To tell you the truth, Han used to support 30000 soldiers and Ma Teng supported 40000 soldiers. Now, although I have his troops, Ma Teng's generals are very loyal to him. They would rather die than surrender. Therefore, there were only 30000 soldiers to surrender. The total number was 60000, including 15000 cavalry. But of the 60000 troops and horses, there were still more than 20000 without armor. In addition, the army's grain and forage can only support for less than two months. If you want to fight against Liu He, a certain family thinks that at least 700000 people and no less than one million stone grain and grass are needed. "

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